VOCABULARY FOCUS in Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts is "All About Vocabulary."
Understand our approach and see how Myvocabulary.com is aligned below.
MyVocabulary.com Common Core Standards alignment PDF
or www.myvocabulary.com/Images/CommonCoreMyvocabulary.pdf
MyVocabulary.com interactive puzzles are aligned with Common Core State Standards.
We have uncovered a list of CCSS
Key Words or Phrases that will guide one to the specific Common Core strands and the compliant activities at MyVocabulary.com.
These "Key Words or Phrases" are:
Grade Level, Context, Greek & Latin Affixes and Roots, Precise Meaning, Synonyms and Antonyms, Particular Topic, Spell Correctly, Decoding and Word Analysis Skills, Grade-Relevant Text or Subject Area.
List of Key Common Core Phases:
Key phase: GRADE LEVEL
CCSS Alignment Strand Numbers for Specific Grades:
2.4, 3.4, 4.4, 5.4, 6.4, 7.4, 8.4, 9-10.4, 11-12.4
Key phase: CONTEXT
CCSS Alignment Strand Numbers for Specific Grades:
2.4a, 3.4a, 4.4a, 5.4a, 6.4a, 7.4a, 8.4a, 9-10.4a, 11-12.4a
CCSS Alignment Strand Numbers for Specific Grades:
2.4b+c, 3.4b+c, 4.4b, 5.b, 6.4b, 7.4b, 8.4b, 9-10.4b, 11-12.4b
CCSS Alignment Strand Numbers for Specific Grades:
2.4e, 3.4d, 4.4c, 5.4c, 6.4c, 7.4c, 8.4c, 9-10.4c, 11-12.4c
CCSS Alignment Strand Numbers for Specific Grades:
2.5, 3.5+c, 4.5c, 5.5c, 6.5c, 7.5b+c, 8.5b+c, 9-10.5+5b, 11-12.5+5b
CCSS Alignment Strand Numbers for Specific Grades:
4.6. 5.6, 6.6, 7.6, 8.6, 9-10.6, 11-12.6
CCSS Alignment Strand Numbers for Specific Grades:
L.2.2d+e, L.3.2e+f, L.4.2d, L.5.2d, L.6.2b, L.7.2b, L.8.2c, L.9-10.2c, L.11-12.2b
CCSS Alignment Strand Numbers for Specific Grades:
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.1.3e, RF.2.3+d, RF.3.3+a+b+c, RF.4.3. RF.5.3
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.2.4, RI.3.4, RI.4.4. RI.5.4, RI.6.4, RI.7.4, RI.8.4, RI.9-10.4, RI.11-12.4
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.2.4, RL.3.4, RL.4.4. RL.5.4, RL.6.4, RL.7.4, RL.8.4, RL.9-10.4, RL.11-12.4
VOCABULARY FOCUS in Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
See where Myvocabulary.com activities are specifically aligned below.
