Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race Vocabulary Word List (169)
A) | Adventure, Aficionados, Alaska, Alert, Allure, Alone, Annual, Aspiration, Athabaskan, Aurora borealis, Award |
B) | Banquet, Beam, Bering Sea, Blizzard, Booties, Boots |
C) | Cabin, Canada, Canine, Challenge, Checkpoint, Checkpoint, Chilly, Commands, Competition, Concentration, Conditions, Confidence, Course, Crash |
D) | Danger, Dark, Darkness, Dash, Dawson, Discouragement, Distance, Dogs |
E) | Effort, Emergency, Encroach, Equipment, Event, Exhaustion, Exhilaration, Expanse, Expenses |
F) | Fairbanks, Fear, Finish, Fleece, Forecast, Forest, Freezing, Frozen |
G) | Gale, Gear, Gee, Geography, Guide |
H) | Handler, Harness, Harsh, Haw, Hazards, Headlamp, Health, Heet, Hero, History, Howl, Huskies, Hydration |
I) | Icy, Immensity, Inclement, Incline, Injury, Insulation, Intensity, Intent, Isolation |
M) | Malamute, Medicine, Memorabilia, Miles, Mittens, Mountainous, Mud, Musher, Mushing |
N) | Nature, Negotiate, Nome, Northern lights |
O) | Objective, Obstacle, Official, Open space, Outside, Overflow |
P) | Pace, Parka, Popularity, Portage, Positioning, Preparation, Progress |
R) | Race, Red Lantern, Refreeze, Remote, Repair, Repose, Rigging, Rookie, Rough, Rugged, Run, Runners |
S) | Shack, Sleds, Snow, Spectacular, Splinters, Sport, Stake, Stopping, Sub-zero, Supplies, Symbolic |
T) | Team, Temperature, Terrain, Tether, Time, Track, Trail, Trail breaker, Training, Trek, Trophy, Trust, Tundra |
V) | Vest, Veterinarian, Vision, Vulnerable |
W) | Weather, Wheelers, Whiteout, Widow's Lamp, Wilderness, Winner, Wooden | |
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Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race Interesting Facts:
March 4th, Anchorage to Nome
Willow, official start
1049 mile race across Alaska, 9-15 days
12-16 dogs participate
fastest time: 2011 John Baker = 8 days, 19 hours, 46 minutes and 39 seconds
Other Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race recent winners since 1995: Lance Mackey (4x), Jeff KIng (4x), Robert Sorlie (2x), Martin Buser (4x) and Doug Swingley (4x)
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