Hiking Vocabulary Word List (279)
A) | Ability, Access, Accident, Acclimatize, Accompany, Adventure, Aesthetics, Afternoon, Aid, Alert, Alpine, Alps, Altitude, Amateur, Ambivalent, Animals, Apex, Appellation, Appropriate, Arduous, Ascent, Aspire, Attention, Attire, Audacious, Augur |
B) | Bandage, Bear box, Behemoth, Beverage, Bivouac, Boots, Buddy |
C) | Calamity, Camping, Care, Castigate, Catharsis, Caution, Challenge, Choices, Cliff, Climate, Climb, Cloud line, Cloudless, Cohorts, Compass, Compatible, Compulsive, Conditions, Countenance, Courage |
D) | Daring, Dark, Daylight, Debilitating, Define, Dehydrated, Demeanor, Descend, Descent, Destination, Determination, Distance, Diverse, Dramatic, Drinking |
E) | Ebullient, Effervescent, Elements, Emergency, Entreat, Epitomize, Equivocal, Escape, Essentials, Evaluate, Excruciating, Exhaustion, Expedition, Experience, Expert, Expertise |
F) | Fall, Family, Family-friendly, Fear, Feat, Find, First aid, Fishing, Fitness, Flashlight, Food, Foray, Formidable, Fortuitous, Freedom |
G) | Gear, Glacial, Ground, Group, Grueling, Guide |
H) | Hairpin turn, Hamper, Hazards, Heavy, Heed, Height, Hiking, Hobby, Hubris, Hydrate |
I) | Impede, Imposing, Infirmity, Inherent, Injury, Innocuous, Insects, Instinct, Insulation, Intensity, Intrinsic, Invincible, Irrefutable |
J) | Jacket, Jagged, Jeopardize, Jostle, Journey, Joy |
L) | Laceration, Languish, Leader, Leisure, Lethargy, Load, Looking |
M) | Maneuver, Map, Medicine, Miserable, Moraine, Mosquitoes, Mountain, Myriad |
N) | National, Nature, Navigate, Neophyte, Novice |
O) | Observe, Obsession, Opportunity, Option, Orientation, Outdoors, Outside, Overlooking |
P) | Packs, Park, Passion, Path, Peak, Peripheral, Permit, Pinnacle, Place, Plan, Polarize, Precarious, Precaution, Precipitous, Preparation, Professional, Promontory, Protection, Provisions |
Q) | Quest, Questions, Queue, Quiet, Quintessential, Quit |
R) | Ranger, Reach, Recreation, Relinquish, Relish, Remote, Repellent, Rescue, Research, Resist, Resolute, Resonate, Respect, Rest, Reward, Risk, Rough, Route, Rubble |
S) | Safety, Scale, Scenic, Segment, Shelter, Sign in, Signal device, Solo, Spectacular, Sporadic, Steep, Stipulation, Stones, Strait, Stream, Strength, Stuff, Stumble, Succumb, Summit, Sun, Sun screen, Sunglasses, Survey |
T) | Team, Terrain, Throng, Time, Top-tier, Trail, Trail mix, Tranquility, Tread, Treat, Treats, Trek, Trekker, Trip |
U) | Undermine, Unexpected, Up, Upwards, UV rays |
V) | Vacation, Vast, Venerate, Veteran, Victim, View, Violate |
W) | Walk, Wander, Warning, Water, Weary, Weather, Whistle, Whistling winds, Wicking, Wild, Wisdom, Worry | |
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