Texas History Vocabulary Word List (315)
A) | Account, Adventure(r), Alamo, Alliance, Ambush, Annexation, Attack |
B) | Bandits, Bare necessities, Barefoot, Battle Cry, Beads, Beset, Blockade, Bluff, Boots, Boundaries, Branding, Brave, Bronco, Buffalo |
C) | Cabin, Caddo Indians, Captive, Cattle, Cattle Drive, Challenges, Chaps, Chicano, Claim, Clash, Coast, Colony, Combative, Confederacy, Conflict, Contribution, Corral, Cotton, Courage, Cowboy, Cowboy Boots, Cowboy Hat, Critters, Crockett, Crops, Culture |
D) | Danger, Davy, Decimate, Defeat, Defender, Defense, Defenseless, Destructive, Difficulties, Discovery, Downstream, Dreams |
E) | Earth, Elevation, Empresarios, Encounter, Encroachment, Endeavor, Endure, Energy, Enforcement, Exhaustion, Expanse, Expectation, Expedition, Experience, Exploration, Explore, Exultation |
F) | Farming, Farms, Fatigue, Fertile, Fierce, Fiesta, Fighting, Forests, Forge, Fort, Foster, Freedom, Friendships, Frontier, Frontiersmen |
G) | Gas, Gather, Goal, Granite, Graves |
H) | Habitat, Hardy, Harsh, Haul, Herd, Hero, Hides, Hike, Hillside, Historic, Homestead, Horseback, Horses, Hospitable, Hostility, Hunger, Hunt |
I) | Illusion, Imagination, Immigrant, Immune, Impassable, Incident, Independence, Indians, Indigenous, Individual, Industrious, Influence, Ingenuity, Inhabitant, Injury, Insistence, Intercept, Interpretation, Intrepid, Irrigate, Isolation |
K) | Killing, Kin, Kindred, King Ranch, Knives |
L) | Land, Land-grant, Landscape, Large, Launch, Leader, Legacy, Limitations, Livestock, Locality, Lodging, Lone, Longhorns, Loss, Lucky |
M) | Manufacturing, Map, March, Massacre, Maverick, Maximize, Mexico, Migrant, Minerals, Mining, Miscreant, Mission, Missions, Misstep, Misunderstanding, Mosquitoes, Motivation |
O) | Oil, Oil Field, Opportunity, Oppressive, Opt, Optimism, Outbreak, Outcropping, Outdoorsman, Outpost |
P) | Painstaking, Panhandle, Perilous, Perseverance, Petroleum, Plains, Possession, Preparations, Prevention, Pristine, Protection, Provisions |
Q) | Quarters, Quest, Quick, Quiet, Quiver |
R) | Radicals, Raid, Railroads, Range, Rebellion, Record, Recovery, Recruit, Reload, Remote, Repellent, Republic, Resilient, Resistance, Resources, Retreat, Revere, Revolution, Rifle, Rio Grande, Risk, Role, Rope, Rot, Route, Rugged, Rural, Rush |
S) | Sage, Seize, Settlements, Settler, Significant, Site, Skirmish, Soil, Span, Spanish, Specimen, Spirit, Stages, Stamina, Star, Stare-down, State Fair, Strategy, Strength, Strong, Supper, Supplies, Survey, Survival, Sustain, Sustenance, Symptoms |
T) | Tejas, Ten-Gallon hat, Tension, Tepee, Territory, Terror, Test(ing), Texas Rangers, Ticks, Tidelands, Toil, Tomahawk, Trace, Traders, Trading post, Trail, Trapper, Travelers, Traverse, Trek, Tribes, Trust |
U) | Ultimate, Unbelievable, Understanding, Unfamiliar, Union, Unite, Unpopulated, Unrest, Unusual, Urgent |
V) | Valiant, Valor, Vanquish, Vaquero, Venison, Vicious, View, Village, Violation, Violence, Virus, Vital |
W) | Wagon, Waive, Walking, Wander, Waylay, Wealth, Weary, Westward, Wince, Work, Wounds | |
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Texas Facts
Texas= The Lone Star State
Texas = The second largest state in the US
Texas = Ten-gallon hat
Texas = 28th state - Statehood: Dec. 29, 1845
Texas = State bird = Mockingbird
Texas = State flower = Bluebonnet
Texas = State tree = Pecan
What do these Texan exclamations mean?
1. Remember the Alamo!
2. Remember Goliad!
3. Don't Mess With Texas!
Texas Lesson Plans and Discussion ideas
1. Oil was discovered near Nacogdoches in 1866. What was the significance of that event?
2. Why is the name Spindletop field important to Texas history?
3. Many Native American tribes lived in Texas. Find information about some/all of the original inhabitants: Hasinai Confederacy, the Coahuiltecan, Lipan Apaches, Comanche and the Pueblo Plains.
4. Who was Alonso Alvarez de Pineda? Why is he well known?
5. Lieutenant Audie Murphy from Farmersville was the most decorated US soldier during WWII. What do you know about him? His courageous acts?
Sources drawn from the Internet and from Joe Frantz, Walter Moore and George Schlesselman
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