Greek Mythologies Vocabulary Word List (237)
A) | Abominable, Admiration, Adventure, AEGIS, Aggression, Allegory, AMAZON, Ancestor, Anthropomorphic, Archetype, Assault, AURORA, Authority, Awe-inspiring |
B) | Basilisk, Behavior, Behemoth, Beliefs, Beyond |
C) | Calamity, CALYPSO, Celestial, Celtic, Centaur, CHIMERICAL, Chivalry, Classic, Communication, Conqueror, Conspiracy, Constellation, Cosmonaut, Creation, Creature, Culture, Cycle |
D) | Daring, Deeds, Deities, DELPHIC, Demigod, Demon, Descent, Destruction, Dire, Disaster, Discovery, Disintegrate, Dislike, Distant, Disturbance, Divine, Divinity, DRACONIAN, Dragon, Dryad |
E) | Elements, Emotions, EPICUREAN, Essence, Events, Evil, Existence, Explanation, Exploit, Exposure, External, Extraordinary |
F) | Faun, FAUNA, Fertility, Fetish, Fire-breathing, Flight, FLORA, Folk tale, Folklore, Forces, Frenzy |
G) | Giant, God, Goddess, GORGONS, Greed, Griffin, Gryphon |
H) | HALYCYON, Harmonious, HARPIES, Hatred, Heaven, HERCULIAN, Heritage, HERMETIC, Hero, Heroine, Historic, Historical, Horns, Human-like, HYDRA |
I) | Immortality, Incantation, Incarnation, Inexorable, Inherit, Inspiration, Interpretation, Invader, Invention, Invincible, Iridescent |
K) | Killing, Knowledge, Kraken |
L) | Labyrinth, LACONIC, Legend, LETHARGY, Leviathan, Liaison, Lightning, Lore, Love, LYCANTHROPE, Lyre |
M) | Magical, MARTIAL, MEANDER, MENTOR, MERCURIAL, Messenger, Monster, Mortal, Muse, MUSEUM, Mysterious, Myth |
N) | Naiad, NARCISSISM, Natural, NECTAR, NEMESIS, Nereid, Nymph |
O) | ODYSSEY, Olympian, Ominous, Original, Originate |
P) | PALLADIUM, PANACEA, Passion, Perplex, Phenomenon, Pinnacle, Planets, PLATONIC, Potion, Power, Primitive, PROCRUSTEAN, PROMETHEAN, Prominent, Prophecy, PROTEAN, Protection, Prowess, Psyche, Punishment, Pursuit |
Q) | Quality, Quantity, Quest |
R) | Reign, Representation, Revelation, Revelry, Revenge, Ritual, Roc, Roman |
S) | Sanction, Satyr, Scared, Scepter, Sentry, Serpent, SIBYLLINE, Significance, SIREN, SOPHISTRY, Speculation, Spirit, STENTORIAN, STOICAL, Strength, Superhuman, Supernatural, Symbolic |
T) | Tale, TANTALIZE, Tenacity, Theories, Theory, Theriomorphic, Thunder, Traditional, Treachery, Triad, Triumph |
U) | Underground, Understanding, Underworld, Unexpected, Unicorn, Universe |
V) | Values, Variation, Version, Vigilant, Volcano, Voyage, Vulnerable |
W) | Warning, Warrior, Welch, Winged, Woodlands, Worship |
Z) | Zealous, ZEPHYR, Zeus, Zombie | |
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NOTE:The CAPITAL words are in the mythology themed feature at www.myvocabulary.com It includes 11 interactive Mythology word games and word puzzles and 44 vocabulary words.
Mythology Lesson Plan ideas: Do you know/remember the meanings of these Mythology words?
Gordian knot
Are you aware of the meaning of the phrase, between the devil and the deep blue sea? Etymologists suppose that the expression originated from an an Italian translation of the poet Homer, a Greek. He wrote that Odysseus traversed a turbulent area between Charybdis and Scylla. Today, as a term referring to both land and water, it actually means that there is no really good alternative, a Catch-22 situation.
ZODIAC SIGNS/ATTRIBUTES: For more activities, please refer to zodiac puzzles at www.myvocabulary.com.
Aquarius - Curious, Outgoing, Independent
Pisces - Artistic, Emotional, Sensitive
Aries - Bold, Courageous, Energetic
Taurus - Conservative, Possessive, Loyal
Gemini - Lively, Talkative, Intelligent
Cancer - Emotional, Patriotic, Home-loving
Leo - Cheerful, Proud, Powerful
Virgo - Modest, Practical, Tidy
Libra - Companionable, Diplomatic, Pleasant
Scorpio - Secretive, Intense, Passionate
Sagittarius - Cheerful, Generous, Restless
Capricorn - Ambitious, Cautious, Practical
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