Tennessee Academic Vocabulary - 8th Grade Language Arts Vocabulary Word List (29)
A) | Allusion (define concept with simple illustrations), Antecedent* (pronoun/antecedent agreement) |
C) | Clincher sentence, Coherent order, Composition structure (structural patterns in composition), Cross-reference |
D) | Debate, Derivation, Dramatization |
E) | Elaboration (supportive details) |
F) | Facilitator (role identification/groups) |
G) | Gerund and gerund phrase |
I) | Infer from unstated assumptions |
L) | Logic (inductive/deductive reasoning) |
O) | Oral language techniques (inflection enunciation rate and pitch) |
P) | Participial phrase and participles, Persuasive writing techniques, Preface |
S) | Sensory detail, Shades of meaning, Synthesize/analyze |
T) | Tension, Thesis statement | |
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