Villains Vocabulary Word List (166)
A) | Abhorrent, Abusive, Afraid, Anger, Annihilate, Appear, Awful |
B) | Bad, Baddest, Beastly, Berserk, Bloodcurdling, Brutal, Bullies |
C) | Capture, Chauvinistic, Cheater, Concoct, Conspirator, Conspire, Control, Creature, Creepy, Cringe, Cruelty, Cursed |
D) | Dastardly, Death, Decapitate, Demon, Determined, Disappearance, Disguise, Disgusting, Disturbing, Dominant, Doomed, Dragon, Dread |
F) | Fiend, Folklore, Forceful, Foul, Freak, Frightening |
G) | Gargantuan, Gasp, Ghastly, Goblin, Goose bumps, Grisly, Grotesque, Growling, Gruesome |
H) | Hag, Hair raising, Hard, Harm, Hate-monger, Haunt, Heinous, Hellbent, Hideous, Horrendous, Horrible, Huge, Hysteria |
K) | Kidnapping, Killer, Killing |
L) | Legerdemain, Lethal, Lore, Lunatic, Lycanthrope |
M) | Macabre, Maim, Malevolence, Malicious, Maniac, Manipulate, Maraud, Masked, Mean, Menace, Monster, Monstrous, Mutilate, Mysterious |
N) | Nasty, Nemesis, Nightmare |
O) | Obliterate, Obscure, Outlandish |
P) | Persecution, Poisonous, Possessed, Potent, Powerful, Powerful, Prey, Prowl |
R) | Reign, Repel, Repugnant, Revolting, Ritualistic, Rogue, Ruthless |
S) | Scared, Scary, Scoundrel, Scream, Screeching, Shiver, Shrieking, Sinister, Sinister, Skull, Slay, Slay, Sleazy, Snooping, Sociopath, Somber, Spooked, Spooky, Spy, Stalking, Stealth |
T) | Terror, Thief, Thug, Torture, Transformation, Tremors, Trickery, Tricks |
U) | Ugly, Unbelievable, Unleash, Untrustworthy, Unusual |
V) | Vanish, Venomous, Vicious |
W) | Wail, Weird, Wicked, Willies, Wince, Worst, Wretch, Wrongdoing | |
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Suggested Monsters and Creatures lesson plans and activities from www.myvocabulary.com
1. Have students/friends draw or find pictures of items suggestive of VILLAINS:
2. Make, buy or cook some food that would be unusual:
3. Name groups of things that are scary:
4. Create a list of safety procedures to avoid villains or monsters:
5. Find/bring into class something a monster might own, wear etc.
6. Discover as many vocabulary words as possible that include the letters in the words villain, creature and or monster. Write a story or poem using the first letter of the word!
7. Make-up or find a scary story you can share using books, newspaper or something you heard:
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