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Umpires Vocabulary Word List (232)

A)Ability, Accuracy, Act, Activity, Advantage, Amateur, American League, Annual, Appeal, Appearance, Argue, Argument, Athletic, Attentive, Award
B)Bad call, Balk, Ball park, Ball player, Bases, Bases loaded, Basics, Batter, Behavior, Benefits, Blue, Bonds
C)Call, Career, Case, Caution, Center, Championship, Character, Classes, Classic, Collegiate, Commitment, Communicate, Competitive, Conditioned, Confer, Confidence, Confrontation, Consistent, Controversial, Cooperstown, Correct
D)Danger, Daunting, Dependable, Desire, Determined, Diligent, Discipline, Dispute, Division, Double A, Double header, Dugout
E)Effective, Eligible, Endurance, Energy, Enthusiasm, Equipment, Err, Error, Esteem, Evaluation, Execute, Exemplary, Exhibition games, Experience, Extra innings
F)Failure, Fair ball, Fair territory, Fans, Field, First, Fly ball, Fortitude, Foul, Foul ball, Foul territory
G)Game, Games, Gear, Grievous, Guidance
H)Hall of Fame, Hard work, Health, Homer, Hostility
I)Impact, Impartial, Ineligible, Infielder, Injury, Inning, Instinct, Instruct, Instructions, Instructive, Instructor, Intense, Interference, Interpret, Ire
J)Jeers, Judgement
K)Kinship, Knocked down
L)League, League, Left-hander, License, Loyalty
M)Major League, Mayhem, Minor league, Mistake, Mound
N)National League, Noise, Notoriety
O)Observing, Offense, Official, Opportunity, Opposing, Organization, Out, Outstanding, Ovation, Overslid, Overthrow
P)Participate, Passion, Pay scale, Per diem, Percentage, Performance, Persist, Perspective, Pitcher, Plate, Plate, Players, Playoffs, Popular, Position, Post season, Posture, Pressure, Professional, Professional Baseball Umpires Corp.
Q)Qualify, Quality, Quantity, Quick
R)Rally, Ready, Recognize, Record, Reliable, Relief, Right, Rookie, Rotate, Ruling, Runners
S)Safe, Saw, Schedule, Scores, Season, Second base, Seeing, Series, Shortstop, Sideline, Single A, Situation, Skill, Speed, Split-second, Stadium, Stamina, Stands, Statistics, Steal, Stress, Stretch, Strike, Strike out, Study, Sweep, Swing
T)Tag up, Teams, Testing, Third base, Tie game, Time out, Training, Travel, Triple A, Trustworthy
U)Umpire, Uniform, Unusual, Urgent
V)Valuable, Vigilant, Vision, Vocation
W)Walk, Warm up, Watch, Wild pitch, Win, Winning, World Series, Worthy, Wrong
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Do you know how the Dodgers originally got their name?

The baseball club was founded in 1890 and first played near the Brooklyn Bridge at a spot where several trolley lines merged. Crossing the busy tracks gave the team its first nickname, The Trolley Dodgers. The name was shortened to include the city Brooklyn and the Dodgers. The team moved to Los Angeles in 1958. offers more than 435 word lists. To see Baseball, the World Series, Competition and Sports word lists, go to the home page for word games, interactive worksheets, word puzzles and themed content. 2500 pages of free content at are available only online. There are no fees.