Statesmen, stateswomen Vocabulary Word List (235)
A) | Accomplishment, Advances, Adventure, Affect, Alliance, Analysis, Appearance, Approach, Arbitrary, Assistance, Attribute, Audacious, Authority, Autonomy, Awe |
B) | Battle, Birthright, Brand, Brave |
C) | Caring, Cause, Character, Charisma, Civilization, Claim, Colonize, Commercial, Compassionate, Complacent, Complexity, Compose, Concentrate, Conference, Conflict, Connection, Consequence, Contemporary, Control, Courageous, Creative, Critical, Crusade |
D) | Daring, Dawning, Deceit, Deception, Declaration, Deference, Defuse, Delegate, Develop, Devotion, Dictator, Dignify, Dignity, Discovery, Disintegration, Disorder, Documentation, Dogmatic, Dream, Dynasty |
E) | Eager, Educate, Elucidate, Emphasis, Endurance, Energetic, Enforce, Enlightened, Ensue, Ensure, Equality, Equivocate, Establish, Ethics, Ethnic, Expansion, Experience |
F) | Faction, Family, Fateful, Fervor, Fight, Focus, Forcible, Forge, Freedom, Furor |
G) | Generous, Genius, Genuine, Govern, Government, Gracious |
H) | Happening, Harmony, Harried, Hassle, Hero, Heroic, Heroine, Homeland, Honesty, Hope, Hostility, Humane, Humorous, Hustle |
I) | Impasse, Inspiration, Insular, Integrity, Interested, Inundate, Involved, Isolation, Issue |
J) | Jaundiced, Jaunt, Jealousy, Journey, Judicious, Just, Justice |
L) | Lament, Lands, Leadership, Loss |
M) | Mark, Meaning, Memorable, Merit, Militant, Military, Misery, Monarch, Moral, Morale, Morality, Mortality, Myopic, Mysterious |
N) | Notable, Notify, Notorious |
O) | Odious, Opponent, Opposition, Oppressive, Overcome, Overthrow |
P) | Participate, Passionate, Peaceful, Perception, Permanent, Perseverance, Pilgrimage, Political, Pontiff, Potential, Profile, Prominent, Promise, Purpose |
Q) | Quality, Quantity, Quash, Quest |
R) | Raid, Rebellion, Renew, Resentment, Resolution, Resolution, Respectful, Restraint, Reward, Risk-taker, Role, Route |
S) | Salvage, Sanction, Scientific, Secret, Significance, Solemn, Spawn, Spiritual, Squander, Squeeze, Stability, Statesman, Stateswoman, Strategy, Survival |
T) | Tactic, Team, Technical, Tension, Throne, Transoceanic, Transportation, Tribe, Tyranny |
U) | Ubiquitous, Unctuous, Understanding, Unforgettable, Unification, Unique, Unite, Universal, Unresolved, Unrest, Uprising |
V) | Value, Violence, Visionary, Voyage |
W) | Warlord, Warring, Wary, Win, Wisdom, Worthy, Writer | |
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Statesmen, stateswomen and leaders word list
Explorers: Christopher Columbus
Conquerors: Napoleon Bonaparte, Peter the Great, Charlemagne
Historical HeroesDouglas McArthur, William “Bull” Halsey, George Marshall, Omar Bradley, George Patton, Dwight D. Eisenhower
Composers/Writers: George M. Cohan, Irving Berlin, George B. Shaw, Will Rogers
Statesmen: 20th century: David Lloyd George, Neville Chamberlain, Winston Churchill, Mohandas Gandhi, Ralph Bunche
Scientists/Inventors: Marie Curie, Albert Einstein, Jonas Salk, Guglilmo Marconi, Thomas Alva Edison
Adventurers: Orville and William Wright, Edmund Hillary, Roald Amundsen, Richard E. Byrd, Charles Lindbergh, Amelia Earhart, James Doolittle
Dictators: Fulgencio Batista y Zaldivar, Juan Peron, Francisco Franco, Josip Broz Tito
WWII:Recognizable names of individuals:Josef Stalin, Chiang Kai-Shek, Charles de Gaulle, Adolf Hitler, Hermann Goring, Hideki Tojo, Benito Mussolini, Douglas McArthur, William “Bull” Halsey, George Marshall, Omar Bradley, George Patton, Dwight D. Eisenhower
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