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 A Reaper at the Gates(99)  Abalone Diving(129)  Abolition and Slavery(139)
 Abraham Lincoln (history) (403)  Abraham Lincoln (people)(403)  Accessories(260)
 ACT test prep puzzle words(60)  Activities-Leisure(165)  ADHD(110)
 Adjectives(519)  Adjectives of emotions(252)  Adjectives of Negative Feelings(168)
 Adventures(154)  Adverbs: Moodily (Grumpy Adverbs)(33)  Adverbs: Negatively (Obnoxious Adverbs)(119)
 Adverbs: Whimsically (Silly Adverbs)(17)  Aging(148)  Agronomy(115)
 Airships(176)  Alcohol Abuse(254)  Algebra(134)
 Alligators(87)  Alzheimer's disease(342)  Amelia Earhart(129)
 America's Cup(204)  Amish(328)  Ancient History(107)
 Animal Homes and Animal Habitats(101)  Anniversary(215)  Antarctica(154)
 Antiques(176)  Apples(123)  April Fools' Day(149)
 Arabic Vocabulary Words Used in English(51)  Arbor Day(123)  Archeology(386)
 Arlington Cemetery(164)  Art(378)  Art Restoration(137)
 Art: Egyptian influences(112)  Asbestos(131)  Asian Vocabulary Words Used in English(36)
 Astronomy(348)  Asylum seekers(217)  Autism(102)
 Auto Racing(340)  Automotive Repair(198)  Autumn(139)
 Avatar(180)  Aviation and Airplanes(204)  Back To School(203)
 Badminton(247)  Ballet(202)  Bamboo(164)
 Banjo(259)  Barbecues(163)  Bartender(137)
 Baseball(396)  Basketball(317)  Bastille Day(224)
 Bats(125)  Bears(179)  Bees(191)
 Bees(191)  Benjamin Franklin (history)(166)  Benjamin Franklin (people) (167)
 Berries(136)  Bicycling(225)  Bill of Rights: U.S. Constitution(229)
 Biology(267)  Bird names(58)  Birds(136)
 Birds: collective nouns(70)  Birthdays(226)  Black Friday(85)
 Black History(218)  Bless Me, Ultima(43)  Bocce Ball(92)
 Bomb Squad(330)  Boxing(258)  Boy Scouts(92)
 Bread types and ingredients(167)  Breakfast foods:(144)  Bridge(151)
 Buildings(108)  Bull fighting and matadors(153)  Bull Riding(237)
 Bullying and Gangs(376)  Business and Career(304)  Business, Finance and Economics(571)
 Butterflies(116)  Caffeine(67)  Camping(222)
 Camps and Summer Vacation(267)  Cancer(332)  Candy Choices(49)
 Candy Corn(59)  Card Games-Poker(279)  Career, Technology Education, Life Skills(295)
 Carousels(145)  Cars(160)  Cashmere(113)
 Cats(289)  Celebration, Carnivals, Festivals(322)  Celebrations, Carnivals, Festivals(316)
 Character(236)  Character, Leadership(316)  Charities, Community Service(180)
 Chemistry(196)  Chess(141)  Chewing gum(91)
 Chickens(95)  Chinese New Year(199)  Chisholm Trail, Old West(147)
 Chocolate(260)  Chocolate and Cocoa(252)  Christmas(354)
 Christmas Scavenger Hunt(333)  Christopher Columbus, an Explorer(275)  Cicadas(98)
 Cider(47)  Cinco de Mayo(140)  Cinco de Mayo(141)
 Circus(120)  Cities and towns with Holiday names(95)  Civics, Government(239)
 Civil Disobedience(172)  Civil War(527)  Civility(56)
 Climbing Mount Denali(282)  Clocks(131)  Coal Mining(225)
 Cocaine(132)  Coffee(199)  Cognates: French words(214)
 COGNATES: Words Borrowed from French(278)  COGNATES: Words Borrowed from French(214)  COGNATES: Words Borrowed from Italian(111)
