Harriet Tubman Vocabulary Word List (183)
A) | Abolition, Abolitionist, Accomplishment, Action, Activism, Admiration, Aim, Alert, Anguish, Avoid, Avow, Awareness |
C) | Captive, Capture, Cause, Circumstances, Civil War, Clandestine, Clash, Cold, Compassion, Confederate, Confident, Consequences, Contact, Courage, Crisis |
D) | Danger, Dangerous, Darkness, Dash, Despair, Destination, Detection, Devote, Discipline, Distance, Dramatic, Duty |
E) | Efforts, Emancipate, Encounter, Endure, Escape, Exhaustion, Expectation, Expedition |
F) | Faith, Fear, Fearful, Fearless, Flee, Flight, Forest, Freedom, Fright, Fugitive, Furtive |
G) | Goal, Grave, Ground, Gun |
H) | Hard, Harsh, Hatred, Hazards, Heat, Heroic, Heroine, Hidden, Historian, History, House, House |
I) | Immediate, Impact, Incident, Inequality, Inform, Injury, Inspiration, Instruction, Intelligent, Intercept, Involve |
L) | Lead, Legacy, Location, Loyal |
N) | Nightmare, North, Numbers |
O) | Objective, Obstacles, Operate, Opposition, Option |
Q) | Quest, Questions, Quick, Quiet, Quiver |
R) | Railroad, Ready, Rebel, Recovery, Remember, Reprisals, Reputation, Rescue, Resist, Run |
S) | Sacrifices, Safety, Save, Scared, Scramble, Secrecy, Secretive, Secretive, Secure, Setback, Slavery, Smuggle, Sorrow, South, Spy, Stash, Stealth, Strategy, Strength, Strong, Suffering, Supportive, Surprise, Survival, Suspect |
T) | Target, Tense, Tension, Terrain, Terrorized, Threatened, Thwarted, Tragedy, Trap, Trauma, Travel, Treacherous, Treacherous, Trip, Triumph |
U) | Unbelievable, Underbrush, Underground, Union, Unit, Urgent |
V) | Valiant, Victorious, Violent, Vision, Visionary, Vital, Volunteering, Vow, Vulnerable |
W) | Watchful, Waterways, Wince, Wisdom | |
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Some Civil War people: Abraham Lincoln, General Ulysses S. Grant, General Robert E. Lee, Philip H. Sheridan, Thomas, J. Jackson, Nathan B. Forrest, Pierre G. T. Beauregard, George B. McClellan, Jefferson Davis, Oliver T. Beard
Other names for the Civil War: War Between the States, the War of Rebellion, the War of Secession, The War for Southern Independence
Some Civil War Battles word list: Antietam (Sharpsburg), Battle of Shiloh, Bull Run, Chancellorsville, Chickamauga, Fort Sumter, Fredericksburg, Gettysburg, Manassas, Richmond, Spotsylvania, Vickburg, Seven Days, Siege of Petersburg, The Wilderness
Civil War Ballads and Songs word list: John Brown's Body, The Battle Cry of Freedom, When Johnny Comes Marching Home
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