Kon-Tiki Vocabulary Word List (75)
B) | Balsa wood, Beached, Bestseller |
C) | Calculations, Chronicle, Communication, Construction, Crew, Crossing, Current |
D) | Danger, Data, Days, Documentary |
E) | Equipment, Expedition, Experiences, Explorer |
F) | Fear, Fish, Five men, Funding |
M) | Mangrove, Mast, Moai, Motion picture |
N) | Nautical, Navigate, Norway, Norwegian |
P) | Pacific, Parrot, People, Peril, Peru, Polynesia |
R) | Radio, Raft, Raroia, Rations, Records, Reef, Ropes |
S) | Safety, Sail, Seas, Sextant, Sharks, Six men, Smash, South America, Strategy, Supplies, Survival | |
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