To solve the Latin root DICT word puzzle put your answers INSIDE the vocabulary boxes. The Latin root DICT means speak, declare. Send your answers by clicking submit at the bottom of the page. You will get back the correct answers, the use of the vocabulary word using the Latin root DICT in a sentence and the percentage score of correct answers.
Vocabulary Word List:
In this list of 16 vocabulary words using the Latin root DICT, find the 12 words that are the correct answers for the interactive puzzles: abdicate, addicted, contradiction, dedicate, dedication, dictatorial, dictatorship, dictionary, edict, indicate, indictment, jurisdiction, predicament, predicate, prediction, verdict
The additional word list below, using the Latin root DICT, can be used for studying SAT and ACT test prep vocabulary words: addiction, adjudicate, benediction, condition, contradict, dictation, dictatorial, diction, dictum, ditto, indication, indices, indicative, indictable, interdict, judicial, judicious, malediction, predicament, predict, prejudicial, valedictorian, valediction, vindicate, vindication, vindictive