Hobbies Vocabulary Word List (110)
A) | Activities, Angling, Antique collecting, Aquariums, Art, Artifacts, Avocation |
B) | Backpacking, Ballooning, Biking, Bingo, Bird-watching, Board games, Boating, Bridge |
C) | Camping, Cards, Carpentry, Carving, Ceramics, Classes, Coin collecting, Collectibles, Collection, Cooking, Crafts, Crewel, Crochet, Crossword puzzles |
D) | Dancing, Dealer, Decoupage, Delight |
E) | Embroidery, Enjoy, Enrichment, Entertainment, Expertise |
G) | Gambling, Games, Gardening |
H) | Handicrafts, Hiking, Hunting |
I) | Ice-skating, Ikebana, Interests |
L) | Leisure, Linger, Loiter |
M) | Macrame, Magic, Model airplanes, Model cars, Model trains, Models, Mountaineering |
N) | Needlepoint, Numismatics |
P) | Painting, Passion, Pastime, Philately, Photography, Playing cards, Pleasure, Possession, Pottery making, Puppetry, Purchases, Puzzles |
R) | Reading, Relaxation, Retirement, Riding, Rock climbing, Rug hooking |
S) | Sales, Scrimshaw, Scuba diving, Sewing, Sharing, Shells, Shopping, Skeet shooting, Skill, Skydiving, Snorkeling, Spelunking, Sports, Stamp collections, Stitch, Surfing |
W) | Weaving, Whittling, Woodworking | |
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