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Geology Vocabulary Word List (279)

A)Abrade, Acid, Aeration, Aftershock, Alloy, Alluvial, Alter, Alteration, Anodize, Aquifer, Assessment, Avalanche
B)Back reef, Bacteria, Basin, Batholith, Bedrock, Burning, Butte
C)Calcium, Calcium carbonate, Carbon dioxide, Carbon-14 dating, Carbonic acid, Carve, Cataclysm, Cavern, Cavities, Change, Chemical reaction, Chimney, Cinder cone, Cirque, Classified, Climate changes, Clod, Collision, Compaction, Composite, Composition, Compression, Cone, Configuration, Continent, Continental, Coral, Crag, Creep, Crevasse, Crust, Crystals, Cycle
D)Dampness, Decay, Decomposition, Delta, Dendrite, Denude, Deposits, Depth, Detritus, Dike, Dilute, Disaster, Discovery, Dissolution, Dissolve, Distance, Dome, Drainage
E)Earthquake, Elements, Elevation, Eluvium, Environment, Eolian, Epicenter, Epoch, Erosion, Esker, Evaporation, Examination, Exploration, Explosion, Extinction, Extrude
F)Facet, Fault, Feldspar, Fissure, Flowstone, Fluvial, Foliation, Force, Formations, Fossil, Fracture, Fuel
G)Geode, Geodesic, Geologic, Geologist, Geothermal, Geyser, Glacial, Glacier, Gravity, Grotto, Groundwater, Guyot, Gypsum
H)Hade, Honeycombed, Horizon, Humidity, Humus, Hyaline, Hydrocarbon, Hydrogen sulfide, Hydrologic
I)Ice age, Icecap, Igneous, Illumination, Imminent, Impact, Impassable, Inanimate, Inquiry, Instruments, Integrity, Intrusive
J)Joint, Jurassic, Jutting
K)Karst, Keen, Kettle lake
L)Landmark, Landscape, Landslide, Launch, Lava, Layer, Leach, Lethal, Lignite, Limestone, Lithosphere, Lodestone, Loess, Luminous, Luster
M)Magma, Mantle, Massif, Matter, Meander, Measurements, Mesa, Metamorphosis, Microbe, Migration, Millennia, Minerals, Moisture, Molten, Monograph, Monolith, Mosaic, Movement
N)Nubbin, Numerous
O)Oasis, Objects, Obsidian, Official, Oolites (cave pearls), Organic, Outcropping, Outwash plain, Oxygen
P)Paleoclimates, Paleontologist, Passageways, Percolate, Permafrost, Permian, Petrified, Petrify, Petrographer, Physical, Plate, Plateau, Playa, Porous, Precipitation, Prediction, Pressure, Pristine, Probe, Prospecting
Q)Quarry, Quartz, Quest, Questions, Quit
R)Ratios, Reef, Residual, Richter scale, Rift, Rill, Rimrock, Rivers, Rocks, Rockslide, Rubble, Runoff
S)Salt, Sandstone, Saturation, Schist, Scientific, Scree, Sculpt, Sedimentary, Seepage, Seismic, Shale, Shard, Shelf, Shelf stone, Shift, Slag, Slope, Slurry, Soil, Speleologist, Spew, Stalactite, Stalagmites, Stone, Stratification, Subterranean, Sulfuric acid
T)Talus, Tectonic, Thermals, Thrust, Tilt, Topography, Trail head, Triassic, Tundra
U)Underground, Unearth, Unique, Unity, Universal, Upheaval, Upstream
V)Vapor, Vein, Vent, Ventifact, Vitreous, Volcano, Volume
W)Waterfalls, Weathering, Wonder, Worldwide
Z)Zealous, Zero-impact, Zest, Zigzag, Zone
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