Entertainment, Recreation, Leisure Vocabulary Word List (121)

A)Acrobatics, Air show, Amusement park, Aquarium, Auto racing
B)Band, Baseball, Basketball, Beauty pageant, Belly dancing, Big top, Botanical gardens, Bowling, Boxing, Bullfight, Burlesque
C)Carnival, Carousel, Casino, Cavalcade, Circus, Clown show, Comedy, Competitions, Concours, Conjuring tricks, Contests, Convention, County fair
D)Dancing, Demolition derby, Diversion, Diving, Drum corps
E)Entertainment, Equestrian, Events, Exhibition, Extravaganza
F)Fair, Fashion show, Ferris wheel, Figure skating, Fireworks, Fishing, Floor show, Football, Fun house
G)Gala, Gambling, Gardening, Gymkhana, Gymnastics
H)High-wire act, Hobbies, Horse racing, Hunting
J)Jamboree, Jousting, Juggling
L)Legerdemain, Light show, Loop-the-loop
M)Magician, Marching bands, Marine park, Masquerade, Merry-go-round, Mime
P)Pageant, Pantomime, Parade, Performance, Planetarium, Prestidigitation, Promenade, Punch-and-Judy show, Puppet show, Pyrotechnics
R)Regatta, Relaxation, Revue, Rodeo, Roller coaster, Roller derby, Rowing
S)Sailing, Scavenger hunt, Sideshow, Skateboard, Skating, Skiing, Skits, Snowboarding, Son et lumiere, Sound and light, Spectacle, Speedboat races, Sports, Street show, Stunts, Swimming, Synchronized swimming
T)Theater, Tightrope walking, Tilting, Tournament, Track, Trapeze acts, Tumbling
V)Vacation, Variety show, Vaudeville, Ventriloquism
W)Walking, Water ballet, Wax museum, Wrestling
Z)Zoo, Zoological garden
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