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Hospitality Vocabulary Word List (132)

A)Acclaim, Accommodations, Administration, Affinity, Agreeable, Alumni, Amenities, Arrangements, Assistance, Attentive, Attitude
B)Bachelor of Science in Hospitality/Tourism and Event Management, Beverage, Bidding, Budgets, Business
C)Career, Careful, Certificate, Cheer, Choices, Clients, Competition, Confidence, Contact, Convenience, Conventions, Coordinator, Cordial, Corporations, Customer
D)Degree, Demonstrations, Development, Difficulty, Direction
E)Emphasis, Employee, Employer, Encounter, Enjoyment, Events, Exceptional, Excursions, Experiences
F)Field, Flexibility, Focus, Food, Food service, Four-year degree, Friends
G)Global, Grads, Greet
H)Handle, Handshake, Helping, Hiring, Hospital, Hosting, Hotels
I)Impress, Impression, Industry, International, Internships
J)Job, Junkets
K)Kindness, Knowledge
L)Large-scale, Leadership, Leisure, Leisure, Lodging
M)Management, Meetings, Mistakes
N)Need, Neighbors
O)Occupancy, Opportunities, Option, Organization
P)Participate, Patience, Perks, Personnel, Planning, Pleasure, Positive, Practicality, Problem, Profession, Professional, Profile, Program
Q)Quality, Queries, Questions
R)Reception, Recommendations, Recreation, Resorts, Restaurants, Role
S)Samaritan, School, Seasonal, Service, Skill, Smiling, Specialty, Statistics, Status, Students, Success, Suitability
T)Tasks, Tourism, Trade shows, Training, Type
V)Versatility, Vision, Visitors
W)Willingness, Working
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