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Hair and Beauty Vocabulary Word List (365)

A)Accessories, Activator, Advances, Allergies, Allure, Aloe, Alter, Amateur, Amino acids, Amplify, Analysis, Anti-aging, Antioxidant, Appeal, Appearance, Application, Apply, Appointments, Apron, Aromatic, Attractive, Awareness
B)Balance, Bangs, Bath oils, Beautify, Beauty, Beginner, Benefit, Bleach, Blend, Blond, Blow-dry, Blusher, Boost, Boudoir, Brands, Breakthrough, Brow, Brush, Build
C)Cancellation, Care, Cellular, Certification, Chair, Change, Chat, Cheek, Chemicals, Chic, Chignon, Choices, Clarify, Clarity, Classes, Clean, Clientele, Clinical, Clip, Clipper, Coffee, Coiffure, Collagen, Cologne, Color, Colorist, Comb, Comb-out, Comfort, Compact, Complexion, Conceal, Concealer, Condition, Consecutive, Consistent, Consultation, Contain, Contour, Cosmetics, Cost, Cover, Cream, Creativity, Crimp, Curler, Curls, Current, Custom, Cut, Cuticle
D)Damage, Damp, Definition, Delicate, Dentifrice, Depilatory, Dermatologist, Dermis, Dexterity, Diet, Diffuser, Dry, Dryer, Dullness
E)Eau de cologne, Effect, Ego, Elegance, Emery board, Endure, Essence, Essentials, Exact-match, Excessive, Exfoliation, Experience, Expertise, Exposure, Eyelashes, Eyeliner
F)Face lift, Facial, Fancy, Fashionable, Feather cut, Features, Fingertip, Finish, Fitness, Fix, Flair, Fluff, Focus, Foil, Formula, Formulation, Foundation, Fragrance, Fragrance-free, French twist, Frosting, Fungus
G)Gait, Gel, Glamour, Glitter, Gloss, Glow, Gratification, Grooming
H)Hair style, Hairdo, Health, Henna, High-shine, Highlight, Holistic, Hours, Hue, Hydration
I)Ideal, Illuminate, Illusion, Image, Impression, Indulgence, Infuse, Ingredients, Innovate, Instruction, Intern, Invigorate
J)Jaw, Jojoba oil
L)Lanolin, Laser, Layered, Licenses, Lifestyle, Lift, Lines, Lip gloss, Lipstick, Liquid, Locks, Luminance, Luster, Luxurious
M)Magazines, Magnify, Maintenance, Makeover, Makeup, Manicure, Mascara, Mask, Matte, Maximum, Method, Mien, Minimum, Mirror, Model, Moisture, Moisturize, Mop, Mousse, Musk
N)Nail care, Nails, Natural, New, Non-irritating, Nutrient
O)Observation, Oils, Ointment, Olfactory, Orange stick, Organic
P)Pageboy, Parlor, Patronize, Pedicure, Peel, Perfume, Permanent, Personal, Personalized service, Physique, Pigment, Pins, Plastic surgery, Pleasure, Polish, Pompadour, Posture, Pouf, Powder, Precision, Pressed powder, Prevention, Product, Professional, Proven
Q)Quality, Quantity, Queue, Quintessential
R)Radiance, Razor, Ready, Receding hairline, Reduce, Referral, Refine, Regenerate, Regime, Relaxer, Remover, Repair, Replenish, Research, Restore, Results, Resurfacing, Reveal, Revolutionary, Ringlets, Rinse, Rollers, Romantic, Rouge, Roughness
S)Salon, Salve, Scalp, Scent, Scientific, Scissors, Services, Shade, Shadows, Shampoo, Shaping, Shears, Shimmer, Shine, Signs, Sink, Skill, Skin, Skin care, Smock, Smooth, Smudge, Snood, Spa, Special, Specialist, Spray, Stencil, Streaks, Style, Stylist, Suggestion, Sunscreen, Supervision, Supplement, Surgery, Sweep, Symmetry
T)Tale, Tattoo, Teaching, Technique, Texture, Thatch, Therapy, Thinning, Timely, Timer, Tint, Tips, Toiletries, Topical, Torso, Touch-up, Training, Transformation, Transparent, Trends, Trim, Tuft, Tweezers, Type
U)Ultimate, Ultra-natural, Under-eye, Uneven, Unguent, Unique, Up-do
V)Versatile, Vibrant, Visage, Visible, Volume
W)Wait, Wardrobe, Wash, Wave, Waxing, Wearing, Wig, Work with, Wrinkles
Y)Younger-looking, Youth, Youthful
Z)Zinc oxide
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