America's Cup Vocabulary Word List (204)
A) | Abeam, Aboard, Account, Activity, Admiralty Law, Adrift, Afloat, Aft, Aggressive, Ahoy, Alee, Aloft, America's Cup, Anchor, Anemometer, Angle, Auxiliary, Avoid |
B) | Ballast, Batten, Bay, Bearing, Becalmed, Berths, Big-boat, Boat, Boom, Bowsprit, Brine, Bulkhead, Buoy, Burgee |
C) | Calculation, Capsize, Captain, Catamaran, Celebration, Celestial, Certification, Challengers, Championship, Clew, Coast, Coast Guard, Cockpit, Compass, Competition, Competitors, Confidence, Countries, Crew, Crowds, Current |
D) | Danger, Daring, Deck, Defiance, Depth, Downwind, Drift |
E) | Efforts, Endurance, Enjoyment, Equipment, Expectations, Experience |
F) | Fans, Fast, Fathoms, Final, Fittings, Flag, Flotation, Forestay, Forward |
G) | Galley, Gimbal, Global, Gybing |
H) | Halyard, Happenings, Harbor, Harbor master, Hard alee, Harness, Headway, Heavy weather, Helm, Highbrow sport, Humiliation, Hurricane, Hyperbole |
I) | Ideal conditions, Identification, Interest, International, Interviews |
L) | Latitude, Launch, Leagues, Leak, Lighthouse, Longitude, Lose, Loss, Luff |
M) | Marine, Mast, Match, Mate, Men, Meticulous, Mizzen, Mooring |
O) | Ocean, Oilskins, On board, Option, Oracle Team USA, Overboard |
P) | Participation, Penalties, Pennant, Prevention, Professionals, Propel, Propulsion, Protection, Pulpit |
Q) | Quadrant, Qualification |
R) | Race, Radar, Reach, Regatta, Registration, Regulations, Rigging, Rigors, Roil, Rudder, Rules |
S) | Safety, Sailor, Sails, Scandal, Sea, Seaworthy, Series, Shipshape, Shoreline, Shrouds, Signal, Skills, Sloop, Sophistication, SOS, Spectators, Speed, Spinnaker, Starboard, Stern, Strategy, Stress, Surf, Swell, Systems |
T) | Tack, Teams, Tell, Thrill, Thrill seekers, Tide, Training, Trim, Trophy, Trouble, Types |
V) | Vertical, Vessel, Visibility Water |
W) | Waves, Weather, Whitecaps, Win, Winch, Wind, Wind vane, Women | |
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