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Snakes Vocabulary Word List (171)

A)Acid, Alert, Allergy, Animal, Anti-venom, Antiseptic, Antivenin, Appearance, Aquatic, Arboreal, Attentive
B)Backbone, Backbone, Ball, Bite, Body, Brackish
C)Carelessness, Caudal scales, Caution, Chock, Classification, Climbing, Coil, Color, Consequences, Constrict, Creeping, Creepy
D)Dangerous, Dank, Dark, Deadly, Death, Desert, Discoloration, Diurnal, Dwell
E)Ecotherm, Eggs, Eject, Elapids, Elongated, Endotherm, Enemy, Envenomation, Enzymes, Eyelids
F)Facial pits, Faint, Fangs, Fear, First aid, Fish and Game Commission, Flexibility, Forage, Forest, Forked, Fresh water, Frightening
G)Gangrene, Glands, Glands
H)Habitat, Harmless, Hatching, Heat, Hemotoxin, Herpetologist, Hibernation, Hidden, Hospitalization
I)Identification, Immediate, Inactivity, Infection, Inflict
L)Legless, Length, Lessons, Lethal, Lip plates, Living, Locomotion
M)Marsh, Molting, Motionless, Movable, Movement, Muscles
N)Neurotoxin, Nocturnal, Nonpoisonous
O)Ocean, Organs, Oviparous, Ovoviviparous
P)Paralysis, Pet, Pigment, Plates, Poison, Poisonous, Pond, Population, Precautions, Prey, Propel, Pugnacious, Puncture, Pupil
R)Rare, Rattle, Reaction, Recovery, Regional, Reptile, Respiration, Ribs, Rodent
S)Saliva, Salt marsh, Scales, Scaly-skinned, Scary, Scutes, Secrete, Serum, Shedding, Size, Smell, Snake, Soil, Species, Specimen, Speed, Sting, Stout, Strange, Streams, Structure, Substance, Succumb, Suffocate, Sun, Swamp, Swelling
T)Terrestrial, Tissue, Tongue, Tongue, Treatment, Trees, Tropics, Type
U)Underbody, Undulation
V)Venom, Venomous, Vent, Ventrals, Vibration, Viper, Vision, Vomit
W)Warmblooded, Wave-like motion, Woods, Wound

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Birds (136)
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Dogs (301)
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Eagles (144)
Insects (145)
Labradors (324)
Mammoths and extinction (73)
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Raptors & hawks (173)
Snakes (171) - you are here
Tortoises & turtles (161)
Whales (231)

Links below will take you to themed puzzles with vocabulary activities specifically related to 5 different animal-types and their environments.
Biology and Insects vocabulary puzzles
Monsters & Scary Creatures vocabulary puzzles
Oceans vocabulary puzzles
Tropical Rain Forests vocabulary puzzles
48 Mythology words in interactive puzzles
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Visit related thematic puzzles:
Earth Day
Poisonous snakes word list
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Non poisonous snakes word list
Blue Racers, Brown watersnake, Eastern Garter Snake, Eastern Hognose snake, etc.

Snakes Lesson Plan and discussion questions:
1. Name eight classifications of snakes. Describe them and give examples of each.
2. How is it possible for snakes to survive without eating for long periods of time?
3. What purposes dosnake serve? Why are they important to the environment?
4. Snakes move in different ways. Discuss their patterns and draw examples.
5. Name some ways that humans can protect themselves against snake bites. How do snakes protect themselves offers more than 405 word lists. To see more Animal, Bird or Insect word lists, please go to the home page for word games, interactive worksheets, word puzzles and themed content. 2500 pages of free content at are available only online. There are no fees.