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Literary terms Vocabulary Word List (288)

A)Abridgment, Abstract, Accented, Adaptation, Aestheticism, Allegory, Alliteration, Allusion, Almanac, Ambiguity, Amplification, Analogy, Analysis, Anecdote, Antagonist, Anthology, Anticlimax, Antihero, Antithesis, Apocryphal, Aptness, Artistic, Aside, Atlas, Atmosphere, Audience, Author, Authorship, Autobiography, Avant-garde
B)Ballad, Bard, Basic, Bathos, Belles letters, Bibliography, Biography, Bombast, Bucolic
C)Cadence, Canto, Caricature, Cast of characters, Cause & effect, Central, Chanson, Character, Characterization, Chronicle, Chronology, Cipher, Clarity, Classic, Cliche, Climax, Coherence, Collection, Colloquialism, Colophon, Comedy, Comparison, Compendium, Composition, Conclusion, Confession, Confidant, Conflict, Connotation, Contrast, Convey, Correlation, Couplet, Courtly love, Criticism, Critique, Cycle
D)Denotation, Denouement, Description, Detective story, Device, Dialogue, Diary, Diatribe, Didactic, Discourse, Document, Doggerel, Double meaning, Drama
E)Eclogue, Elegy, Element, Emotion, Emphasis, Epic, Epigram, Epilogue, Epistle, Epitaph, Epithet, Epos, Essay, Euphemism, Evoke, Exhortation, Expansive, Exposition, Expository, Expression
F)Fable, Fantasy, Farce, Feeling, Fiction, Fictitious, Figurative language, Figure of speech, Flashback, Foil, Fragment, Fustian
G)Generalization, Genre, Gloss, Gothic
H)Haiku, Heroic, Heroine, Hidden message, Historical fiction, Humanity, Hyperbole
I)Iambic pentameter, Idea, Identifiable, Idiom, Idyll, Imagery, Imaginative, Inference, Inflection, Innuendo, Integrity, Intonation, Intrigue, Introductory, Irony
J)Jargon, Journal, Juxtapose
L)Lament, Lampoon, Language, Legend, Leitmotif, Letters, Lexicon, Limerick, Literal, Literary, Locale, Lucidity, Lyric
M)Masterpiece, Melodrama, Memoir, Metaphor, Missive, Monologue, Moral, Motif, Motive, Musical, Mystery, Myth
N)Narrative, Narrator, Niche, Nihilism, Nom de plume, Nonfiction, Novel, Novella, Nuance, Nursery rhyme
O)Ode, Omnibus, Onomatopoeia, Opinion, Oration, Oratory, Outcome, Oxymoron
P)Parable, Parlance, Parody, Passage, Pastiche, Pastoral poem, Pathos, Period, Persona, Personification, Plagiarism, Plot, Poem, Poetic, Poetry, Point of view, Potboiler, Prediction, Preface, Prologue, Prominent, Prose, Protagonist, Pseudonym, Publisher, Purpose
Q)Quality, Quatrain, Quintessential
R)Realism, Recitation, Redundant, Reference, Repetition, Resolution, Rhetoric, Rhyme, Rhythm, Roman a clef, Rondeau
S)Saga, Sarcasm, Satire, Science fiction, Scope, Selection, Semantics, Sequence, Serial, Setting, Short story, Significance, Simile, Sketch, Sonnet, Stage, Stanza, Style, Stylized, Subtext, Suggestive, Symbol
T)Technique, Terminology, Theme, Thesaurus, Thesis, Thriller, Tome, Tone, Topic sentence, Tragedy, Tragicomedy, Treatise, Trilogy, Turning point
U)Unction, Understatement, Unfolding, Unity, Utterance
V)Verisimilitude, Vernacular, Verse, Versification, Vignette, Vocative, Voice, Volume
W)Western, Word-smith, Writings
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