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  • The Subject and Calendar-related puzzles are supplementary curriculum resources featuring vocabulary activities and word puzzles. Also included are over 660 additional subject-related word lists.
  • Use the provided Greek and Latin word roots in the over 90 subject word puzzles to decode word meaning and select the correct answer. Email your answers to friends, family and teachers.
  • Common Core alignment to a Themed Puzzles is to 3 key phrases: "Grade Level", "Particular Topic" and "Grade-Relevant Text or Subject Area". CCSS Alignment Strand for Specific Grades:
    CCSS Alignment Strand Numbers for Specific Grades:
    Greek & Latin Roots: "CCSS.ELA-Literacy." precedes these numbers: 2.4b+c, 3.4b+c, 4.4b, 5.b, 6.4b, 7.4b, 8.4b, 9-10.4b, 11-12.4b
    Grade Level: "CCSS.ELA-Literacy." precedes these numbers: 2.4, 3.4, 4.4, 5.4, 6.4, 7.4, 8.4, 9-10.4, 11-12.4
    Particular Topic: "CCSS.ELA-Literacy." precedes these numbers: 4.6. 5.6, 6.6, 7.6, 8.6, 9-10.6, 11-12.6
    Grade & Subject-Relevant Text: "CCSS.ELA-Literacy." precedes these numbers:
    (Reading: Informational Text) RI.2.4, RI.3.4, RI.4.4. RI.5.4, RI.6.4, RI.7.4, RI.8.4, RI.9-10.4, RI.11-12.4
    (Reading: Literature) RL.2.4, RL.3.4, RL.4.4. RL.5.4, RL.6.4, RL.7.4, RL.8.4, RL.9-10.4, RL.11-12.4

  • There are word lists here for EACH Subject and Calendar-related puzzle below.
  • Get a Print Out

    1) Prefix Study AB-ABS #1 --

    Directions: offers 14 PREFIX puzzles with the grade level of each vocabulary word marked to the right in the vocabulary word list beginning with a prefix below. Use eight grade level words for each prefix. a total of 112 words.

    The prefixes and links are:
    AB-ABS - AD - BE - COM - DE - DIS - EN - EX - IN-IM - PRE - PRO - RE - SUB - UN

    1. Study the vocabulary words in the vocabulary word bank to determine the meaning(s) of each prefix word.
    2. Use the definition, part of speech and "master" Latin root as clues to solve each puzzle.
    3. Type or write your answers INSIDE the boxes. At the bottom of the last prefix puzzle, click " SUBMIT" to get the correct answers and a sentence for each vocabulary word.
    4. Note: You can print a copy of these prefix exercises in three sizes: normal, bigger or biggest font. You can also email answers to teachers, parents and friends.

    Why are these 14 prefixes important? According to Richard E. Hodges of the University of Puget Sound in a booklet titled: "Improving Spelling and Vocabulary in Secondary School" published by the NCTE in 1982; page 30:
    "If you were to examine the 20,000 most used English words, you would find that about 5,000 of them contain prefixes and that 82% (about 4,100) of those words use one of only fourteen different prefixes out of all the available prefixes in the language."
    Vocabulary Word List:
    Prefix AB-ABS means "away, from, separation."
    Below is an alphabetical list using the prefix AB-ABS with an indication of a grade level for the prefix "AB-ABS."
    Aberration - HS, Abdicate - HS, Abject - 8, Absence - 6, Absolute - 6, Abstinence - HS, Abstract - 6, Abundance - 7

    Prefix Study AB-ABS #1 --

    1)  A departure from what is right, true, correct, etc.; a deviation from normal (noun)
    Root ERR = wander

    2)  The state of not being present or attending; the want or lack (noun)
    Root ESSE = becoming

    3)  Free from imperfection or mixture: perfect; having no restriction or limitation; without doubt: certain (adjective)
    Root SOLU = loosen, release

    4)  Considered apart from a particular instance or object; difficult to understand; theoretical (adjective)
    Root TRACT = pull, draw

    5)  An ample or overflowing quantity; profusion; degree of plentifulness (noun)
    Root UND = wave, flow, overflow

    6)  Extremely bad or severe; very humble: feeling or showing shame (adjective)
    Root JECT = throw, cast, hurl

    7)  To give up sovereign power, office or responsibility usually formally; renounce (verb)
    Root DICT = speak, declare

    8)  Denial of the appetites, esp. certain foods and drinks: self denial; willful avoidance of pleasures (noun)
    Root TIN = hold

    Click the SUBMIT BUTTON at the bottom of the page for answers

    2) Prefix Study AD #1 --

    Directions: offers 14 PREFIX puzzles with the grade level of each vocabulary word marked to the right of the vocabulary word list beginning with a prefix below. Use eight grade level words for each prefix. offers a total of 112 vocabulary words.

