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Health and Wellness Vocabulary Word List (457)

A)Abnormal, Abstinence, Accessible, Ache, Active, Activity, Acupuncture, Addictive, Additives, Advocate, Aerobics, Affect, AIDS, Alarming, Alcohol, Alert, Allergy, Ambulatory, Anatomy, Anemia, Anorexia, Antidote, Anxiety, Appearance, Appetite, Athlete, Athletics
B)Bacteria, Balance, Beauty, Behavior, Bend, Benefit, Biceps, Bicycling, Biofeedback, Blood, Blood pressure, Body, Bones, Booze, Breath, Breathe
C)Calcium, Calisthenics, Calorie, Capacity, Care, Cereals, Challenges, Champion, Change, Choices, Circulation, Clean, Clinic, Coach, Collapse, Comestibles, Commitment, Communication, Competition, Conditioning, Consequence, Contribute, Control, Coordination, Cope, Courage, Crime, Cross-train, Crouch, Cuisine, Culinary, Curative, Cure
D)Dangerous, Dating, Deadly, Decision, Defect, Dehydration, Dentist, Depression, Develop, Diagnostic, Diet, Digest, Digestion, Diner, Dinner, Disability, Discipline, Disease, Dish, Disorder, Doctor, Drinking, Drive, Drugs
E)Eating, Education, Effect, Elder care, Emerging, Emotional, Endurance, Energy, Enforce, Epidemic, Equipment, Erect, Ergonomics, Establish, Excess, Exercise, Experience
F)Family, Fast food, Fitness, Flavor, Flexible, Folic acid, Food pyramid, Fracture, Fragrant, Framework, Freedom, Friends, Friendship, Fruit, Function
G)Gain, Generation, Genetics, Glands, Goal, Grain(s), Grip, Growth, Guideline, Gymnasium
H)Habit, Handle, Harmful, Headache, Health, Healthy, Helpful, Herbs, High blood pressure, HIV, Homemade, Hormones, Hospital, Humor, Hunger, Hungry, Hygiene, Hygienic
I)Image, Immunization, Impact, Improvement, Inactivity, Individual, Infancy, Infection, Infirm, Infirmary, Inflammation, Influence, Influenza, Ingredient, Inherent, Injury, Innovate, Insulin, Insurance, Integrity, Intensity, Interpretation, Intimate, Investigate, Involuntary, Iron, Isotonic
J)Jazzercise, Jog, Joints, Judge, Jujitsu, Jump
K)Karate, Kinesics, Kinesiology, Kinesthesia, Kinetic
L)Laughter, Laziness, Learning, Liability, Lifestyle, Limits, Living, Longevity, Lose, Losing, Loss, Loving, Lumbar
M)Maintenance, Management, Maneuver, Martial Arts, Massage, Masseur, Mat, Maximize, Measure, Medical, Medication, Medicine, Memory, Mental health, Metabolic, Method, Minerals, Minimize, Mixture, Moisture, Monitor, Mood, Motion, Motivate, Motivation, Movement, Muscles
N)Narcotics, Nauseous, Nemesis, Nerves, Nicotine, Nurse, Nutrient, Nutrition
O)Obese, Obstacle, Olfactory, Opportunity, Optimism, Option, Ossification, Outbreak, Outstanding, Overweight, Oxygen
P)Panacea, Panic, Participation, Peer, Percentage, Performance, Perspiration, Pessimism, Petrify, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, Pilates, Play, Pollution, Popularity, Portion, Position, Positive, Posture, Potent, Power, Power play, Practice, Pregnancy, Prenatal, Preserve, Pressure, Prevention, Process, Professional, Program, Promising, Proportion, Protection, Psychology, Pulley, Puncture
Q)Quadriceps, Quick, Quiver
R)Radiation, Rebound, Recognition, Record, Recovery, Recreation, Reflex, Refreshment, Regimen, Regulation, Rehabilitation, Relationship, Relaxation, Religion, Representative, Research, Reserve, Resilient, Resistance, Respiration, Respiration, Response, Responsibility, Restoration, Resuscitation, Risk, Rivalry, Role, Rolf, Rotation, Routine, Rush
S)Safety, Sanitary, Sauna, Scare, Scenario, Scientific studies, Seasonings, Sedentary, Self-defense, Senile, Sex, Shape Siblings, Signal, Simple steps, Size, Skin, Sleep, Slide, Smog, Smoking, Soothe, Spa, Speculation, Speed, Speed-walk, Spirit, Sports, Sportsmanship, Squad, Squat, Stability, Stamina, Staple, Starve, Statistics, STD, Stimulate, Strategy, Strength, Strenuous, Stress, Stretching, Stride, Strong, Struggle, Substance, Suitability, Superstition, Supination, Supplements, Support, Supremacy, Surgery, Suspension, Swimming, Symptoms, System
T)Tackle, Taunting, Team, Teammate, Teasing, Technique, Temptation, Tension, Terror, Testing, Therapeutic, Therapy, Timing, Tobacco, Tone, Torso, Tournament, Toxin, Trainer, Training, Transformation, Transplant, Trauma, Treatment, Tremors, Trend
U)Ulcer, Ultrasound, Unhealthy, Unrestricted, Unusual
V)Vaccination, Valor, Vault, Vegetables, Vibration, Victory, Vigorous, Violation, Virus, Vital, Vitamin, Voluntary, Vulnerable
W)Walking, Warm up, Watchful, Water, Weigh, Weight, Weights, Welfare, Wellness, Whirlpool, Whole-grain, Win, Wince, Winning, Wisdom, Witness, Work, Work out, Wrinkles
Y)Yoga, Youth
Z)Zeal, Zest, Zinc, Zone
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There are more than 650 word lists.
To ensure good health and wellness, remember NOT to snack between meals!
Eat at a normal/regular time!
Sit down, do not stand to eat!
Use a plate for meals, not containers!
Drink plenty of water before you begin to eat and throughout the day!
Chew thoroughly before swallowing!
If you have additional suggestions for Health and Wellness word lists, please email

Health and Wellness Lesson Plans:

1. Discuss food groups/diet and how they affect behavior
2. What are some of the consequences of drugs, alcohol or tobacco to one's health?
3. List examples of ways that families, peers, colleagues and friends help one's mental health!
4. What kinds of things besides deep breathing, walking, eating wisely and exercising help to reduce stress?
5. Boredom, environment, family, friends, hunger, labels, packaging, popularity of items, shape of item, size of plates, and smells affect eating habits. What do you propose to solve the dilemma?
6. What other suggestions encourage good eating habits?

Mar. 1, National Nutrition Month
Apr. 10, National Womens Nutrition Week
May 1, National Fitness, Physical and Sports Month
Oct. 1, Nutrition: Eat Better, Eat Together Month
May, National BBQ Month and National Hamburger Month offers more than 685 word lists. To see more nutrition, wellness, food, beverage, exercise, fitness vocabulary word lists, please go to the home page for word games, worksheets, word puzzles and themed content with Latin roots that align with Common Core Standards. 2500 pages of free content are available only online, without registration or fees.