Parachutes Vocabulary Word List (97)
B) | Bellow, Body-jarring, Bruises, Burst |
C) | Canopy, Chute, Course, Cross currents |
D) | Danger, Daring, Death, Deploy, Details, Drag, Drop, Drop, Duo |
F) | Failure, Fall, Fearful, Fearless, Final, Fingers, Firefighters, Floating, Flown, Fly, Focus, Free-fall |
G) | Gather up, Gaze, Glide, Grief, Ground, Gusty |
H) | Hang-up, Helpless, Hurtle |
I) | Impact, Insistent, Instinctive, Instructions |
J) | Jarred, Jump, Jump spot |
P) | Panic, Path, Plane, Practice, Precision, Protection, Pull |
R) | Recreation, Regret, Release, Restrictions, Risk, Roll, Roll |
S) | Safety, Sky, Skyward, Slam, Slap, Slide, Snap, Soar, Spin, Sport, Steer |
T) | Tailwind, Thermals, Toggles, Training, Trees, Tuck, Turbulence | |
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