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Christmas Scavenger Hunt Vocabulary Word List (333)

A)Adeste Fideles, Advent, Angel, Appreciation, Aroma, Artificial tree, Assemble, Awe
B)Baking, Balsam, Beauty, Bells, Belonging, Bethlehem, Birth, Blessings, Blitzen, Boughs, Bows, Boxing Day, Buche de Noel
C)Camels, Candles, Candy canes, Cards, Caring, Caroler, Carols, Carve, Catalyst, Celebrate, Celebration, Ceremony, Charity, Chimney, Chocolate, Christian, Christmas, Christmas cookies, Christmas Eve, Christmas past/future, Church, Cloves, Coal, Comet, Comfort, Community, Companionship, Cornucopia, Cranberries, Creche, Crowds
D)Dancer, Dancing, Dasher, December, Decoration(s), Dolls, Donations, Donner, Dreidel
E)Ebenezer Scrooge, Efforts, Eggnog, Elves, Embrace, Emmanuel, Entertain, Entertainment, Epiphany, Eve, Evergreens, Exchange, Expectations
F)Faith, Familiar, Family, Father Christmas, Feast, Fervor, Festival, Festive, Fireplace, Flat bread, Forgiveness, Frankincense, Freedom, Friends, Friendship, Frosty the Snowman, Fruitcake
G)Garland, Gather(ings), Generations, Ghost of Christmas past, Gifts, Gingerbread, Gold, Goodwill, Goose, Gourmet, Grace, Gratitude, Gravy, Greens, Greetings, Grinch, Groups, Guests
H)Ham, Hanukkah, Hard sauce, Harvest, Heart, Heartland, Heavenly, Heritage, Holding hands, Holiday, Holly, Holy, Home, Homeward, Hope, Host, Hugs, Humility, Hymns
I)Icicles, Illumination, Infant, Inn, Innocence, Invitations, Ivy
J)Jack Frost, Jack-in-the-box, Jesus Christ, Jingle bells, Jolly, Journey, Joy, Joyful
K)Karamu, Kibbe (Lebanese dish of cracked wheat, Kinara, King Wenceslas, Kisses, Kris Kringle, Kwanzaa
L)Laughter, Lighting, Lights, Lists, Little Drummer Boy, Love
M)Magi, Mail, Majesty, Manger, Meat and spices, Memories, Menorah, Merry, Midnight, Mincemeat, Minister, Miracle, Miraculous, Mistletoe, Mittens, Mosque, Mrs. Claus (Jessica), Music, Music box, Myrrh, Myths
N)Nativity, Network, Nocturnal, Noel, North Pole, Nostalgia, Nutcrackers, Nutmeg, Nuts
O)Observance, Occasion, Ornament, Oven
P)Packages, Pageant, Pageantry, Parade, Partridge, Party, Patriotism, Peace, Pies, Pixie, Plum pudding, Poinsettia, Popcorn string, Prancer, Prayer, Presents, Pride, Priest, Priorities, Proclaim, Program, Pumpkin pie, Punch, Purity
Q)Quality, Quantity, Query, Quest, Quince pie
R)Rabbi, Ramadan, Reconciliation, Reflection, Refuge, Reindeer, Rejoice, Relationship(s), Relatives, Religion, Religious, Reminiscence, Resolutions, Reunions, Reverence, Ribbons, Ritual, Rooftop, Roots, Rudolph
S)Sack, Sacred, Saint Nicholas, Sanctuary, Santa Claus, Sauce, Savior, Scents, Scrooge, Scrumptious, Season, Secular, Sharing, Shepherd, Shopping, Silver bells, Sled, Sleigh, Sleigh bells, Snow, Snowman, Songs, Spices, Spirit, Stable, Stand, Star, Star of David, Stocking stuffer, Stockings, Stress, Stuffing, Sugar plums, Sundown, Sustenance, Symbol(ism), Synagogue
T)Teddy bear, Temple, Tenderness, Thankful, Thanks, The Nutcracker Ballet, Three Kings Day, Tidings, Tinkling, Tinsel, Tiny Tim, Toboggan, Toys, Tradition(s), Train, Tranquility, Travel, Tree, Trimmings, Trips, Trust, Tug, Turkey, Twinkling, Typical
U)Understanding, Unify, Unique, Universal, Unwrap
V)Vacation, Vacations, Values, Vanilla, Vixen, Volunteer(s)
W)Walnuts, Wassail, Wenceslas, Whimsy, Winter, Wise Men, Wishes, Wonder, Wonderland, Workshop, Worship, Worshiper, Wrapping, Wreath
Y)Yorkshire pudding, Youth, Yule log, Yuletide
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Please send other Christmas Scavenger Hunt ideas to

Christmas Scavenger Hunt
1. Locate a photo of something you would like to GIVE for the holidays
2. Name a place, city or country you'd really like to visit during a vacation
3. Name two giftsyou'd really like to give/receive
4. Give a word/phrase/expression that is typical of this season
5. Clip ads for items suggestive of the holidays
6. Find a picture that reminds you of winter months
7. List foods you enjoy eating during the holidays
8. What sporting event(s) happen during the winter months? When/where can you watch it or do you participate in it?
9. Give the horoscope for a person born December 25
10. Give examples of words or expressions Santa might say
11. What traditions do your family share during the holidays?
12. Is there a comic strip/ book or adventure specifically about Christmas that you enjoy?
13. Name a place where there is little sadness or joy this holiday season
14. Suggest food for a holiday meal/ dinner
15. Collect pictures of a star, Christmas tree, a Menorah, Santa, a Creche or other holiday symbols
16. Share the name of a person who has not been good (has been naughty) this year
17. Tell a story from another country where Christmas is celebrated
18. Find a holiday story or photo that is NOT about Christmas
19. Locate a story or an article about someone or groups of people who help others
20. Give names of people who earned recognition for being "nice" all year?
21. Share a story from another country where Christmas, Ramadan, Hanukkah or other holidays are celebrated,
22. Name an entertaining event, performance or spectacle you would like to attend during the holiday season
23. Do you know someone who is less fortunate than you are? How could you help him/her/them?
24. How might someone born on Dec. 25 celebrate a birthday?
Thanks to MT in Burlington, NC.
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