Chinese New Year Vocabulary Word List (199)
A) | Acceptance, Accommodation, Adopt, Ancestors, Ancient, Atmosphere, Authentic |
B) | Bamboo, Banners, Beast, Birth, Blessings, Bonuses, Buddhist, Burn bamboo sticks |
C) | Cake, Calculation, Calendar, Candy, Celebration, Chase off, Chicken, Children, China, Citizens, Clean, Cleaning, Clothing, Coins, Colorful, Commemorate, Community, Conclude, Confucian, Connections, Couplets, Cuisine, Customary |
D) | Dancing, Dates, Deafening, Declaration, Decor, Decorations, Deities, Din, Dog, Dragon, Duilian, Dynastic |
E) | Eggplant, Eight, Elders, Elements, Emotion, Enjoyment, Event, Evil spirits |
F) | Families, Festivities, Fire, Firecrackers, Fish, Floats, Flowers, Fortune |
G) | Gather, Gift exchange, Global, Goat, Good things, Greetings, Gregorian calendar, Guide |
H) | Habit, Happiness, Heavenly, Highlights, Historic, Holiday, Honor, Horse, Households |
I) | Icons, Illumination, Important, Incoming, Influence, Information, Ingredients |
L) | Lantern Festival, Leek, Legend, Lion dance, Longevity, Longevity, Loud, Luck, Lunar New Year, Lunar system, Lunisolar |
M) | Major, Markets, Meaningful, Men, Metal, Money, Monkey, Music, Music, Myths |
N) | Nian, Noise, Noodles, Number 8, Numbers |
O) | Observance, Official, Open air market, Oranges, Ornaments, Oval lanterns, Ox |
P) | Paper-cuts, Parades, Participant, Performances, Philosophy, Pig, Plum blossom, Poetry, Pork, Portraits, Practices, Preparation, Prosperity, Protection, Public |
Q) | Quality, Quantity, Questions |
R) | Rabbit, Rat, Recipe, Recognition, Red, Red envelopes, Regions, Relatives, Religion, Reunion dinner, Ritual, Rooster |
S) | Scholars, Showcase, Sign, Significance, Sincerity, Snake, Social, Solar system, Special, Spring Festival, Stamps, Statutory, Sumptuous, Sunflower, Superstitions, Sweep away, Symbolism, Systems |
T) | Tales, Taoist, Teenagers, Theme, Tiger, Tradition, Truth |
U) | Unique, Universal, Usher in |
V) | Venue, Virtue, Visiting |
W) | Ward off, Washing, Water, Wealth, Welcoming, Women, Wood | |
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