    The prefixes and links are:
    AB-ABS - AD - BE - COM - DE - DIS - EN - EX - IN-IM - PRE - PRO - RE - SUB - UN

    1. Study the vocabulary words in the vocabulary word bank to determine the meaning(s) of each prefix.
    2. Use the definition, part of speech and "master" Latin root as clues to solve each prefix puzzle.
    3. Type or write your answers INSIDE the boxes. At the bottom of the last prefix puzzle, click " SUBMIT" to get the correct answers and a sentence for each vocabulary word.
    4. Note: You can print a copy of these prefix exercises in three sizes: normal, bigger or biggest font.

    Why are these 14 prefixes important? According to Richard E. Hodges of the University of Puget Sound in a booklet titled: "Improving Spelling and Vocabulary in Secondary School" published by the NCTE in 1982; page 30:
    "If you were to examine the 20,000 most used English words, you would find that about 5,000 of them contain prefixes and that 82% (about 4,100) of those words use one of only fourteen different prefixes out of all the available prefixes in the language."
    Vocabulary Word List:
    Prefix AD means "to, toward(s), near."
    Below is an alphabetical list using vocabulary words with the prefix AD. The "AD" prefix includes an indication of a grade level.
    Adequate - 7, Adhere - 8, Adjourned - 8, Admission - 6, Admonish - HS, Adventurous - 5, Adversity - 8, Advocate - 7

    Prefix Study AD #1 --

    1)  Ready to seek risks or to cope with the new and unknown, regardless of possible danger (adjective)
    Root VENT = come

    2)  The right or permission to enter; the act of allowing scope; a concession of something true or valid (noun)
    Root MISS = send

    3)  To support or recommend openly (verb)
    Root VOC = voice, call

    4)  Suitable or fully sufficient for a specific requirement; barely satisfactory (adjective)
    Root EQU = equal, same

    5)  To give support or maintain loyalty; to hold fast or stick by as if by gluing (verb)
    Root HER = stick

    6)  Suspending further proceedings or business for an indefinite or stated time; moving to another place (adjective)
    Root JOURN = day, daily

    7)  A condition or experience of serious or continued misfortune (noun)
    Root VERS = turn

    8)  To reprove gently but seriously; to warn of a fault; to give friendly advice or encouragement to (verb)
    Root MON = warn, remind, advise

    Click the SUBMIT BUTTON at the bottom of the page for answers

    3) Prefix Study BE #1 --

    Directions: offers 14 PREFIX puzzles with the grade level of each vocabulary word marked to the right in the vocabulary word list beginning with a prefix below. Use eight grade level words for each prefix. features a total of 112 vocabulary words.

    The prefixes and links are:
    AB-ABS - AD - BE - COM - DE - DIS - EN - EX - IN-IM - PRE - PRO - RE - SUB - UN

    1. Study the vocabulary words in the vocabulary word bank to determine the meaning(s) of each prefix.
    2. Use the definition, part of speech and "master" Latin root as clues to solve each puzzle.
    3. Type or write your answers INSIDE the boxes. At the bottom of the last prefix puzzle, click " SUBMIT" to get the correct answers and a sentence for each vocabulary word.
    4. Note: You can print a copy of these prefix exercises in three sizes: normal, bigger or biggest font. You can send your answers to teachers, parents and friends.

