Cinco de Mayo Vocabulary Word List (141)
A) | Anticipation, Artistry, Atmosphere, Authentic, Awe |
B) | Balls, Bands, Banquet, Barricades, Beans, Behavior, Bold |
C) | Cacophony, Cantina, Carefree, Catering, Celebration, Chicano, Clamor, Community, Conquer, Costume, Courageous, Creative, Creativity, Crowds, Culmination, Culture, Customs |
D) | Dancing, Decoration, Demonstrations, Devotion, Drink |
E) | Ecstatic, Enthusiasm, Exceptional, Expectant, Extravagance, Extravaganza |
F) | Face-painting, Faithful, Famous, Fancy dress, Fervid, Festival, Festivities, Festoon, Fiesta, Folklorico, Folly, Food |
G) | Genuine, Glitzy, Gourmet, Grand |
H) | H-heritage, Holiday, Honor, Hoorah |
I) | Imaginative, Individuality, Industrious, Ingenuous, Innovative, Inspirational, Intense |
J) | Jocular, Joy, Joyful, Jubilant |
L) | Laughter, Legitimacy, Loitering |
M) | Mariachi, Merrymaking, Mexican, Mob, Momentum, Music, Mystical |
O) | O-opportunity, Outrageous, Ovation |
P) | Parade, Parties, Patriotism, Phenomenon, Popular, Pretentious, Priority |
Q) | Quality, Quintessential |
R) | Recognition, Resourcefulness, Responsive, Rite |
S) | Sharing, Sombrero, Souvenir, Special, Spectacle, Spirit, Success, Successful, Sumptuous, Surprise |
T) | Tantalize, Teamwork, Tenacious, Tolerant, Tourists, Trademark, Tradition, Treasure |
U) | Ultimate, Unanimous, Unfolding, Unique, United, Unity |
V) | Valid, Vigilant, Vigorous, Visible |
W) | Waving, Welcoming, Willingness, Winning, Worthwhile, Worthy |
Y) | Yearning, Yelling, Young | |
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Mexican and Chicano communities, especially from Texas to California, celebrate Cinco de Mayo, May 5. On that date in 1862 the Mexican army of 4,000 soldiers conquered French troops that numbered 8,000 in the Battle of Puebla.
The victory, even though the army was later defeated, showed Mexican citizens that they could fight successfully against stronger nations. The success generated and increased national pride, patriotism, as well as celebrated a respect for people's rights.
Today, some of the historical significance has dimmed as many people in the United States choose to celebrate the commercial aspects of the holiday with folklorico dancing, parades, mariachi music and festive activities. These parties celebrate liberty and freedom.
It is incorrect to assume that Cinco de Mayo, May 5 is the same holiday as Mexican Independence Day, Sept. 15, 1810.
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