 COGNATES: Words Borrowed from Italian(102)  COGNATES: Words Borrowed from Spanish(88)  COGNATES: Words Borrowed from Spanish(61)
 Cold words(98)  Collective nouns(74)  Collective nouns: birds(70)
 Color & Communication(184)  Color & Communication(188)  Coloring(99)
 Colors(703)  Columbus Day: holiday(235)  Comedy(129)
 Common French Phrases in English(213)  Common Spanish Phrases in English(60)  Competition(294)
 Computer and Internet Terms-Technology(350)  Comstock Lode(265)  Conservation(156)
 Constitution Day(229)  Cornhole(86)  Cosmetology(377)
 Counterfeiting(207)  Cowboys(255)  Crafts(115)
 Cranberries(155)  Creativity(121)  Crime(565)
 Criminals(157)  Croissants(231)  Cross-Training(160)
 Cruises(199)  Cuba and Fidel Castro(171)  Culinary Arts(250)
 Culture(134)  Curling(274)  Cycling(308)
 Dance(229)  Dance(229)  Day of the Dead(171)
 Debate-Public Speaking(223)  December holidays(341)  Delicious adjectives(70)
 Dentistry and Dental Health(198)  Depression(220)  Descriptive adjectives(475)
 Descriptive adjectives(460)  Desk Items(48)  Detectives(524)
 Diabetes(184)  Diamonds(159)  Dinosaurs(190)
 Diplomacy(272)  Discipline(175)  Disease(109)
 Diversity(229)  Dogs(301)  Dolls(82)
 Down syndrome(115)  Dracula(141)  Dragons(251)
 Dragons and demons(251)  Dragons, dreams, daring deeds (animals)(270)  Drones(168)
 Duke of Wellington(120)  Eagles(194)  Earth Day(607)
 Earthquakes(253)  Easter (Holidays)(229)  Easter (Religion)(249)
 Ecology(405)  Egypt(129)  Election(389)
 Electricity(200)  Elephants(182)  Elvis Presley(125)
 Emancipation Proclamation(123)  Emotions, Feelings, Mood(209)  Emotions, Feelings, Mood(209)
 Engineering(157)  Entertainment, Recreation, Leisure(121)  Entrepreneurship(312)
 Eponyms(48)  Equine therapy(217)  Equinox, Eclipse & Space(215)
 ESL, LEP, ELL(347)  Espionage(268)  Ethics(347)
 Ethics(353)  Exercise(277)  Explorers(203)
 Fables(108)  Fabric and cloth types(133)  Fabrics(151)
 Facts(9)  Faith(492)  Family(312)
 Fantasy and Imagination(310)  Farming and Agriculture(198)  Fashion(441)
 Fashion and clothing(433)  Father's Day - June 18th, 2023(166)  Fears(61)
 Fears(62)  Fencing(177)  Fidel Castro(172)
 Finance(303)  Fine Arts(417)  Fire(185)
 Fire Prevention & Safety(569)  Firefighters and Safety(569)  Fireworks(190)
 First Nation(405)  Fishing(159)  Fitness(232)
 Flag Day - June 14th(191)  Flowers(142)  Flowers and their meanings(38)
 Folk Medicine(154)  Folklore(379)  Food and Beverage(457)
 Food banks(66)  Foods: Thanksgiving(81)  Football(310)
 Football(310)  Force & Gravity(134)  Forensic Anthropology(184)
 Fracking(122)  French expressions(38)  French vocabulary words used in English(246)
 Friendship(174)  Frosty the Snowman(71)  Gardening(424)
 Gardening(415)  GED test(119)  Geography(317)
 Geology(279)  Geometry(272)  George Washington(333)
 Geriatric Care(196)  German words into English(79)  Geronimo(267)
 Ghosts(83)  Giant Squid(159)  Girl Scouts(109)
 Global Warming(222)  Gold Rush-California(286)  Gold words(47)
 Golden Globe Awards(309)  Goldenseal(126)  Golf(341)
 Government(234)  Government(237)  Government-Constitution(230)
 Graduation(239)  Graduation(240)  Grammar and grammatical terms(130)
