Camping Vocabulary Word List (222)
A) | Activities, Adapt, Alert, Animals, Anxiety, Associate, Astonish, Attend, August, Austere |
B) | Backpack, Bait, Bear-box, Bike, Binoculars, Blanket, Boots, Break, Brothers, Budget, Bug spray, Bugs |
C) | Campfire, Campsite, Candle, Canoe, Canteen, Chair, Children, Choices, Chores, Communicate, Companionship, Compass, Cot, Countryside |
D) | Day trips, Departure, Different, Direction, Discovery, Dislike, Dried food, Dwell |
E) | Emphasize, Endurance, Endure, Equipment, Examine, Exercise, Expectation, Expense, Experience |
F) | Families, Fees, Fishing, Fishing rod, Flashlight, Flies, Food, Friends, Friendship, Fun |
G) | Gab, Games, Gather, Gear, Geography, Ghastly, Glad, Go, Good, Goof-off, Gorgeous, GPS, Grass, Great, Gripes, Gross, Groups, Growth, Guide |
H) | Half-day, Happy, Hat, Heat, Hike, Humidity, Hummock, Humor |
I) | Impressions, Influences, Insects, Interest |
K) | Keen, Keep, Kids, Kindling, Kits, Knapsack, Knife, Knowledge |
L) | Lantern, Lantern, Last, Laughter, Leader, Learning, Lighter, Like, Locate, Location, Long-lasting |
M) | Map, Marshmallows, Matches, Mess kit, Mountains |
O) | Open air, Open minded, Options, Organize, Orientation, Outdoors, Outside, Overnights, Oversight |
P) | Pace, Parent, Peace, Plane, Planning, Playing |
Q) | Qualms, Quantity, Quest, Questions, Quiet |
R) | Radio, Rain, Ranger, Regulations, Remote, Research, Resting, Return, Revelation, Rope, Route, Routine, Rules |
S) | Safety, Sailing, Scheduled, Scholarships, Search, Secrets, Send, Senior, Sent, Separation, Sharing, Similar, Sisters, Site, Sleeping bags, Sports, Stamina, Stars, Stay, Stories, Stove, Summer, Summertime, Sunglasses, Sunrise, Sunscreen, Sunset, Sunshine, Supplies, Swap, Swimming |
T) | Talking, Teaching, Tents, Terrain, Time, Timing, Tired, Together, Trail, Trek |
U) | Unequal, Unfortunate, Unique, Unity, Unusual, Using |
W) | Walking, Water, Weather, Week-long, Weekend, When, Where, Whine, Wilderness, Wildlife, Woods, Worry |
Y) | Yearly, Youngster, Youth | |
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