Pioneers, Explorers Vocabulary Word List (384)
A) | A: abandon, Ability, Abrasion, Account, Adventure(r), Alcohol, Alliance, Ambush, Ash cake, Aspiration, Attack |
B) | Bare necessities, Barefoot, Beads, Bear foot, Beaver, Befriend, Beset, Bluff, Boudin blanc, Boundaries, Branding, Brave, Buffalo, Buffalo, Buffalo-skin, Bull-boat, Buttons |
C) | Cabin, Cactus juice, Cairn, Camp, Canoe, Captive, Care, Careful, Cargo, Cartographer, Carvings, Caution, Challenges, Churn, Claim, Clash, Climb, Colonization, Combative, Compass, Compromise, Conflict, Constructive, Contribution, Cornmeal, Countries, Courage, Courageous, Court-martial, Craft, Critters, Crops, Crossing, Crusade |
D) | Danger, Decimate, Defeat, Defense, Defenseless, Demoralize, Departure, Desertion, Destructive, Difficulties, Discipline, Discovery, Disease, Dispatch, Downstream, Drag, Dreams, Drifts, Drunkenness, Dugout canoe, Dumplings |
E) | Earth-lodge, Elevation, Elk, Encampment, Encounter, Encroachment, Endeavor, Endurance, Energy, Enforcement, Epic, Escape, Exhaustion, Expanse, Expansionist, Expectation, Expedition, Experience, Exploration, Explore, Exultation |
F) | Fatigue, Fear, Fever, Fierce, Firearms, Flotilla, Follow, Foresail, Forests, Forge, Foster, Friendships, Frontier, Frontiersmen, Fry bread, Fur |
G) | Gather, Germs, Goal, Gold, Goodwill, Graves, Grizzly bear |
H) | Habitat, Hardship, Hardy, Harsh, Haul, Hides, Hiking, Hillside, Historic, Homeland, Horseback, Hospitable, Hunger, Hunt, Huts, Hygiene, Hygienic |
I) | Icy, Ill-prepared, Illusion, Imagination, Immigrant, Immune, Impassable, Incidents, Indians, Indigenous, Individual, Industrious, Infection, Influence, Ingenuity, Inhabitant, Injury, Insistence, Intercept, International, Interpretation, Interpreter, Intrepid, Irrigation, Isolation, Itinerary |
J) | Jargon, Journal, Journey, Judgment |
K) | Keel-boat, Killing, Kin, Kindred, Knives |
L) | Land, Land-grab, Landscape, Launch, Leader, Legacy, Limitations, Locality, Lodging, Logging, Logs, Loss, Lucky |
M) | Map, Mapping, March, Maximize, Meager, Migrant, Miscreant, Mission, Mississippi River, Misstep, Misunderstandings, Mosquitoes, Motivation, Mountain, Musket, Muslin, Mysterious |
N) | Natives, Navigable, Navigation, Notable, Nugget |
O) | Oars, Opportunity, Oppressive, Opt, Optimism, Oregon, Outback, Outbreak, Outcropping, Outdoorsman, Outpost |
P) | Painstaking, Panic, Panning, Participation, Pelts, Perilous, Perseverance, Pilgrimage, Pirogue, Plague, Plunder, Pole, Portage, Possessions, Preparations, Prevention, Primitive, Pristine, Protection, Provisions, Punt |
Q) | Quarters, Quest, Quick, Quiet, Quilting, Quiver |
R) | Rafts, Raid, Range, Rapids, Record, Recovery, Recruit, Religion, Reload, Remote, Repellent, Resilient, Resistance, Resolve, Revere, Rifle, Risk, Riverbank, Rivers, Role, Rope, Rot, Route, Rowing, Rudimentary, Rugged, Rural, Rush |
S) | Sage, Salmon, Salt pork, Sanitary, Scarcity, Scared, Scientist, Seaworthy, Seize, Settlers, Sewing, Shipbuilding, Shoshone, Sickness, Significant, Site, Skirmish, Smallpox, Snowstorms, Soil, Span, Specimens, Spirit, Stages, Stamina, Stare-down, Starvation, Strategy, Streams, Strength, Strong, Suet, Supper, Supplies, Surveying, Survival, Sustain, Sustenance, Symptoms |
T) | Tension, Tepee, Territory, Terror, Testing, Ticks, Timber, Toll, Tomahawk, Trace, Traders, Trading post, Trail, Transcontinental, Transoceanic, Trapper, Travelers, Traverse, Trek, Trinket, Trust |
U) | Ultimate, Unbelievable, Understanding, Unfamiliar, Unpopulated, Unrest, Unusual, Unusual, Urgent |
V) | Valiant, Valor, Vanquish, Venison, Vicious, View, Village, Violation, Violence, Virus, Vital, Voyage |
W) | Wagon, Waive, Walking, Wander, Water route, Waterfall, Waylay, Weary, Westward, Wharf, Wheat, Wilderness, Wince, Wintering, Wood, Work, Wounds | |
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Comments: Historical Pioneers and Explorers documents show that men took charge of the wagons. They protected their families and hunted for food. A woman's job included making meals, washing and caring for the young children. The children also had chores. They would collect buffalo chips to start a fire if wood was unavailable.
Titles of some books about life for pioneer children include "Children of the Wild West" by R. Freedman, "Pecos Bill- "The Greatest Cowboy of all Time" by James Bowman, "Patty Reeds Doll-The Story of the Donner Party" written by Rachel Laurgaard and "Daily Life in a Covered Wagon" By Paul Erickson
(Information taken from various sources including the PBS documentary on the Donner party, "American Experience."
Pioneers and Explorers Lesson Plan ACTIVITY: 1. Imagine that students prepare for a trip/journey, just like pioneers.
2. Provide magazines or newspapers, cut out pictures for essential/necessary/useful items for an adventure or long trip.
3. Consult the Internet/newspapers/magazines to search for stories about pioneers.
4. Research maps of their travels and experiences.
5. What clothing would have been appropriate for four seasons and various weather conditions?
6. What obstacles might have caused delays or postponement of a trip?
7. What types of useful things had to be included besides food and clothes?
8. What type of person would want to make this kind of an adventure/ trip? Discuss choices.
(Suggestion: Compile a master list with students choices)
Pioneers, Explorers discussion ideas:
1. Ask students about the longest and best/worst trip they have taken. If a student hasn't traveled, have him/her imagine places to go.
2. Why did students have these opinions?
3. Include ideas/examples/pictures to a white/smart board. Have students examine what others found. Have them discuss two lists they like best!
4. Assign written work relating to pioneers, their challenges and the areas where they chose to settle.
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