VOCABULARY emphasis in a CCSS Alignment Strand for all grades:
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.2.4, 3.4, 4.4, 5.4, 6.4, 7.4, 8.4, 9-10.4, 11-12.4
Elementary CCSS.ELA-Literacy.2.4, 3.4, 4.4, 5.4
Middle School CCSS.ELA-Literacy.6.4, 7.4, 8.4
High School CCSS.ELA-Literacy.9-10.4, 11-12.4
Key phrase:
"Grade Level" ---- Language-Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
"Determine or clarify meaning of unknown words based on
GRADE LEVEL reading and content"
Myvocabulary.com puzzle alignment for
"Grade Level":
1 -
Root Word Lesson Plans
All Root Word Lesson Plans - Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced
2 -
Interactive Puzzle example
Word Root #1 - Beginner puzzle, roots DICT-VENT-DUCT
3 -
Reading Passage example
Word Root #1 - Beginner: Reading Passage, roots DICT-VENT-DUCT
CCSS Alignment Strand Numbers for Specific Grades:
2.4, 3.4, 4.4, 5.4, 6.4, 7.4, 8.4, 9-10.4, 11-12.4
VOCABULARY emphasis in a CCSS Alignment Strand for all grades:
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.2.4a, 3.4a, 4.4a, 5.4a, 6.4a, 7.4a, 8.4a, 9-10.4a, 11-12.4a
Elementary CCSS.ELA-Literacy.2.4a, 3.4a, 4.4a, 5.4a
Middle School CCSS.ELA-Literacy.6.4a, 7.4a, 8.4a
High School CCSS.ELA-Literacy.9-10.4a, 11-12.4a
Key phrase:
"Context" ---- Language-Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
CONTEXT as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase"
Myvocabulary.com puzzle alignment for
1 -
Word Root #2 - Beginner: Fill-in-Blanks, roots FIN-SID-FER
2 -
Reading Passage example
Word Root #2 - Beginner: Reading Passage, roots FIN-SID-FER
3 -
True or False example
Word Root #2 - Beginner: True or False, roots FIN-SID-FER
CCSS Alignment Strand Numbers for Specific Grades:
2.4a, 3.4a, 4.4a, 5.4a, 6.4a, 7.4a, 8.4a, 9-10.4a, 11-12.4a
VOCABULARY emphasis in a CCSS Alignment Strand for all grades:
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.2.4b+c, 3.4b+c, 4.4b, 5.b, 6.4b, 7.4b, 8.4b, 9-10.4b, 11-12.4b
Elementary CCSS.ELA-Literacy.2.4b+c, 3.4b+c, 4.4b, 5.b
Middle School CCSS.ELA-Literacy.6.4b, 7.4b, 8.4b
High School CCSS.ELA-Literacy.9-9-10.4b, 11-12.4b
Key phrase:
"Greek and Latin affixes and roots" ---- Language-Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
"Use common, grade-appropriate
GREEK & LATIN AFFIXES and ROOTS as clues to the meaning of words"
Myvocabulary.com puzzle alignment for
"Greek and Latin affixes and roots":
1 -
Root Word Lesson Plans
All Root Word Lesson Plans - Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced
2 -
Interactive Puzzle example
Word Root #7 - Beginner puzzle, roots SPECT-STA-VERT
3 -
Root-a-Week Lesson Plan example
Root-a-Week - Latin word root MISS-MITT meaning "send"
4 -
Prefix and Suffix Lesson Plan example
Prefix activities for ab -ad - be - com - de - dis - en - ex - in - pre - pro - re - sub - un
CCSS Alignment Strand Numbers for Specific Grades:
2.4b+c, 3.4b+c, 4.4b, 5.b, 6.4b, 7.4b, 8.4b, 9-10.4b, 11-12.4b
VOCABULARY emphasis in a CCSS Alignment Strand for all grades:
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.2.4e, 3.4d, 4.4c, 5.4c, 6.4c, 7.4c, 8.4c, 9-10.4c, 11-12.4c
Elementary CCSS.ELA-Literacy.2.4e, 3.4d, 4.4c, 5.4c
Middle School CCSS.ELA-Literacy.6.4c, 7.4c, 8.4c
High School CCSS.ELA-Literacy.9-10.4c, 11-12.4c
Key phrase:
"Precise Meaning" ---- Language-Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
"Consult reference materials to determine or clarify the
PRECISE MEANING of key words"
Myvocabulary.com puzzle alignment for
"Precise Meaning":
1 -
Definition Match example
Word Root #3 - Beginner: Definition Match, roots CERN-JUR-LEG
2 -
