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Color & Communication Vocabulary Word List (188)

A)Absorption, Alabaster, Amaranth, Amber, Amethyst, Amount, Analogous, Apricot, Aquamarine, Aubergine, Auburn, Azure
B)Beam, Beige, Biscuit, BLACK: purity like white; BLUE= lowers blood pressure and body temperatures; cools down; solitary people enjoy its coolness; basic, Blush, Brick, Brightness, Brown, Burgundy
C)Caf au lait, Camouflage, Cardinal, Celadon, Cerise, Cerulean, Chamois, Champagne, Chartreuse, Cherry, Chestnut, Chromatic, Chrome, Cinnamon, Citrine, Color, Colorfast, Coloring, Colorless, Comfortable; new growth and new beginnings feelings, Complementary, Contrast, Cool, Coral, Cream, Crimson
D)Dark, Deep, Degree, Delicate, Depth, Diffuse, Distinguish, Distortion, Dove gray, Dull, Dun, Dusty, Dye
E)Earthy, Easel, Ebony, Ecru, Effect, Eggshell, Element, Emerald, Exaggerate, Excites and warms the body. It increases the heart rate and respiration. Traditionally the color red is believed to be stimulating and energizing. T, Expressive, Extroversion and vigor; encourages thirst
F)Fair, Fawn, Flat, Flax
G)Garish, Gentian, Ginger, Gold, Gradation, Gray; GREEN= relaxed
H)Heliotrope, Henna, Highlight, Hue
I)Image, Imperfect, Impregnate, Indigo, Intensity
J)Jade, Jet, Jonquil
K)Karat, Khaki
L)Lapis lazuli, Length, Light, Loden
M)Magenta, Mahogany, Maize, Maroon, Mauve, Melanin, Mixed, Mixture, Mocha, Mood
N)Neutral, Nickel, Nuance, Nutmeg
O)Ocher, Opalescent, ORANGE: adds energy, Oxblood, Oyster
P)Palette, Pastel, Pastel, Peach, Pigment, Pigmented, PINK= innocent, Presence, Pretty, Primary, Prism, Produce, Puce, Purple, PURPLE: suppresses the appetite; lowers blood pressure; quiets the mind (a mixture of red and blue = might be difficult to live with in long stretches, Putty
Q)Quality, Quantity, Quiet
R)Rainbow, Range, Raven, RED=makes a person feel warm; RED stimulates, Reflection, Reproduction, Roan, Rosy, Rust
S)Saffron, Salmon, Sapphire, Saturation, Secondary, Shade, Shadow, Sienna, Silver, Spectrum, Stain, Sweetness; short-term calming effect (sometimes used in prison holding cells); shows a state of balance; soft of voice and manner; primary color
T)Tan, Tawny, Teal, Technicolor, Tie-dye, Tincture, Tinge, Tint, Titian, Tone, Topaz, Turquoise
U)Umber, Unique, Universal
V)Value, Varicolored, Variety, Vermilion, Violet, Vivid
W)Walnut, Warm, Warm, Warmth, WHITE: indicator of opposites and of purity; wavelength
Y)YELLOW=stimulates memory; encourages concentration
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Colors & Communication List (adapted from Leslie Harrington's special publication for Benjamin Moore: "Color, a Stroke of Genius"
BLACK: purity like white
BLUE= lowers blood pressure and body temperatures; cools down; solitary people enjoy its coolness
GREEN= relaxed, quiet, comfortable; new growth and new beginnings feelings
ORANGE: adds energy, extroversion and vigor; encourages thirst
PINK= innocent, sweetness; short-term calming effect (sometimes used in prison holding cells); shows a state of balance; soft of voice and manner
PURPLE: suppresses the appetite; lowers blood pressure; quiets the mind (a mixture of red and blue = might be difficult to live with in long stretches; wisdom and meditation; color of royalty
RED= makes a person feel warm; increases appetite and energy; raises blood pressure
WHITE: indicator of opposites and of purity
YELLOW= stimulates memory; encourages concentration; evokes excitement and hope

Did you know?
Excepts from N. Winter, McClatchy Tribune
Yellow: is a very noticeable color (Ex: forsythia in the spring, highway signs, school buses, the sun)
Yellow's complementary color is purple or violet. Together, they suggest royalty/pageantry offers more than offers more than 645 word lists. To see more Fashion, Design, Luxury Goods word lists,, please go to the home page for interactive worksheets, word puzzles, word games and themed content that align with Common Core Standards. 2500 pages of free content are available only online without ads, registration or fees.