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Oscars, Film, Arts Vocabulary Word List (306)

A)Academy, Acceptance, Accolades, Accommodate, Achievement, Actor, Actress, Adaptation, Admire, Affection, Agent, Announcement, Anticipation, Anxiety, Appreciation, Artistry, Atrocious, Attraction, Audience, Award, Awesome
B)Backlash, Backstage, Ball-gowned, Ballot, Banner, Best, Best-director, Big-name, Black-&-white, Boost, Box-office, Brilliant, Broadcast, Buzz
C)Camera, Capacity, Career, Category, Catwalk, Celebration, Celebrities, Ceremony, Charisma, Charm, Cheering, Chemistry, Choreograph, Cinema goer, Cinematography, Comedy, Commemorate, Commercial, Commercialism, Commitment, Composer, Conference, Confidence, Consolation, Console, Conspicuous, Contribution, Costuming, Coveted, Craft, Craftsmanship, Credit(s), Cynicism
D)Debut, Decoration, Deft, Demeanor, Designer, Dialog, Dignify, Dignity, Direction, Documentaries, Drama, Dramatize, Dynamic
E)Ecstasy, Ecstatic, Editing, Editor, Ego, Emotion, Emotional, Enhance, Enigmatic, Envelope, Epic, Escapism, Esteem, Experience
F)Failure, Famous, Fans, Fashion, Feature, Festival, Fierce, Film, Filming, Filmmaker, Foreign film, Fracas, Frou-frou, Fuddy-duddy, Fuss
G)Gander, Genial, Genius, Genre, Gleaming, Glorious, Greed, Gross, Gruff, Gutsy
H)Hatred, Hollywood, Host, Hostess, Hubbub
I)Insight, Intense
J)Jealousy, Jokes, Joking, Journalists, Joy, Judge
K)Keen, Knockout
L)Laud, Laughter, Lengthy, Lifetime, Like, Lose, Loser, Love, Luster
M)Magical, Magnificence, Magnificent, Makeup, Media, Melodramatic, Members, Membership, Mezzanine, Miffed, Mixed media, Moment, Momentum, Motion picture, Musical
N)Neckline, Nomination, Nominee, Nostalgia
O)Official, Opening night, Original, Oscar, Overlook, Overrated
P)Panel, Passionate, Payroll, Perfectionism, Perform, Performance, Performer, Picture, Pinnacle, Podium, Popular, Popularity, Portray, Portrayal, Pose, Predict, Premiere, Preparation, Presence, Presenter, Pressure, Prestigious, Prize, Procession, Proclaim, Production, Profession, Prognosticator, Program, Programming, Projection, Projector
Q)Quail, Quake, Quest, Quick, Quiet
R)Ratings, Recipient, Recognition, Record, Recording, Red-carpet, Rehearsal, Release, Rendition, Replica, Reserve, Resilience, Respected, Revenues, Revival, Role, Romantic, Root
S)Saga, Salute, Scenario, Scoop, Score, Screen, Screenplay, Script, Seatings, Seats, Selection, Sentiment, Sequence, Shine, Shoo-in, Shooting, Shrine, Slam-dunk, Smash, Smear, Sobs, Speculation, Speech, Spiel, Splendid, Spotlight, Stage, Star, Stardom, Stare, Starlet, Starlight, Statue, Statuette, Stress, Studio, Stunning, Style, Stylistically, Success, Supporting, Surprise, Sway, Sweepstakes, Synergy
T)Talent, Tears, Technique, Telecast, Television, Tension, Theater, Theme, Tickets, Tracker, Treatment, Tribute, Triumph, Trumpet
U)Ultimate, Underdog, Uplifting, Upstage
V)Venue, Versatile, Verve, Victory, Visible, Vision, Visual-effects, Vivid, Vote, Voting
W)Wardrobe, Winner, Wisecrack, World-class, Writer
Y)Yesteryear, Yore, Youth
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