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Luxury Retail Clothing Vocabulary Word List (331)

A)Accessories, Accolades, Adoption, Affect, Affectation, Allure, Apparel, Appeal, Applaud, Appraisal, Apprentice, Array, Artisan, Artistry, Atelier, Attire, Attract, Attractive, Audience, Availability, Avid, Awards
B)Beading, Beautiful, Becoming, Bold, Boutique, Bows, Braiding, Brand, Breathable, Brocade, Buttons
C)Cachet, Camisole, Career, Casual, Catwalk, Celebrities, Cheap, Chemise, Choices, Classic, Client, Cloche, Clothing, Collection, Collector, Color, Combination, Comfortable, Competition, Conception, Consumer, Contemporary, Costly, Couture, Craftsmanship, Creative, Current, Cut
D)Daring, Dealer, Decolte, Decorative, Delivery, Demand, Design, Designer, Desirable, Devotee, Different, Display, Distinctive, Dramatic, Dress, Dressing, Dressy
E)Easy, Edge, Effect, Effective, Elaborate, Elegance, Embellish, Embroidery, Emphasis, Enhance, Ensemble, Enthusiastic, Especially, Evening gown, Exclusive, Expensive, Experiment, Extraordinary, Extravagance, Extravaganza, Extreme
F)Fabric, Fad, Fashion, Fashionable, Favored, Features, Fiber, Financial, Finery, Fit, Flamboyant, Flattering, Flawless, Flow, Focus, Form, Formal, Foulard, Fringe, Frivolous, Frock, Furs
G)Garment, Gems, Genius, Genuine, Gild, Glitter, Glossy, Goods, Gown
H)Hand-made, Handbag, Handwork, Hat pin, Haute-couture, Heir, Heiress, High heels, High-quality, High-style, Hue
I)Identity, Illustration, Imaginative, Immediate, Impeccable, Imprint, Independent, Indicator, Indispensable, Industry, Influence, Innovation, Inspired, Intricate, Item
J)Jacket, Jeans, Jersey, Jeweled, Jumper
K)Knee-length, Knit
L)Label, Lace, Lenses, Limited, Limited, Lingerie, Long-lasting, Look, Luxurious, Luxury
M)Mainbocher, Mannequin, Minaudiere, Mode, Model, Modern, Modest, Modification, Modish, Money, Motif, Movement, Movie starsmust-have
N)Name-brands, Necessity, Niche, Noteworthy
O)Obsession, Old-fashioned, One-of-a-kind, Original, Ornamentation, Ostentatious, Outfit, Outrageous
P)Painstaking, Palette, Paparazzi, Parasol, Pastel, Patterns, Peignoir, Phenomenon, Photographer, Photography, Piece, Piping, Plumage, Pose, Possibilities, Posture, Precise, Predict, Preference, Pret-a-porter, Price, Prints, Prized, Prominent, Proportions, Provenance, Pumps, Purchase, Purse
Q)Quality, Quantity
R)Radical, Recognition, Replicate, Represent, Requests, Resistance, Revealing, Review, Ribbons, Risky, Rivalry, Ruffles
S)Savvy, Screened, Seamstress, Sequins, Sewing, Shades, Shapes, Shawl, Sheer, Showcase, Showroom, Showy, Signature, Silk, Simple, Skillful, Skirt, Sleeveless, Slip, Smocking, Society, Soft, Sophisticated, Spats, Special, Sportswear, Staff, Stitching, Strut, Studio, Style, Stylish, Stylist, Sun-dress, Swim-wear, Swingy
T)Tailor, Tailored, Talent, Tapestry, Tassels, Tasteful, Tatting, Technique, Textile, Texture, Tiara, Tiered, Time, Tones, Touch, Trade, Traditional, Training, Transformation, Trend, Trim, Triumph, Tuft, Tunic, Turban, Typify
U)Ubiquitous, Understated, Unique, Upscale, Urban
V)Valuable, Value, Variation, Veil, Version, Vintage, Visual, Vogue
W)Wardrobe, Wealthy, Wearable, Wearing, Weave, Well-made, Western, Worthy, Woven, Wrinkle
Y)Yoke, Young, Youthful
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Brocade, Burlap, Chenille, chiffon, cotton, crepe, damask, denim, fur, gabardine, gauze, gingham, knit, leather, organza, patent-leather, percale, poplin, satin, serge, silk, taffeta, tricot, tweed, velvet, wool
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