Halloween Party Menu Vocabulary Word List (54)
B) | Baked bones, Beastly beans, Berserk beets, Black linguini, Blood orange vinaigrette, Bloody tarts |
C) | Candy corn bites, Cauldron coffee, Chicken a la Frankenstein, Crunchy cupcakes |
E) | Eerie eyeballs, Eerie finger sandwiches |
F) | Field of screams salad, Fried frosted figs |
G) | Ghost marshmallows, Ghoulish greens, Ghoulish music, Ghoulish supper, Glow-in-the-dark milk, Graveyard cake, Green pasta, Gummy worms |
M) | Macaroni brains, Mashed bootatoes, Monster mash sweet potatoes, Mummy hot dogs |
P) | Puke lemonade, Pumpkin peanuts, Putrid pickles |
R) | Rest in peas, Rotten raspberries |
S) | Scream puffs, Shattered glass cupcakes, Skull steak, Slime sauce, Spider deviled eggs, Spooky shrimp, Squished squash |
U) | Uncooked upside down cake |
V) | Vampire soup, Vampire steak | |
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