Witches Vocabulary Word List (142)
A) | Afraid, Altar, Anti-Christian, Association, Assumption, Athame |
B) | Bad luck, Believer, Beltane, Bewitch, Black, Black cat, Brew, Broom |
C) | Candlemas, Cauldron, Caution, Celtic, Chalice, Circle, Cloak, Cone of power, Coven, Crystals |
D) | Damage, Daring, Dark, Deed, Demon, Devil, Devil marks, Different, Divination, Doom, Dragons |
F) | Faery, Familiar, Fear, Formula |
G) | Goat’s face, Goddess, Gossip |
H) | Halloween, Harm, Helper, Herbs, Hover, Hysteria |
I) | Incantation, Incense, Initiation, Innuendo, Invisible, Isolated |
K) | Keen, Kettle, Knowledge |
L) | Lamentation, Lammas, Life, Location, Locks, Lughnassad |
M) | Mabon, Magic, Magical, Meetings, Misfortune, Misinformation, Misunderstandings, Monster, Moon, Mystery |
P) | Pagan, Pendulum, Pentacle, Persecution, Potion, Power, Practice, Property |
Q) | Quake, Quantity, Quick, Quiver |
R) | Recitation, Religion, Rite, Ritual, Robes, Rumor |
S) | Sabbat, Sabbath, Sacrifice, Samhain, Satan, Scary, Sell, Sensitivity, Shamanism, Solstice, Sorcerer, Soul, Spell, Spells, Spirit, Spirits, Stereotyping, Stories, Suffering, Summon, Supernatural, Superstition, Suspect, Suspicion |
T) | Tarot, Thirteen, Torture |
U) | Uneasy, Unnatural, Unusual |
V) | Variety, Various, Victim, Voodoo |
W) | Wand, Warlock, Wicca, Witch, Witches’ Sabbath, Worrisome, Worship | |
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Names of some well-known witches: Circe = featured in Homer’s Odyssey, Medea = helped Jason get the Golden Fleece, Joan of Arc = French citizen burned at the stake
Examples of tests to see if a woman was a witch: birthmarks, moles, scars and unusual markings
Note: Some words and information adapted from the Book of Shadows from Dennyse Dias
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