    Why are these 14 prefixes important? According to Richard E. Hodges of the University of Puget Sound in a booklet titled: "Improving Spelling and Vocabulary in Secondary School" published by the NCTE in 1982; page 30:
    "If you were to examine the 20,000 most used English words, you would find that about 5,000 of them contain prefixes and that 82% (about 4,100) of those words use one of only fourteen different prefixes out of all the available prefixes in the language."
    Vocabulary Word List:
    Prefix BE means " on all sides; overly; with a quality."
    Below is an alphabetical list using the prefix BE with an indication of a grade level for the prefix "BE."
    Bedraggled - 7, Behavior - 5, Belittle - HS, Beloved - 5, Beseech - 7, Bestow - 5, Betray - 6, Bewildering - 7

    Prefix Study BE #1 --

    1)  Dearly cherished; feeling warm affection, devotion or attachment towards (adjective)
    Root LIBE = to be pleasing

    2)  The way a person acts, functions, reacts or conducts oneself (noun)
    Root HAB = have, hold

    3)  To present as a gift; to confer or apply (verb)
    Root = uncertain derivation

    4)  To give over to an enemy by treachery or fraud; to be unfaithful to; to tell in violation of a trust (verb)
    Root TRAD = deliver, betray

    5)  Causing confusion esp. by a complex variety or large number of possibilities (adjective)
    Root WILDE = lose one's way (Old English)

    6)  To ask for earnestly with great eagerness or anxiety; to implore (verb)
    Root SAGUS = prophetic

    7)  Limp, soggy or dirty from or as if from rain or mud; showing the effect of much use or lack of care (adjective)
    Root = uncertain derivation

    8)  To speak of in a slighting way; to disparage (verb)
    Root LYTEL = minute (Old English)

    Click the SUBMIT BUTTON at the bottom of the page for answers

    4) Prefix Study COM #1 --

    Directions: offers 14 PREFIX puzzles with the grade level of each vocabulary word marked to the right in the vocabulary word list beginning with a prefix below. Use eight grade level vocabulary words for each prefix. features a total of 112 vocabulary words.

    The prefixes and links are:
    AB-ABS - AD - BE - COM - DE - DIS - EN - EX - IN-IM - PRE - PRO - RE - SUB - UN

    1. Study the vocabulary words in the vocabulary word bank to determine the meaning(s) of each prefix and new vocabulary word.
    2. Use the definition, part of speech and "master" Latin root as clues to solve each prefix puzzle.
    3. Type or write your answers INSIDE the boxes. At the bottom of the last prefix puzzle, click " SUBMIT" to get the correct answers and a sentence for each vocabulary word.
    4. Note: You can print a copy of these prefix exercises in three sizes: normal, bigger or biggest font. You can also email answers to teachers, parents and friends.

    Why are these 14 prefixes important? According to Richard E. Hodges of the University of Puget Sound in a booklet titled: "Improving Spelling and Vocabulary in Secondary School" published by the NCTE in 1982; page 30:
    "If you were to examine the 20,000 most used English words, you would find that about 5,000 of them contain prefixes and that 82% (about 4,100) of those words use one of only fourteen different prefixes out of all the available prefixes in the language."
    Vocabulary Word List:
    Prefix COM means " with, together."
    Below is an alphabetical list using the prefix COM in vocabulary words with an indication of a grade level for the prefix "COM."
    Coherence - HS, Committee - 5, Communication - 5, Comparative - 7, Compassion - 6, Compensation - 8, Complication - 7, Compulsion - 8

    Prefix Study COM #1 --

    1)  Body of persons delegated or elected to consider a matter; a self-constituted organization to promote a common goal (noun)
    Root MITT = send

    2)  Sorrow or pity aroused by the suffering or misfortune of another; sympathy (noun)
    Root PASS = suffer, feel, endure

    3)  Information transmitted or exchanged; an interchange of ideas/opinions (noun)
    Root MUN = obliging

    4)  An intricate or involved situation; something that makes a circumstance difficult (noun)
    Root PLIC = fold

    5)  The act or state of sticking together or holding fast as parts of the same mass; logical interconnection (noun)
    Root HER = stick

    6)  An irresistible impulse to do something; the state of occurring by overwhelming pressure (noun)
    Root PULS = drive

    7)  Measured by likeness or difference; relating to the degree of grammatical change to show levels of quality, quantity or relation (adjective)
    Root PAR = equal

    8)  The art or state of making amends for loss or injury; payment to an unemployed or injured worker or his/her dependents; salary (noun)
    Root PENS = weigh, pay, hang

    Click the SUBMIT BUTTON at the bottom of the page for answers

    5) Prefix Study DE #1 --

    Directions: offers 14 PREFIX puzzles with the grade level of each vocabulary word marked to the right of the vocabulary word list beginning with a prefix below. Use eight grade level words for each prefix. features a total of 112 vocabulary words.

