Crafts Vocabulary Word List (115)
A) | Amber, Applique, Artistry, Assemble |
B) | Basketry, Beading, Bookbinding, Braiding |
C) | Cabinetmaking, Calligraphy, Candle-making, Carving, Ceramics, Cloissone, Collage, Collect, Community, Craft, Creativity, Crewel, Crochet, Cutout |
D) | Decoration, Decoupage, Deft, Design, Displays, Doll maker, Donations, Dying |
E) | Embroidery, Engraving, Enjoyment, Etching, Expenses |
F) | Fabric, Fashion, Feathers, Fiber arts, Flower arrangements, Friendships |
H) | Handcraft, Handicraft, Hobbyist |
K) | Kite making, Knack, Knitting |
L) | Lace crafting, Lapidary, Leather crafting |
M) | Macrame, Mask making, Materials, Materials, Members, Metal working, Mobile design |
N) | Needle crafts, Needlepoint, Nimble fingers |
O) | One of a kind, Organizations, Origami, Ornamentation |
P) | Painting, Paper-mache, Passion, Perfumery, Pottery, Production, Puppetry |
Q) | Quality, Quality, Quantity, Quilt-work, Quilting |
R) | Repertoire, Rubbing, Rug hooking |
S) | Scrapbook crafts, Scrimshaw, Sea glass, Selling, Sewing, Shell design, Short cuts, Showcase, Silk screen, Spinning, Stained glass, Stenciling, Stitching |
T) | Talent, Tapestry, Tatting, Teaching, Technique, Toy making, Trade, Trapunto, Tricks |
W) | Wares, Weaver, Whittling, Wood carving, Wood worker | |
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Note: Apologies for the lack of accents on certain words that do not appear correctly like applique, cloisonne, macrame, papier-mache.
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