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Navy Seals Vocabulary Word List (331)

A)Abroad, Account, Accuracy, Action, Activity, Admiration, Against, Aggressive, Aid, Air, Airborne, Aircraft, Alert, Alive, Allegiance, Ambushed, Amphibious, Anguish, Appreciation, Armed forces, Arms, Article, Assassination, Assault, Attack, Attempt, Authority, Avoidance, Award
B)Battlefield, Beaches, Bloody, Boats, Bomb, Brotherhood
C)Call, Call up, Call-to-duty, Calling, Canine, Capabilities, Captivity, Capture, Career, Casualty, Cautious, Character, Circumstance, Citation, Clandestine, Coastline, Combat, Combat, Command, Compound, Conduct, Confrontation, Consequence, Control, Cooperation, Coordinate, Counter-terrorist, Country, Courage, Covert, Craft, Crisis, Culture
D)Dangerous, Darkness, Death, Dedication, Defense, Dependable, Deployment, Detection, Determination, Detonation, Disaster, Discipline, Dive, Division, Documentation, Drama, Drill, Duty
E)Efforts, Elimination, Elite, Embedded, Encounter, Encrypt, Enemy, Energy, Engagement, Equipment, Escape, Events, Exhaustion, Expectation, Experience, Expert, Exploits, Explosive
F)Fighter, Fighting, Fins, Firefight, Firing, First-hand, Fitness, Flee, Flight, Force, Forces, Foreign, Fortitude, Frogmen, Fugitive
G)Gear, Goggles, Government, Grave, Green-faces, Grenade, Ground, Grueling, Guard, Guidance, Gunfire, Guys
H)Hand-to-hand, Happen, Headquarters, Helicopter, Helping, Hero, Heroic, Hidden, Hijack, History, Honor, Hostage rescue, Hostile, Hunt, Hurt
I)Identify, Inevitable, Information, Injuries, Insignia, Insurgent, Intelligence, Intensity, International, Involve
J)Job, Joint, Jungle
K)K-9, K-bar knife, Kidnap, Killing, Knowledge
L)Land, Landings, Launch, Leader, Leadership, Leaks, Learning, Legendary, Lethal, Lineage, Location, Lore, Loyalty
M)Manhunt, Marines, Mascot, Mask, Mastermind, Medal of Honor, Members, Memorial, Memory, Men, Meritorious, Meticulous, Military, Mission, Morale, Movement, Murder
N)Nation, National Navy UDT-SEAL Museum, Naval Combat Demolition Unit, Navy, Notable, Notification, NSWC
O)Observant, Occurrence, Offense, Officer, Operations, Option, Orders, Organization, OSS, Oversee, Overt
P)Parachute, Passion, Patriotism, Patrol, Performance, Personnel, Pistol, Plan, Politics, Practice, Prayer, Preparation, Price, Profile, Protection, Provision, Punishment, Pursuit
Q)Qualifications, Quit
R)Radar, Raid, Raids, Reconnaissance, Recovery, Recruit, Rehabilitation, Rehearse, Reliable, Renown, Rescue, Research, Response, Responsibility, Retire, Reunion, Rifle, Role, Rush
S)Sabotage, Safety, Sanctioned, Sea, SEAL, Search, Secret, Secure, Security, Service, Ship, Shots, Shrapnel, Situation, Skill, Sniper, Soldier, Special forces, Special Operation Forces, Specialized, Speed, Stakes, Stealthy, Storming, Strategic, Strategy, Strength, Sub-machine gun, Subversion, Success, Succor, Support, Surgery, Surprise, Surveillance, Surveillance, Swimming
T)Tactics, Task, Team, Technique, Terrain, Terror, Terrorism, Threatening, Timing, Tools, Tough, Training, Trouble
U)Unconventional, Underwater demolition, Uniform, Unique, Unit, United States, Unity, Unusual, Uphold
V)Valiant, Valor, Variety, Veteran, Visibility, Vision
W)War, Weapons, Well-equipped, Wisdom, Workouts, World, Wounds, Wreckage
Y)Yearn, Young, Youth
Z)Zeal, Zealous
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