    The prefixes and links are:
    AB-ABS - AD - BE - COM - DE - DIS - EN - EX - IN-IM - PRE - PRO - RE - SUB - UN

    1. Study the vocabulary words in the vocabulary word bank to determine the meaning(s) of each prefix.
    2. Use the definition, part of speech and "master" Latin root as clues to solve each puzzle.
    3. Type or write your answers INSIDE the boxes. At the bottom of the last prefix puzzle, click " SUBMIT" to get the correct answers and a sentence for each vocabulary word.
    4. Note: You can print a copy of these prefix exercises in three sizes: normal, bigger or biggest font. You can also send your answers to teachers, parents and friends.

    Why are these 14 prefixes important? According to Richard E. Hodges of the University of Puget Sound in a booklet titled: "Improving Spelling and Vocabulary in Secondary School" published by the NCTE in 1982; page 30:
    "If you were to examine the 20,000 most used English words, you would find that about 5,000 of them contain prefixes and that 82% (about 4,100) of those words use one of only fourteen different prefixes out of all the available prefixes in the language."
    Vocabulary Word List:
    Prefix DE means " away, off, reversal, undoing, downward completely. "
    Below is an alphabetical list using DE vocabulary words with an indication of a grade level for the prefix " DE. "
    Dedication - 7, Deficiency - 8, Delegation - 8, Deliberate - 6, Delusion - 7, Desolate - 7, Destination - 6, Destructive - 8

    Prefix Study DE #1 --

    1)  Marked by or resulting from thorough and careful consideration; showing awareness of something done (adjective)
    Root LIBRA = balance, scales

    2)  An act of appointing or setting aside for a purpose; the place that is the goal of a journey or where something is sent (noun)
    Root STIT = stand

    3)  The act of misleading the mind or judgment of; something that is falsely believed (noun)
    Root LUS = play, laugh, sport, mock

    4)  An act or rite of devoting to a divine being or a sacred rite; a setting aside for a specific purpose; an inscription to a literary work (noun)
    Root DICAT = declare, speak, say

    5)  Lacking inhabitants, visitors and signs of life; deserted; disconsolate from being left alone; showing effects of abandonment and neglect (adjective)
    Root SOLA = alone, lonely

    6)  Designed or tending to demolish or discredit; ruinous; causing a force that wrecks or tears down (adjective)
    Root STRUCT = build, arrange

    7)  A shortage of something needed for completeness; esp: a lack of substances necessary for health (noun)
    Root FIC = do, make

    8)  One or more persons chosen to represent others at a conference, convention or assembly (noun)
    Root LEGA = appoint, send, bring

    Click the SUBMIT BUTTON at the bottom of the page for answers

    6) Prefix Study DIS #1 --

    Directions: offers 14 PREFIX puzzles with the grade level of each vocabulary word marked to the right in the vocabulary word list beginning with a prefix below. Use eight grade level words for each prefix. www.myVocabulary features a total of 112 words.

    The prefixes and links are:
    AB-ABS - AD - BE - COM - DE - DIS - EN - EX - IN-IM - PRE - PRO - RE - SUB - UN

    1. Study the vocabulary words in the vocabulary word bank to determine the meaning(s) of each prefix.
    2. Use the definition, part of speech and "master" Latin root as clues to solve each puzzle.
    3. Type or write your answers INSIDE the boxes. At the bottom of the last prefix puzzle, click " SUBMIT" to get the correct answers and a sentence for each vocabulary word.
    4. Note: You can print a copy of these prefix exercises in three sizes: normal, bigger or biggest font. You can also email answers to teachers, parents and friends.

