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Diabetes Vocabulary Word List (184)

A)Access, Activate, Activity, Adult-onset, Adults, Advancement, Afflicted, Alert, American Diabetes Association, Appetite, Appointment, Autoimmunity, Availability, Awareness
B)Beneficial, Blindness, Blood sugar, Boost
C)Calorie, Carbohydrate, Care, Challenges, Change, Check, Children, Choice, Chronic, Classic, Clinic, Communication, Compare, Complex, Complication, Condition, Consequence, Consumption, Control, Coping, Cure
D)Damage, Delivery, Detection, Develop, Device, Diagnosis, Diet, Digest, Discipline, Disease, Disorder, Dizziness, Dose, Drug
E)Effective, Elevated, Emergency, Energy, Enzyme, Essential, Evaluation, Evidence, Exercise, Exertion
F)Family history, Fatigue, Follow up, Food, Formula, Fortify, Frequency
G)Genes, Glucose, Goal
H)Habits, Health, Hereditary, Hormone, Hospital, Hydrate, Hypoglycemia
I)Illness, Imbalance, Immune system, Immunotherapy, Independence, Informed, Injection, Insufficient, Insulin, Intake, Interest, Intolerance
J)Juice, Juvenile, Juvenile-onset
L)Lean, Level, Lifesaving, Lifestyle, Lifestyle change, Lower
M)Management, Mealtime, Medic alert, Medication, Metabolism, Meter, Moderation, Monitor
N)Needle, Needs, Normal, Nutrition
O)Obesity, Options
P)Palate, Pancreas, Patience, Patient, Peace of mind, Peak, Personal, Physician, Predisposition, Prescription, Preventable, Prevention, Production, Program, Prone, Proportion, Pump
Q)Quality, Query, Quest, Question
R)Rampant, Range, Remedy, Requirement, Research, Resources, Rest, Revamp, Risk, Routine
S)Safeguard, Safety, Science, Screening, Seizure, Services, Shot, Side effect, Snack, Stabilize, Substitute, Sugar, Symptoms
T)Technology, Tendency, Tests, Therapy, Thirst, Tracer, Treatment, Trigger, Type 1, Type 2, Types
U)Update, Urination, Useful
V)Various, Vision, Vital
W)Watch, Weight, Wellness, Will, Wise, Worrisome
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Health and Fitness
DIABETES alerts: Some ways to protect one's health:

1. Ask questions to be informed
2. Choose ingredients wisely
3. Control food intake
4. Exercise
5. Hydrate
6. Lift weights
7. Limit fats
8. Lose weight
9. Lower cholesterol
10. Monitor medications
11. Sleep enough!
12. Watch calorie intake

Diabetes Lifestyle changes word list:
1. eating healthy
2. exercising regularly
3. above-average job of maintaining blood sugar levels below recommendations
3. weight loss

Diabetes symptoms word list:

excessive thirst, extreme hunger, feeling tired, frequent urination, sudden vision loss, unexplained weight loss,

Type 2 diabetes is the leading cause of:
1. amputation
2. blindness
3. kidney failure

Diabetes types:

Type 1 or juvenile-onset diabetes
Type 2 or adult-onset diabetes
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