Household items Vocabulary Word List (137)
B) | Backpack, Bedding, Bedspread, Binders, Blankets, Blinds, Bookcase, Books, Broom, Brush, Bucket |
C) | Calendar, Candles, Carpet, Chair, Chairs, China, Clock, Coffee table, Comb, Comforter, Computer, Containers, Couch, Credenza, Cup, Curtains, Cushions |
D) | Desk, Dish towel, Dishwasher, Door stop, Drapes, Dressers, Drill, Dryer, Dust pan, Duvet |
E) | End tables, Extension cord |
F) | Fan, Figurine, File cabinet, Fire extinguisher, Flashlight, Flatware, Flowers, Forks, Furnace |
H) | Hammer, Heater, Houseplant |
I) | IPhone, IPod, Iron, Ironing board |
L) | Lamp, Light bulbs, Light switch, Linens |
M) | Magnets, Markers, Medicine, Mementos, Microwave, Mop, Mugs, Musical instruments |
N) | Napkins, Nick-knacks, Note paper |
P) | Paintings, Pans, Pants, Paper, Pen, Pencil, Phones, Photographs, Piano, Pictures, Pillows, Pitcher, Plants, Plastic plates, Plates, Pliers, Pots, Prescriptions |
R) | Radiator, Radio, Rags, Refrigerator, Rugs |
S) | Saucer, Saw, Scissors, Screw driver, Settee, Shades, Sheets, Shelf, Shirts, Shoes, Smoke detector, Sneakers, Socks, Sofa, Speakers, Spoons, Suitcases, Supplies, Sweeper |
T) | Tablecloth, Tables, Telephone, Timers, Tissues, Toaster, Toilet paper, Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Towels, Toys, TV |
W) | Washer, Washing machine | |
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