Crossword Puzzle example
Word Root #3 - Beginner: Crossword, roots CERN-JUR-LEG
3 -
True or False example
Word Root #3 - Beginner: True or False, roots CERN-JUR-LEG
CCSS Alignment Strand Numbers for Specific Grades:
2.4e, 3.4d, 4.4c, 5.4c, 6.4c, 7.4c, 8.4c, 9-10.4c, 11-12.4c
VOCABULARY emphasis in a CCSS Alignment Strand for all grades:
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.2.5, 3.5+c, 4.5c, 5.5c, 6.5c, 7.5b+c, 8.5b+c, 9-10.5+5b, 11-12.5+5b
Elementary CCSS.ELA-Literacy.2.5, 3.5+c, 4.5c, 5.5c
Middle School CCSS.ELA-Literacy.6.5c, 7.5b+c, 8.5b+c
High School CCSS.ELA-Literacy.9-10.5+5b, 11-12.5+5b
Key phrase:
"Synonyms & Antonyms" ---- Language-Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
"Demonstrate understanding of words by relating them to their
SYNONYMS and ANTONYMS and the nuances in word meanings"
Myvocabulary.com puzzle alignment for
"Synonyms & Antonyms":
1 -
Synonym and Antonym Puzzle example
Word Root #4 - Beginner: Synonyms & Antonyms, roots GRAD-MOT-CAD
2 -
True or False example
Word Root #4 - Beginner: True or False, roots GRAD-MOT-CAD
3 -
Definition Match example
Word Root #4 - Beginner: Definition Match, roots GRAD-MOT-CAD
CCSS Alignment Strand Numbers for Specific Grades:
2.5, 3.5+c, 4.5c, 5.5c, 6.5c, 7.5b+c, 8.5b+c, 9-10.5+5b, 11-12.5+5b
VOCABULARY emphasis in a CCSS Alignment Strand for all grades:
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.4.6. 5.6, 6.6, 7.6, 8.6, 9-10.6, 11-12.6
Elementary CCSS.ELA-Literacy.4.6. 5.6
Middle School CCSS.ELA-Literacy.6.6, 7.6, 8.6
High School CCSS.ELA-Literacy.9-10.6, 11-12.6
Key phrase:
"Particular Topic" ---- Language-Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
"Acquire and use general academic and domain-specific words that are basic to a
PARTICULAR TOPIC; demonstrate independence in gathering vocabulary knowledge"
Myvocabulary.com puzzle alignment for
"Particular Topic":
1 -
525 Word Lists both alphabetically and in 16 categories
525 Separate Word Lists for All Grades
2 -
88 Subject and Calendar Word Puzzles across 9 academic categories
88 Subject Vocabulary Word Puzzles for All Grades
3 -
Test Prep Vocabulary
SAT & ACT Test Prep - 252 words in 60 interactive puzzles
CCSS Alignment Strand Numbers for Specific Grades:
4.6. 5.6, 6.6, 7.6, 8.6, 9-10.6, 11-12.6
VOCABULARY emphasis in a CCSS Alignment Strand for all grades:
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.2.2d+e, L.3.2e+f, L.4.2d, L.5.2d, L.6.2b, L.7.2b, L.8.2c, L.9-10.2c, L.11-12.2b
Elementary CCSS.ELA-Literacy.2.2d+e, L.3.2e+f, L.4.2d, L.5.2d
Middle School CCSS.ELA-Literacy.Literacy.6.2b, L.7.2b, L.8.2c
High School CCSS.ELA-Literacy.9-10.2c, L.11-12.2b
Key phrase:
"Spell Correctly" ---- Language-Conventions of Standard English
SPELL grade-appropriate words
CORRECTLY, consulting references as needed"
Myvocabulary.com puzzle alignment for
"Spell Correctly":
1 -
Word Search and Word Find example
Word Root #5 - Beginner Word Search, roots NAT-TRACT-SEQU
2 -
Crossword Puzzle example
Word Root #5 - Beginner Crossword, roots NAT-TRACT-SEQU
3 -
Interactive Puzzle example
Word Root #5 - Beginner puzzle
CCSS Alignment Strand Numbers for Specific Grades:
L.2.2d+e, L.3.2e+f, L.4.2d, L.5.2d, L.6.2b, L.7.2b, L.8.2c, L.9-10.2c, L.11-12.2b
VOCABULARY emphasis in a CCSS Alignment Strand for all grades:
CCSS.ELA-Reading: Foundational(RF) Skills-Phonics and Word Recognition
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.1.3e, RF.2.3+d, RF.3.3+a+b+c, RF.4.3, RF.5.3
Grade 1
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.1.3e --
Decode two-syllable words following basic patterns by breaking the words into syllables.
