• The Subject and Calendar-related puzzles are supplementary curriculum resources featuring vocabulary activities and word puzzles. Also included are over 660 additional subject-related word lists.
  • Use the provided Greek and Latin word roots in the over 90 subject word puzzles to decode word meaning and select the correct answer. Email your answers to friends, family and teachers.
  • Common Core alignment to a Themed Puzzles is to 3 key phrases: "Grade Level", "Particular Topic" and "Grade-Relevant Text or Subject Area". CCSS Alignment Strand for Specific Grades:
    CCSS Alignment Strand Numbers for Specific Grades:
    Greek & Latin Roots: "CCSS.ELA-Literacy." precedes these numbers: 2.4b+c, 3.4b+c, 4.4b, 5.b, 6.4b, 7.4b, 8.4b, 9-10.4b, 11-12.4b
    Grade Level: "CCSS.ELA-Literacy." precedes these numbers: 2.4, 3.4, 4.4, 5.4, 6.4, 7.4, 8.4, 9-10.4, 11-12.4
    Particular Topic: "CCSS.ELA-Literacy." precedes these numbers: 4.6. 5.6, 6.6, 7.6, 8.6, 9-10.6, 11-12.6
    Grade & Subject-Relevant Text: "CCSS.ELA-Literacy." precedes these numbers:
    (Reading: Informational Text) RI.2.4, RI.3.4, RI.4.4. RI.5.4, RI.6.4, RI.7.4, RI.8.4, RI.9-10.4, RI.11-12.4
    (Reading: Literature) RL.2.4, RL.3.4, RL.4.4. RL.5.4, RL.6.4, RL.7.4, RL.8.4, RL.9-10.4, RL.11-12.4

  • There are word lists here for EACH Subject and Calendar-related puzzle below.
  • Get a Print Out

    1) Baseball Vocabulary Puzzle #2 --

    Type in 14 answers in the boxes INSIDE the colored images for BASEBALL vocabulary. The Latin root or word part, the definition and part of speech help solve the Baseball vocabulary word puzzle. When you click on the submit button for Baseball vocabulary at the bottom of this page, you will get immediate feedback with correct answers, the use of this Baseball vocabulary in context and percentage score of correct answers.
    Please use the Baseball vocabulary word list of 323 words, and other word lists (more than 420!) The Word Lists refer to sports, basketball, football, fitness, competition and exercise etc. available in the menu bar at

    If you would like a Baseball vocabulary puzzle graphic, go to the image here: - the same image is below.

    In addition to this Baseball word puzzle containing 14 words, also has a Baseball Fill-in-the-Blanks, Word Search, Crossword, Definition Match, True or False and Synonym or Antonym activity.

    You have permission to make a copy of Baseball vocabulary for more Latin roots or word parts study at home or in the classes.
    Vocabulary Word List:
    Baseball vocabulary list:
    acceleration, applaud, comeback, concede, concessionaire, coordination, demolish, dugout, error, failure, home run, mascots, mound, no hitter, overcome, pivot, sacrifice, slugger, stadium, stretch, surrender, trounce, twilight, umpire, velocity

    Baseball Vocabulary Puzzle #2 --

    1)  To put an end to; to destroy; to finish (verb)
    Root MOL = heap, mass

    2)  To beat severely; to thrash; to defeat decisively (verb)
    Root is uncertain

    3)  To get the better of in a struggle or conflict (verb)
    Root KOMA = go (Old Norwegian)

    4)  Lack of success; an act or instance that proves to be unsuccessful (verb)
    Root FAIL = fault (French)

    5)  To acknowledge (an opponent's victory, score, etc.) before it is officially recognized (verb)
    Root CED = go, yield

    6)  To relinquish possession or control to another on demand or under duress (verb)
    Root REND = give up

    Click the SUBMIT BUTTON at the bottom of the page for answers

    2) Baseball Vocabulary Word Puzzle #1 --

    Type in 14 answers INSIDE the colored images for BASEBALL vocabulary. The Latin roots or word parts, the definition and part of speech helps solve the vocabulary word puzzle. When you click on the submit button for Baseball vocabulary puzzle at the bottom of this page, you will get immediate feedback with the correct answers, the use of this Baseball vocabulary word list in context, your percentage score and a comment.
    Please use the Baseball vocabulary list of 323 words, as well as other word lists (more than 420!) in various subjects as well as Word Lists that refer to sports, basketball, football, competition and exercise etc. available in the menu bar at
    In addition to this Interactive Baseball vocabulary Word Puzzle containing a Baseball vocabulary word list, also has a Fill-in-the-Blanks, Word Search, Crossword, Definition Match, True or False and a Synonym or Antonym activity.

    You have permission to make a paper copy of Baseball vocabulary for further study at home or in the classroom.
    Vocabulary Word List:
    BASEBALL vocabulary word list:
    acceleration, applaud, comeback, concede, concessionaire, coordination, demolish, dugout, error, failure, home run, mascots, mound, no hitter, overcome, pivot, sacrifice, slugger, stadium, stretch, surrender, trounce, twilight, umpire, velocity

    Baseball Vocabulary Word Puzzle #1 --

    1)  Harmonious combination, interaction or working together, as a function or parts (noun)
    Root ORDIN = order, command, arrange

    2)  A judge selected to rule on the plays, settle disputes and arbitrate in a game (noun)
    Root PAIR (French) - peer, equal

    3)  Speed; rapidity of action, motion or operation; swiftness (noun)
    Root VELOX = swift

    4)  Owner, operator or holder of a space within certain premises for a subsidiary business or service (noun)
    Root CESS = yield

    5)  A sports arena, usually oval or horseshoe-shaped, with tiers of seats for spectators (noun)
    Root STADION = an ancient Greece unit of length of varying value

    6)  To clap hands together in an expression of approval or appreciation (verb)
    Root PLAUD = to clap

    7)  To extend to the limits; to draw tight or taut; to spread out fully (verb)
    Root STRECCHAN ((German) = extend

    8)  Increase of speed; act of causing faster progression or advancement (noun)
    Root CELER = swift

    Click the SUBMIT BUTTON at the bottom of the page for answers