    Why are these 14 prefixes important? According to Richard E. Hodges of the University of Puget Sound in a booklet titled: "Improving Spelling and Vocabulary in Secondary School" published by the NCTE in 1982; page 30:
    "If you were to examine the 20,000 most used English words, you would find that about 5,000 of them contain prefixes and that 82% (about 4,100) of those words use one of only fourteen different prefixes out of all the available prefixes in the language."
    Vocabulary Word List:
    Prefix DIS means " apart, not. "
    Below is an alphabetical list using the prefix DIS with vocabulary words and an indication of a grade level for "DIS ".
    Discreet - 8, Disgrace - 6, Dismal - 6, Dispel - 8, Disposable - 6, Disrupt - 8, Dissolve - 5, Distortion - 8

    Prefix Study DIS #1 --

    1)  Misrepresentation of true meaning; alteration of the normal, natural, original shape or condition (noun)
    Root TORT = twist

    2)  To break up into parts or pass into solution; to bring to an end; to be overcome emotionally (verb)
    Root SOLV-SOLU = loosen

    3)  Designed for or capable of being thrown away after being used or used up (adjective)
    Root POS = put, place

    4)  To break apart; to throw into disorder; to destroy, usually temporarily, the normal continuance or unity of (verb)
    Root RUPT = break

    5)  The loss of respect; shame; dishonor; the condition of being out of favor (noun)
    Root GRAC-GRAT = pleasing

    6)  To drive off in various directions; to disperse; to dissipate; to cause to vanish (verb)
    Root PELL-PULS = drive, urge

    7)  Showing or causing gloom or depression (adjective)
    Root MAL = bad, ill

    8)  Having or showing good judgment in conduct and esp. in speech; prudent (adjective)
    Root CRET-CERN = separate, observe

    Click the SUBMIT BUTTON at the bottom of the page for answers

    7) Prefix Study EN #1 --

    Directions: offers 14 PREFIX vocabulary prefix puzzles with the grade level of each vocabulary word marked to the right of the vocabulary word list beginning with a prefix below. Use eight grade level words for each prefix. features a total of 112 vocabulary words.

    The prefixes and links are:
    AB-ABS - AD - BE - COM - DE - DIS - EN - EX - IN-IM - PRE - PRO - RE - SUB - UN

    1. Study the vocabulary words in the vocabulary word bank to determine the meaning(s) of each prefix.
    2. Use the definition, part of speech and "master" Latin root as clues to solve each puzzle.
    3. Type or write your answers INSIDE the boxes. At the bottom of the last puzzle with prefixes, click " SUBMIT" to get the correct answers and a sentence for each vocabulary word.
    4. Note: You can print a copy of these prefixes and exercises in three sizes: normal, bigger or biggest font. You can also email answers to teachers, parents and friends.

    Why are these 14 prefixes important? According to Richard E. Hodges of the University of Puget Sound in a booklet titled: "Improving Spelling and Vocabulary in Secondary School" published by the NCTE in 1982; page 30:
    "If you were to examine the 20,000 most used English words, you would find that about 5,000 of them contain prefixes and that 82% (about 4,100) of those words use one of only fourteen different prefixes out of all the available prefixes in the language."
    Vocabulary Word List:
    Prefix EN means " in, into, to cover or contain. "
    Below is an alphabetical list using the prefix EN in vocabulary words with an indication of a grade level for a specific " EN " prefix.
    Enchantment - 5, Enclosure - 6, Endure - 5, Energetic - 8, Engrave - 6, Enthusiastic - 7, Environmental - 7, Envision - 8

    Prefix Study EN #1 --

    1)  The act or state of being influenced by charms; the spell; something attractive (noun)
    Root CANT = sing

    2)  To continue in the same state; to remain firm under suffering or misfortune without yielding; to bear patiently; to put up with (verb)
    Root DUR = hard

    3)  Something that surrounds, especially marking off by or as if by a fence; a confinement (noun)
    Root CLOS = close, shut

    4)  To form, as letters or devices, by cutting into a surface; to impress deeply (verb)
    Root GRAV = heavy

    5)  Surrounding conditions, factors or forces that determine the form and survival of a community (adjective)
    Root VIRON = a circle

    6)  Filled with strong excitement, zeal or fervor; marked by ardent feelings (adverb)
    Root THEOS = god

    7)  Having or showing the capacity to be active and forceful; vigorous (adjective)
    Root EGR = work

    8)  To picture to oneself mentally, especially in some future event or events (verb)
    Root VIS = see

    Click the SUBMIT BUTTON at the bottom of the page for answers