 Grandparent's Day(206)  Grandparents Day(206)  Gravity(189)
 Greek Mythologies(237)  Greek Origin Vocabulary-ESL(172)  Greek origin words(172)
 Greek Root words and meanings(79)  Greek Root words and meanings(79)  Green Conservation(406)
 Green things- Saint Patricks Day(146)  Grief, Sorrow, Funerals(243)  Groundhogs Day(131)
 Groundhogs Day(123)  Groups(178)  Groups(156)
 Gym and Exercise(118)  Gymnastics(150)  Gypsies(139)
 Hair and Beauty(365)  Halloween(266)  Halloween candy sweets(103)
 Halloween Dinner Menu(71)  Halloween Party Menu(54)  Hanukkah(125)
 Happiness(159)  Harmonica(105)  Harriet Tubman(183)
 Harvest(60)  Hawaii(179)  Hawks, Birds and Raptors(173)
 Hazing(343)  Health and Wellness(457)  Healthy Lifestyle(306)
 Heart Songs(141)  Helicopters(174)  Herb and Spices(34)
 Herb and Spices(57)  Herbs(142)  Heroin(77)
 Hiking(279)  Hobbies(110)  Hockey(246)
 Holocaust(368)  Homeland Security(224)  Homeless(340)
 Honey(92)  Horse Racing(355)  Horse Racing-Triple Crown(281)
 Horses (animals)(332)  Horses and Ranches(238)  Horticulture, Flowers, Plants(330)
 Hospice(124)  Hospitality(132)  Hot Air Balloons(189)
 Household items(127)  Household items(137)  Human trafficking(235)
 Hummingbirds(142)  Hurricane Readiness and Preparation(141)  Hurricanes(276)
 Hypertension(95)  Ice Cream, Sundaes and Desserts(183)  Ice Skating and Figure Skating(205)
 Ice Skating and Figure Skating(205)  Ice Skating and Figure Skating(205)  Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race(169)
 Immigration(186)  Inauguration(287)  Incivility(43)
 Independence Day-July 4th(308)  Industrial Arts(87)  Insects(112)
 Insects(112)  Insects (animals)(145)  Interior Design(286)
 Interjections(83)  Irish(279)  Irregular nouns in English(75)
 Irregular verbs in English(110)  Italian Word List(125)  Jazz(254)
 Jesuits(129)  Jewish Holidays(165)  Job choices(147)
 Job Skills(104)  July 4th and Fireworks(340)  Junkyards(131)
 Kayak Adventure(179)  Kindness(77)  KIngs and royals(97)
 Kite flying(230)  Kiteboarding(282)  Knights in the Middle Ages(144)
 Knitting(304)  Kon-Tiki(75)  Ku Klux Klan(225)
 Kwanzaa(124)  Labor Day(121)  Labradors(324)
 Lace(133)  Large and Little Adjectives(127)  Large and Little Synonyms (124)
 Large Words, Synonyms(59)  Latin root words(83)  Latin root words(84)
 Laundry(93)  Law Enforcement(539)  Law Enforcement and Police(463)
 Legal terms(359)  Leprosy(162)  Leprosy(125)
 Lewis and Clark, explorers(214)  Life of Pi(97)  Life of Pi(141)
 Life Skills and Career(304)  Life support(183)  Lifeguards(159)
 Lighthouses(135)  Lincoln(405)  Literary terms(288)
 Literature by Author(140)  Literature by Title(143)  Little words (80)
 Lizzie Borden(77)  Louis Armstrong(247)  Louisiana Purchase(240)
 Luxury Retail Clothing(331)  Madeleines(90)  Mainbocher(94)
 Maine(101)  Malaria(144)  Mammoths and Extinction(73)
 Mammoths and Extinction(73)  Manatees(139)  March Madness & Basketball(301)
 March Madness basketball(303)  Mardi Gras(194)  Mardi Gras(193)
 Mariachi Band(169)  Marijuana(193)  Marriage(336)
 Martin Luther King(456)  Martin Luther King, Jr.(458)  Martin Luther King, Jr.(456)
