Smoke Jumpers and Fire Jumping Vocabulary Word List (210)
A) | Acres, Action, Adjustments, Adrenaline, Aerial, Airborne, Airplane, All-consuming, Altitude, Assignment, Attitude |
B) | Base, Battle, Blackened, Blaze, Blisters, Bruises, Brush, Burning, Burst |
C) | Calculation, Canopy, Choking, Cinders, Circumstances, Classwork, Climb, Cloud cover, Communicate, Conditions, Confidence, Control, Crosscurrent, Crosscurrents |
D) | Danger, Debilitating, Destination, Destruction, Details, Dig, Direction, Disaster, Distance, Dodging, Downwind, Drag, Drift, Drogue |
E) | Efficiency, Efforts, Elite, Embers, Energy, Equipment, Exclusive, Exercise, Exhaustion, Experience, Explosions |
F) | Factors, Fatigue, Firefighter, Flames, Flank, Flare-up, Flash, Flying, Focus, Fuel, Fury |
G) | Gauge, Gear, Goggles, Grief, Grime, Grip, Grit, Guile, Gusts |
H) | Hack, Hang-up, Harness, Haze, Heat, Helmet, Help, Helpless, High-priority, Hike, Hold, Horizon, Horror, Hose, Hotshot |
I) | Ignite, Impact, Implement, Inhalation, Injuries, Instinct, Instincts, Instruction, Investigate |
J) | Jarring, Jerry-rig, Jitters, Job, Jump spot, Jumper |
K) | Killer, Kindle, Knowledge |
L) | Launch, Legend, Lethal, Lightening, Line, Linger, Load, Lull |
M) | Maintain, Maneuver, Mask, Mother Nature, Muscles |
O) | Oath, Observation, Organization, Organize, Overshoot, Oxygen |
P) | Pack, Pain, Pandemonium, Panic, Parachute, Partner, Passion, Pilot, Plane, Position, Pressure, Protection, PT, Pump |
R) | Reaction, Recruit, Repel, Restriction, Risk, Rookie, Rope, Rule |
S) | Saw, Scramble, Searing, Season, Shelter, Shovel, Signal, Smoke, Soot, Spew, Spot, Spotter, Squad, Stress, Stretch, Summer, Supplies, Suppress, Survey, Sweat, Sweat, System |
T) | Target, Threatened, Toggle, Torched, Tragedy, Training, Transport, Trapped, Treatment, Trees, Trouble, Turbulence |
U) | Unconscious, Unique, Unit |
V) | Vengeance, Veteran, Vicious, Victory, View, Vigilant |
W) | Waging, War, Water, Wilderness, Wildfire, Wind, Work, Wrath | |
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asbestos, brick, sand, stone, water, copper, steel
Firefighters equipment word list:
ax, bolt cutters, crow bar, hammer, first-aid kit, ladder, oxygen tank and mask, pike pole, power saw, rope, sledge hammer, smoke ejector
Firefighters character word list
ability, bravery, careful, cautious, character, courageous, determined, disciplined, endurance, energetic, fierce, fitness, friendly, helpful, kind, knowledgeable, motivated, observant, quick, responsible, stamina, strength, strong, trained, trustworthy, understanding, valiant, vigilant, vital, wise, zeal
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