Grade 2
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.2.3d --
Decode words with common prefixes and suffixes.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.2.3 -- Know and apply
word analysis skills in decoding words.
Grade 3
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.3.3 Know and apply grade-level phonics and
word analysis skills in decoding words.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.3.3a Identify and know the meaning of the most common
prefixes and derivational suffixes.
Decode words with common Latin suffixes.
Grade 4 and
Grade 5
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.4.3 and RF.5.3 Know and apply grade-level phonics and
word analysis skills in decoding words and combine
morphology (e.g., roots and affixes)
Key phrase:
DECODING and WORD ANALYSIS SKILLS ---- Language-Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
Myvocabulary.com puzzle alignment for
"word analysis skills in decoding words":
1 -
Prefix Study Lesson Plan example
Prefix activities for ab -ad - be - com - de - dis - en - ex - in - pre - pro - re - sub - un
2 -
Suffix Lesson Plan example
Suffix puzzle activities for ABLE-ANCE-ARIUM-LOGY
3 -
525 Word Lists both alphabetically and in 16 categories
525 Separate Word Lists for All Grades
4 -
Interactive Puzzle example
Word Root #1 - Beginner puzzle, roots DICT-VENT-DUCT
CCSS Alignment Strand Numbers for Specific Grades:
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.1.3e, RF.2.3+d, RF.3.3+a+b+c, RF.4.3. RF.5.3
VOCABULARY emphasis in a CCSS Alignment Strand for all grades:
Reading: Informational Text(RI)-Craft and Structure
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.2.4, RI.3.4, RI.4.4. RI.5.4, RI.6.4, RI.7.4, RI.8.4, RI.9-10.4, RI.11-12.4
Reading: Literature(RL)-Craft and Structure
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.2.4, RL.3.4, RL.4.4. RL.5.4, RL.6.4, RL.7.4, RL.8.4, RL.9-10.4, RL.11-12.4
Key Phrase:
"GRADE-RELEVANT TEXT or SUBJECT AREA" ---- Reading:Informational Text and Literature
Up to Grade 5 = "Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words or phrases in a
text relevant to a specific [Italics: grade topic or subject area.]"
Grade 6-12 = "Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are
used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings;
analyze a specific word choice impact on meaning and tone."
Myvocabulary.com puzzle alignment for
"word meaning in grade relevant text or subject":
1 -
88 Subject and Calendar Word Puzzles across 9 academic categories
88 Subject Vocabulary Word Puzzles for All Grades
2 -
155 Books, Novels & Plays by Title
Vocabulary for 155 Books and Plays by Title
3 -
155 Books, Novels & Plays by Author
Vocabulary for 155 Books and Plays by Author
4 -
525 Word Lists both alphabetically and in 16 categories
525 Separate Word Lists for All Grades
CCSS Alignment Strand Numbers for Specific Grades:
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.2.4, RI.3.4, RI.4.4. RI.5.4, RI.6.4, RI.7.4, RI.8.4, RI.9-10.4, RI.11-12.4
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.2.4, RL.3.4, RL.4.4. RL.5.4, RL.6.4, RL.7.4, RL.8.4, RL.9-10.4, RL.11-12.4
MyVocabulary.com interactive puzzles are aligned with Common Core State Standards.
MyVocabulary.com Common Core Standards alignment PDF
Visit CCSS using this: http://www.corestandards.org/ELA-Literacy
Link to the ELA Common Core Standards website
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