 Masada(139)  Mathematics(406)  Maverick Waves(138)
 Media Literacy(185)  Medieval History, Feudalism(165)  Meditation(92)
 Memorial Day(240)  Mental illness(119)  Military-and-Veterans(579)
 Mining(233)  Mistletoe(94)  Mistletoe(111)
 Mobiles(108)  Model T: Ford automobile(125)  Money terms commonly used(216)
 Monoliths and Easter Island(110)  Monsters and Creatures(282)  Moose(127)
 Mother's Day(213)  Mother's Day(214)  Motorcycles(315)
 Mountain Climbing, Caving, Spelunking(132)  Mountaineering, Alpinism(257)  Muffuletta(82)
 Multiple Sclerosis(102)  Music & Fine Arts(373)  Musical instruments(48)
 Mythology(237)  Native Americans(405)  Nature(195)
 Navy Seals(331)  New Years Day, Jan. 1(202)  Ninja(51)
 Ninja(58)  Novels and plays: vocabulary lists and literature activities(150)  Nutrition Month - March(166)
 Obesity(273)  Obituaries(160)  Oceans, Marine(306)
 Off-road vehicles(127)  Okefenokee Swamp(128)  Oktoberfest(126)
 Old West, Cowboys(250)  Old-Fashioned words(98)  Olives(123)
 Olympics - Summer Games(337)  Orchards(51)  Orchids(169)
 Oregon Trail(126)  Organ donation(186)  Organ pipes(84)
 Organ pipes(82)  Oscars, Film, Arts(306)  Outreach Programs(52)
 Owls(182)  Paddleboards(80)  Paleontology(131)
 Palindromes(49)  Parachutes(97)  Parades(150)
 Passover(160)  Pasta(107)  Patriotism(231)
 Paws, Claws & Scales(232)  Pearl Harbor(192)  Penguins(136)
 Percussion Instruments(96)  Philanthropy(185)  Phobias(142)
 Photography(273)  Physics (Science)(280)  Piano(364)
 Pickpockets(135)  Pilates(145)  Pilgrims(89)
 Pinball(195)  Pioneers, Explorers(384)  Pirates(416)
 Pirates, Privateers(405)  Pizza(155)  Plagiarism(129)
 Poetry(106)  Poker(326)  Poker(349)
 Police and Law Enforcement(537)  Polio(96)  Politics(402)
 Pollution(139)  Polo(278)  Pope Francis(108)
 Pope selection(170)  Positive words(120)  Presidents' Day(382)
 Prisons(225)  Prohibition(194)  Psychology(263)
 Psychology(265)  PTSD(134)  Public Speaking and Debates(243)
 Pumpkins(139)  Purim(67)  Quincinera(193)
 Quincinera(193)  Rabies(105)  Railroads and Trains(249)
 Rain Forests(392)  Rasputin(143)  Reading(71)
 Redwood and Sequoia Trees(124)  Reefs(123)  Referees(103)
 Religion, Spiritual Inspiration(554)  Resolutions-New Years(198)  Retirement(277)
 Robotics(110)  Rodeos(187)  Roller coaster(134)
 Roller Derby(154)  RootByRoot Subject Themes(85)  Royalty(158)
 Rudolph the Red-nosed reindeer(55)  Rugby (155)  Safety(463)
 Sailing(179)  Salon(113)  Samba(211)
 Santa Claus(172)  Sarah's Key(46)  SAT test prep puzzles(181)
 Sci-Fi(231)  Science(467)  Scrapyards(123)
 Sculpture(152)  Seagulls(130)  Search and Rescue(188)
 Service Learning(235)  Service Learning(270)  Sexting(174)
 Shakespeare(235)  Shuffleboard(148)  Shuffleboard(147)
 Sinkholes(77)  Skiing(326)  Skydiving(85)
 Slang words and expressions(154)  Slavery(343)  Smell(93)
 Smoke Jumpers and Fire Jumping(210)  Smorgasbord(290)  Snakes(171)
 Snowflakes(78)  Soccer(416)  Social Studies(207)
 Sock Monkeys(114)  Soldiers and Military(578)  Sommelier(295)
 Sound and Noise(1357)  Space and Solar System(356)  Spanish Vocabulary Words Used in English(220)
