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Smorgasbord Vocabulary Word List (290)

A)à la carte, Accessible, Accompaniments, Addictive, Aficionado, Alternative, Ambiance, Appeal, Appetite, Aquavit, Aroma, Art, Artisan, Assortment, Atmosphere, Availability
B)Balance, Basics, Beautiful, Beer, Blend, Boiled potatoes, Bountiful, Bouquet, Breads, Brown bread, Buffet
C)Calorie, Carbohydrate, Casserole, Caterer, Celebrate, Chef, Chewy, Choices, Cholesterol, Chutney, Classic, Clean, Cold, Colorful, Combination, Comestible, Complementary, Complimentary, Composition, Compote, Compromise, Condiment, Confection, Connoisseur, Consume, Content, Convenience, Cooked, Crackers, Creative, Crunchy, Cuisine, Culinary, Cultural, Curiosity, Customs
D)Dazzle, Delectable, Delicious, Denmark, Dessert, Devour, Diary, Diet, Digestible, Digestif
E)Eating, Edible, Eggs, Energy, Enjoyment, Enthusiast, Enzyme, Exceptional, Expand, Experiment
F)Fancy, Fare, Feast, Feast, Fish, Flake, Flavorful, Flavoring, Fluffy, Focus, Fodder, Food, Fortifying, Fowl, Fresh, Fruit
G)Garden fresh, Garnish, Gastric, Gastronomy, Gluten, Gorge, Gourmet, Grains, Greens, Guest, Guide
H)Habits, Haute cuisine, Healthy, Hearty, Herring, Highlights, Hot, Hunger
I)Identification, Importance, Imported, Improvement, Incorporate, Indigestion, Influence, Ingredient, Innovative, Insatiable, Interchangeable, Irresistible, Items
J)Juicy, Julienne
L)Lavish, Layout, Leavening, Leftover, Legendary, Legume, Libation, Life style, Local, Low fat
M)Marinade, Marinate, Market, Meal, Meat, Meatballs, Memorable, Mixture, Mouthwatering, Munch
N)Natural, Needs, Nibble, Norway, Nourish, Nourishment, Numbers, Nutriment, Nutrition, Nuts
O)Odor, Odoriferous, Option, Organic, Overload, Overshadow
P)Palate, Pasteurize, Pastry, Pause, Peppery, Pickled, Platter, Popularity, Portion, Preference, Premium, Preparation, Presentation, Preservative, Prime, Process, Processed, Produce, Provision, Punsch, Purveyor
Q)Quality, Quantity, Quart
R)Rate, Ravenous, Reaction, Recipe, Recommendation, Refined, Refreshing, Regimen, Reliable, Relish, Research, Reservation, Restaurant, Restaurateur, Rich, Ripe
S)Salads, Salivate, Salmon, Salty, Salver, Sample, Satiated, Satisfied, Sauce, Savory, Scandinavian, Schnapps, Scrumptious, Seafood, Seasonal, Seasoning, Section, Selection, Senses, Service, Sharp cheese, Skal, Skewer, Slather, Slice, Smoky, Snack, Snaps, Sophisticate, Sour, Sour cream, Sous-chef, Special, Specialty, Spice, Sprinkle, Sticky, Strong, Substitute, Succulent, Supermarket, Supplements, Sustenance, Sweden, Sweet
T)Tangy, Tart, Taste, Taste buds, Tasteless, Tasty, Temperature, Texture, Traditional, Trend, Trivet, Types
U)Uniformity, Unique, Upscale, Utensil
V)Value, Variation, Variety, Vasterbotten, Vegetable, Venue, Version, Viand, Victuals, Vitamin
W)Warm, Wedge, Weight, Work of art
Y)Yogurt, Yummy
Z)Zester, Zip
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Smorgasbord facts
The literal translation of smorgasbord means sandwich table.
Custom dictates that people do not rush to the table or overload a single plate
The smorgasbord is a four-to-six course meal, each one eaten in a specific order
To combine texture and taste, do not overfill a plate. A new one is preferred! offers more than 620 word lists. To see Smorgasbord, Food, Beverage, Fitness and Health word lists, go to the home page for word games, interactive worksheets, word puzzles and themed content that align with Common Core Standards. 2500 pages of free content are available only online. There are no fees and no registration.