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Prefix Study => UN #1 offers 14 PREFIX puzzles with the grade level of each word marked to the right of the word beginning with a prefix. Use eight grade level words for each prefix, a total of 112 words.
These prefix activities include: ab -ad - be - com - de - dis - en - ex - in - pre - pro - re - sub - un

CCSS Alignment Strand numbers for Prefix Study in Specific Grades:
"Decoding and Word Analysis" and "Most Common Prefixes and Suffixes":
"CCSS.ELA-Literacy." precedes these numbers: RF.1.3e, RF.2.3+d, RF.3.3+a+b+c, RF.4.3+a, RF.5.3+a
(Reading: Foundational)

1. Study the words in the word bank to determine the meaning(s) of each prefix word.
2. Use the definition, part of speech and "master" root as clues to solve each puzzle.
3. Type or write your answers INSIDE the boxes. At the bottom of the last puzzle, click " SUBMIT" to get the correct answers and a sentence for each word.
4. Note: enables printing these prefix exercises in 3 sizes: normal, bigger or biggest font.

Word List: Prefix UN means "not, against, opposite."
Below is an alphabetical list using UN words with an indication of a grade level for "UN" prefix word.
Unattractive - 8, Unconscious - 6, Unfinished - 6, Unidentified - 7, Unnecessary - 6, Unpredictable - 7, Unravel - 5, Unworthy - 8

Interactive Puzzles [1]
Crossword [0]
Fill In the Blanks [1]
Word Search [0]
Definition Match [1]
Concentration Puzzles [0]
Synonyms and Antonyms [0]
Reading Passage [0]
True or False [0]
Synonyms and Antonyms [0]