Cancer Vocabulary Word List (332)
A) | Abnormal, Acceptance, Aches, Acute, Additives, Adequate, Adult, Advanced, Advances, Advise, Advise, Advocate, Affect, Afraid, Age, Agencies, Agents, Alternative, American Cancer Society, Anger, Anticancer, Antigens, Anxiety, Assist, Attack, Attention, Attentive, Authorities, Avoid, Avoidance |
B) | Beat, Benign, Biology, Biopsy, Blood, Blood test, Blur, Body, Bowel, Boys, Breasts |
C) | Cancerous, Carcinogen, Carcinoma, Care, CAT scan, Cause, Cell division, Cells, Cervix, Challenges, Chance, Chances, Chemicals, Chemotherapy, Children, Choice, Chronic, Clinical, Community, Complications, Confusing, Consultation, Control, Cope, Cure |
D) | Dangerous, Deadly, Dear, Decision, Density, Depression, Despair, Detection, Develop, Diagnosis, Digestive system, Disappear, Disclosure, Discussion, Disease, Doctor, Dread, Drugs |
E) | Early, Education, Effective, Effects, Elderly, Eliminate, Emotion, Encouragement, Endangered, Endocrine, Endure, Enlargement, Esophagus, Evidence, Experience, Experimental, Expert, Explain, Explanation |
F) | Failure, Family, Fatal, Fatigue, Fitness, Focus, Foreign, Friends, Fright |
H) | Harmful, Healing, Healthy, Help, Helpless, History, Home, Hope, Hospice, Hospital, Human beings |
I) | Imagery, Immunology, Impairment, Important, Improvements, Inadequate, Information, Informed, Infusion, Inherit, Innovations, Insecticide, Insurance, Intense, International, Intervention, Invade, Invasive, Invasive, Irrational, Issues |
J) | Jogging, Joints, Jolt, Joy, Justification, Juvenile |
L) | Larynx, Lethal, Leukemia, Life, Listless, Liver, Living, Long-term, Love, Lumpectomy, Lungs, Lymph, Lymphoma |
M) | Malignant, Mammography, Manage, Margin, Measures, Medical, Medicine, Men, Mental, Merit, Metastasis, Method, Middle age, Misconception, Monitoring, MRI, Multiply, Mutation |
N) | National, National Cancer Institute, Negative, Network, Nodes, Non-cancerous, Normal, Normal, Numbers, Nurse, Nutrition |
O) | Objective, Occur, Odd, Oncologist, Operation, Optimism, Organ, Organization |
P) | Pain, Pancreas, Pathology, Pathway, Patience, Patient, Per cent, Perspective, Physician, Pink, Pioneer, Pity, Placebo, Pollution, Poorly, Positive, Practice, Precautionary, Preparation, Presence, Privacy, Problems, Procedure, Prognosis, Programs, Promote, Prompt, Prostate, Provider, Psychology |
Q) | Quantity, Query, Questions, Quiver |
R) | Radiation, Radiologist, Rally around, Rate, Reality, Recommendation, Recovery, Recurrence, Reoccur, Research, Resignation, Responsible, Reveal, Revert, Risk, Rough |
S) | Sarcoma, Scientist, Seek, Share, Short-term, Sick, Sickening, Side effects, Signs, Site, Skin, Skin cancer, Solution, Sorry, Specialist, Spiritual, Spread, Spread, Stomach, Strange, Strength, Stress, Strike, Success, Support, Surgery, Survival, Survivorship, Suspect, Suspicious, Symptoms |
T) | Target, Technology, Tendency, Tests, Thrive, Tissue, Tobacco, Tough, Trace, Training, Transition, Treatable, Treatment, Trials, Triumph, Tumor, Type |
U) | Ultrasound, Uncontrolled, Understanding, Unknown, Unusual |
V) | Vigilance, Visit, Visitor, Vital |
W) | Waiting, Warning, Wary, Watchful, Weakness, Weep, Well-being, Wellness, Why?, Win, Wish, Women, Worry | |
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