Roller Derby Vocabulary Word List (154)
A) | Active, Aggressive, Agility, Agility, Announce, Art, Athletic, Attitude |
B) | Banked, Battle, Blocker, Bombastic, Bout, Bruise, Bruiser, Brutal, Bylaw |
C) | Career, Champion, Championship, Coach, Compete, Competition, Competitor, Conditioning, Conduct, Core, Costume, Court, Crutches |
D) | Daring, Daunting, Decision, Defense, Derby, Designate, Drills, Dues |
E) | Elbow throw, Emergency, Empower, Energy, Engage, Exhibition |
F) | Fall, Fast, Floor-burns, Fundraiser |
I) | Image, Injury, Interest |
J) | J-block, Jammer, Jams, Joy, Judge |
K) | Keen, Knee pads, Knocked down |
L) | Laps, League, Level, Liability |
M) | Mainstream, Marathon, Match up, Merchandise, Money, Movement, Muscular |
O) | Offense, Officiate, Opposing, Oval |
P) | Pace, Pads, Penalty, Personality, Physical, Play, Position, Practice, Profit, Protection, Punishment |
R) | Ranking, Referee, Relentless, Revenue, Revival, Rink, Rink-rash, Risk, Rulebook |
S) | Sanction, Score, Scorekeeper, Scrimmage, Security, Shape, Signing, Sisterhood, Skater, Slam, Spectacle, Spectator, Speed, Spirit, Sport, Spurt, Statistics, Stitches, Strength, Stressful, Stretching, Structure, Surgery, Surly, Sweat, Swooping |
T) | Target, Team, Teamwork, Tickets, Tournament, Track, Training, Typical |
V) | Video, Violent, Visibility, Volunteers | |
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WFTDA=Women’s Flat Track Derby Association
In 2005, about 60 leagues existed
In 2006, there were almost 120
In 2007, more than 200 leagues had registered
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The Roller Derby Rule-Book contains 27-pages. Big cities and small communities have leagues
Hollywood and promoters of video games have taken notice of the sport of Roller Derby,
Information thanks to Rick Neale of Florida Today