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Flowers Vocabulary Word List (142)

A)Abundance, Accents, Aesthetics, Agriculture, Aroma, Arrangements, Atmosphere, Availability
B)Backyard, Bacteria, Baskets, Bathroom, Beauty, Blooms, Bouquet, Boutonniere, Bucket, Bud, Buyer
C)Care, Centerpiece, Change, Choice, Church, Classic, Clip, Clubs, Clustered, Color, Colorful, Common, Complementary, Container, Corsage, Cost, Cost, Cultivation, Customer, Cut
D)Decor, Decorate, Delicate, Delivery, Demand, Design, Dining table, Dozen
E)Edible, Ends, Ewer, Exotic
F)Family room, Farms, Fields, Florist, Foliage, Fragile, Fragrance
G)Gift, Glass, Greens, Grower
H)Hand-tied, Harmonious, Hues
I)Ideal, Inspired
J)Jar, Joy, Jug
K)Kind, Kitchen
L)Leaves, Living room, Local, Local, Location, Long-lasting, Long-stem, Lush
M)Manicured, Market, Mason jar, Mixture
N)Numbers, Numerous
O)Odor, Open, Option, Ordinary
P)Palette, Perfume, Petals, Pitcher, Place, Planting, Popularity, Preference, Preparation, Preservative, Price
Q)Quality, Quantity, Quest
R)Refrigeration, Ribbon
S)Scented, Seasonal, Selection, Send, Sent, Shop, Showy, Smell, Snip, Sparse, Special, Spray, Sprig, Stems, Strong-scent, Survive
T)Technique, Technique, Temperature, Transport, Trimming, Tropical, Type
U)Uncommon, Underwater, Unique, Unusual, Usual
W)Water, Weddings, Weed, Wild, Wilt, Wrapping
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Gardening & Flowers
Common FLOWERS or plants with flowers word list:
A: African violet, agapanthus, ageratum, astroemeria, alyssum, amaryllis, anemone, angelonia, aster, astilbe, azalea
B: begonia, bell, black-eyed Susan, bluebell, boxwood, burning bush, buttercup, butterfly bush, buttercup
C: calla lily, cactus, calendula, carnation, chrysanthemum, clematis, coreopsis, cornflower, corn lily, cosmos, cottonwood, crocus, cyclamen
D: daffodil, dahlia, daisy, day lily, delphinium, Dutch elm
E: echinacea, echinops, edelweiss, eglantine
F: forget-me-not, forsythia, foxglove, freesia, fuchsia
G: gaillardia, gardenia. geranium, gladiolus, goldenrod
H: harebells, heather, hibiscus, hollyhock, hosta, hyacinth, hydrangea I: impatiens, Indian paintbrush, iris, ivy
J: jack-in-the-pulpit, jasmine, Jerusalem sage, jonquil
L: lantana, larkspur, lavender, liatris, lilac, lily, lily of the valley, lupine
M: maple, marguerite, marigold, melampodium, mum, myrtle
N: narcissus, nasturtium
O: oleander, orchid, ornamental kale
P: pansy, peony, petunia, phlox, pinks, porcupine grass, protea
Q: Queen Anne lace
R: ranunculus, rhododendron, rose, rudbeckia
S: sage, salvia, sedum, snapdragon, snowball, statice, stock, stonecrop, strawberries, sunflower, sweet pea
T: tansy, thistle, tulip
V: verbena, veronica, viburnum, viola, violet
W: waterlily, wildflower, willow, wisteria
Y: yarrow, yucca
Z: zinnia
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