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Back To School Vocabulary Word List (203)

A)Academic, Activity, Adults, After school, Answers, Anxiety, Art, Assembly, Assignments, Attire, Auditorium, Awards
B)Back-to-school, Backpack, Ballpoint, Band, Baseball, Basketball, Bikes, Birthdays, Bookmarks, Books, Boosters, Boys, Bulletin board, Bus
C)Calendar, Change, Charter, Charts, Cheering, Chinese, Choices, Classes, Cleats, Clique, Clothing, Clubs, Colds, College, Columbus Day, Community college, Competition, Computers, Confrontation, Counselor, Cubby-hole
D)December, Desk, Detention, Dictionary, Directory, Doctor, Drama, Dress code
E)Editing, Education, Elementary, English, Eraser, Events, Excel, Excellence
F)Fail, Fall, Fear, Felt tip pen, Females, Field hockey, First day, Flash drive, Flashcards, Flu, Flunk, Food, Football, Foreign Language, French, Friends
G)Games, Gap, German, Girls, Goals, Grades, Grammar, Graph paper, Grounds, Group, Guidance, Gym
H)Habits, Halloween, Health, Help assistance, Highlighters, History, Homework
I)Individuals, Influenza, Injection, Ink, Instruct
J)Janitor, Junior high
L)Language Arts, Late, Latin, Learning, Leaves, Library, Literature, Location, Locker
M)Males, Map, Markers, Math, Meaning, Meetings, Memorization, Messy, Middle, Multi-purpose room
N)Names, New, Novel, November, Numbers, Nurse
O)Objectives, Observe, October, On time, Open house, Organization, Outside
P)Paper, Paper clip, Paper punch, Parochial, Pencil, Pens, Performance, Phones, Planning, Play, Playground, Principal, Private, Public
Q)Quarterback, Quizzes
R)Readiness, Reading, Records, Reunion, Roll call
S)School, Science, Scissors, Scribble, Seats, Secondary, September, Shoes, Site, Snack, Soccer, Social Studies, Spanish, Sports, Squirrels, Stapler, Students, Studies, Subjects, Supplies, Support, Swimming
T)Tape, Teaching, Tennis shoes, Tests, Topics, Tournaments, Trick or treat
U)Understanding, University
W)Water fountain, Watercolors, Weather, Weddings, Weekends, Woodworking, Words, World Series, Worry, Writing
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