Engineering Vocabulary Word List (157)

A)Abutment, Acceleration, Activation, Advice, Advise, Amplitude, Analysis, Angle, Assembly, Automation, Axis, Axle
B)Balance, Battery, Bearing, Blueprint, Building
C)Calculation, Cantilever, Cell, Circumference, Combustion, Communication, Component, Component, Compress, Concept, Constriction, Construction, Consultation, Control, Conversion, Conveyance, Conveyor belt, Cooling, Coupling, Crank, Current, Curves
D)Degree, Depth, Design, Device, Diagram, Diameter, Diesel, Dimension, Direction, Distill, Distribution
E)Elastic, Electrical, Electronics, Element, Ellipse, Energy, Engine, Excavation, Expert
F)Fabrication, Flexible, Flow, Fluid, Fluorescent, Force, Frame, Friction, Fuel, Fulcrum
G)Gear, Gears, Generate, Generator, Gimbals, Grade, Grading
H)Hardware, Heat, Hoist, Horizontal, Hydraulic
I)Illumination, Information, Injection, Installation, Instrument, Intersection
L)Lever, Lift, Liquid, Load
M)Machine, Management, Manufacturing, Mark, Measurement, Mechanize, Modular, Mold, Motion, Motor
N)Negative, Nuclear
O)Object, Operation, Oscilloscope
P)Physics, Pivot, Plumb, Pneumatic, Power, Precision, Process, Production, Project, Propulsion, Pulley
R)Radiate, Ream, Refine, Refrigeration, Regulation, Repair, Retrofit, Revolution, Rotation
S)Savvy, Scheme, Schooling, Scientific, Sequence, Shape, Slide, Solar, Stability, Strength, Structure, Structure, Studying, Superstructure, Suspension
T)Technology, Tools, Transform, Transmission, Transmit, Turbine
V)Vacuum, Valve, Vertical, Vibration
W)Weight, Weld, Withstand, Worker
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