Antiques Vocabulary Word List (176)
A) | Acanthus, Ago, Amateur, American, Antique, Applique, Appraisal, Appraiser, Apron, Art, Asian, Assessment, Auction, Authentic |
B) | Banding, Baroque, Bevel, Birdcage, Biscuit, Bombe, Browse, Buffet, Bureau, Buy |
C) | Cabinetmaker, Cabochon, Cabriole, Carvings, Century, Chasing, China, Chinoiserie, Chippendale, Cloisonne, Coins, Collectible, Collector, Condition, Consignment, Construction, Cost, Crystal, Curves, Custom |
D) | Dated, Dates, Davenport, Dealer, Decades, Decor, Decorative, Depth, Description, Design, Detection, Distinctive, Distressed, Disuse, Documentation, Dowel, Duncan Phyfe |
E) | Education, Elaborate, Elegant, Enthusiast, Escutcheon, Estate, Etui, European, Event, Ewer |
F) | Faience, Family, Fashionable, Federal, Festoon, Fine Art, French, Fretwork, Furniture |
G) | Gadroon, Gallery, Garland, George III, Gesso, Gothic, Guide |
H) | Hallmark, Handmade, Hangings, Hepplewhite, Hunt |
I) | Industry, Influence, Inlay, Insurance, Interiors, Inventory, Investment, Irresistible, Item |
J) | Jacobean, Jewelry, Joint |
L) | Lace, Lacquer, Leaf, Linen |
M) | Market, Merchandise, Motif, Museum-quality |
O) | Obscure, Old-fashioned, Ormolue |
P) | Paintings, Past, Patina, Pedestal, Period, Porcelain, Price, Professional, Property, Provenance, Purchase |
Q) | Quality, Quantity, Queen Anne, Query, Quest |
R) | Rare, Reference, References, Regency, Repair, Reproduction, Research, Restoration, Retro, Revival, Rococo |
S) | Sales, Scope, Scratch, Sculpture, Sell, Shape, Shop, Signature, Size, Snuff boxes, Sold, Source, Study, Style |
T) | Taste, Terms, Traditional, Type |
U) | Ultimate, Unique, Unusual |
V) | Value, Veneer, Version, Victorian, Vintage | |
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