 Special Olympics(110)  Spelunking and Caving(128)  Spiders(75)
 Spies(385)  Spiritual inspiration(203)  Sports(140)
 Sports -Types(153)  Sports Loss(72)  Spring Break(152)
 Squash(148)  Squirrels(108)  St. Patrick's Day(231)
 Stamp collecting(180)  Statesmen, stateswomen(235)  Stock Market(230)
 Stock Market Game(230)  Stone Age: Paleontology(326)  Stonehenge(124)
 Suffix ism(123)  Suicide(149)  Summer fun!(374)
 Superstitions(91)  Surfing(259)  Swordfish(95)
 Sympathy and Grief(270)  Synonyms for Dislike(102)  Taekwondo(165)
 Tailgates(130)  Taste(73)  Tattoos(96)
 Tea(134)  Tea(133)  Technology Terms(320)
 Teen angst(162)  Tennessee Academic Vocabulary - 6th Grade Language Arts(28)  Tennessee Academic Vocabulary - 6th Grade Math(34)
 Tennessee Academic Vocabulary - 6th Grade Science(28)  Tennessee Academic Vocabulary - 6th Grade Social Studies(33)  Tennessee Academic Vocabulary - 7th Grade Language Arts(32)
 Tennessee Academic Vocabulary - 7th Grade Math(26)  Tennessee Academic Vocabulary - 7th Grade Science(30)  Tennessee Academic Vocabulary - 7th Grade Social Studies(33)
 Tennessee Academic Vocabulary - 8th Grade Language Arts(29)  Tennessee Academic Vocabulary - 8th Grade Math(27)  Tennessee Academic Vocabulary - 8th Grade Science(30)
 Tennessee Academic Vocabulary - 8th Grade Social Studies(30)  Tennis(333)  Terrorism(558)
 Terrorists(119)  Texas History(315)  Thanksgiving(255)
 The Scarlet Letter(66)  Theater and Drama(283)  Tortoise, turtle and loggerhead(161)
 Tour de France(291)  Toys(62)  Track and Field(127)
 Trains and Railroad(265)  Transportation and Other Vehicles:(214)  Travel and Leisure(363)
 Triathlons(187)  Trite expressions(157)  Tsunami(109)
 Tuberculosis(183)  Turkeys(151)  Tuskegee Airmen(104)
 Types of Sports(98)  Typewriters(112)  Typhoid Fever(123)
 Umpires(232)  Underground Railroad(167)  Unicorns(92)
 US Army(229)  Vacations(592)  Valentine's Day(161)
 Valentine's Day - Elementary words(109)  Valentine's Day Feb. 14th(161)  Vampires(289)
 Vegetables(121)  Veterans Day(327)  Veterinarian(216)
 Vikings(161)  Villains(166)  Violence(472)
 Virus(198)  Vitamins(107)  Vocabulary words of Greek origin(171)
 Vocational and Technical Education(362)  Vocational Education - Cosmetology(348)  Vocational Education-Crafts(90)
 Volcanoes(102)  Volleyball(314)  Volunteering(126)
 Voting(375)  War(579)  Watches(228)
 Weapons(73)  Weather(313)  Weddings and Love(322)
 Weddings and Marriage(346)  Weights and Measures(396)  Wellness(303)
 Werewolves(131)  Western Rodeos(145)  Whales(241)
 White and blue-collar careers or jobs(84)  White-water rafting(171)  Wild West and Cowboys(248)
 Wineries and Vintners(266)  Winter(171)  Winter Olympic Sports(317)
 Winter Sports(309)  Winter weatherization(50)  Witches(157)
 Witches(142)  Witness Protection(216)  Wizards(235)
 Wolves(131)  Women's History Month(308)  Words from German(84)
 Words from Japanese(29)  Words from Old English(85)  World Series(316)
 World War One(499)  Wrestling(86)  Wright Brothers(145)
 Yawning(90)  Yellowstone National Park(158)  Zeppelin(142)
 Ziplining(130)  Zombies(185)