Groups Vocabulary Word List (156)
A) | Accumulation, Agglutinate, Aggregate, Amass, Arrange, Array, Assembly, Associate, Audience |
B) | Band, Batch, Battalion, Belong, Bevy, Bloc, Block, Body, Bracket, Branch, Brigade, Bulk, Bunch |
C) | Cadre, Caravan, Caste, Catalog, Categorize, Caucus, Cavalcade, Cell, Chain, Clan, Class, Classify, Clique, Cluster, Coagulate, Code, Collate, Collection, Colony, Combination, Community, Conglomerate, Congregate, Constellation, Convocation, Cooperative, Copy, Corporation, Coterie, Covey, Crew |
D) | Department, Design, Division |
F) | Family, File, Fleet, Flock, Fold, Following, Fraternity |
G) | Gathering, Genre, Genus, Group, Grouping, Guild |
H) | Hatch, Herd, Hierarchy, Horde, Huddle |
L) | Legion, Legislature, Letter, Likeness, Litter, Lot |
M) | Mass, Meeting, Mess, Mob, Model, Mold, Multitude |
P) | Pack, Party, Passel, Pattern, People, Phylum, Piece, Plan, Pod, Pool, Pool |
R) | Raft, Rank, Realm, Ream, Record, Regiment |
S) | Sample, School, Sect, Section, Series, Session, Set, Sextet, Sitting, Slate, Society, Sorority, Sort, Species, Species, Squad, Suite, Sum, Swarm, Symbol, Synod, System |
T) | Team, Template, Throng, Tong, Tribe, Trio, Troop, Twin, Type | |
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