• The Interactive Lesson Plan puzzle is 1 of 8 vocabulary activities and word puzzles.
  • Use the Greek and Latin word root word list to select the correct answer.
    Email your answers to friends, family and teachers.
  • The AUDIO word story is available in all Root Words Lesson Plans #1 through #6.
  • Common Core alignment to a Interactive Puzzle is to 4 key phrases:
    "Grade Level", "Greek and Latin Roots", "Precise Meaning" and "Context".
    CCSS Alignment Strand numbers for Specific Grades:
    Grade Level: "CCSS.ELA-Literacy." precedes these numbers: 2.4, 3.4, 4.4, 5.4, 6.4, 7.4, 8.4, 9-10.4, 11-12.4
    Greek & Latin Roots: "CCSS.ELA-Literacy." precedes these numbers: 2.4b+c, 3.4b+c, 4.4b, 5.b, 6.4b, 7.4b, 8.4b, 9-10.4b, 11-12.4b
    Precise Meaning: "CCSS.ELA-Literacy." precedes these numbers: 2.4e, 3.4d, 4.4c, 5.4c, 6.4c, 7.4c, 8.4c, 9-10.4c, 11-12.4c
    Context: "CCSS.ELA-Literacy." precedes these numbers: 2.4a, 3.4a, 4.4a, 5.4a, 6.4a, 7.4a, 8.4a, 9-10.4a, 11-12.4a
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    1) Word Roots 8: Beginner-roots SENT, GRAT, PON, all 12 words --

    This lesson plan features the Latin roots SENT-SENS = feel, perceive, think; GRAT-GRAC-GREE = thankful, pleasing; PON-POS = place, put
    To solve the puzzle, use the definition clues given in the word boxes to determine the key words. Put your answers INSIDE the 12 word boxes. Click " SUBMIT" to get all the correct answers, the use of each word in a sentence, a comment and your score.
    Study the vocabulary word story-reading passage below the puzzle to see the words in context. Having trouble with unfamiliar words? Click the submit button for answers. Redo the puzzle as often as needed.
    Vocabulary Word List:
    Latin roots SENT-SENS = feel, be aware, think; GRAT-GRAC-GREE = thankful, pleasing; PON-POS = place, put.
    Beginner words: agreement, composition, congratulate, consent, grateful, gratitude, insensitive, nonsense, opponent, postpone, sensation, suppose
    Intermediate words: compost, congratulatory, disagreeable, disgraceful, exposure, gratify, postal, resentment, sensor, sentimental, sentinel, supposition
    Advanced words: assent, consensus, dissension, exposition, extrasensory, gratification, gratis, gratuitous, impound, ingratiate, proponent, repose

    Word Roots 8: Beginner-roots SENT, GRAT, PON, all 12 words --

    1)  To agree to an expressed wish or proposed action; to permit or approve (verb)

    2)  Not readily or excessively affected by external influences; unheeding; not having feelings through the senses (adjective)

    3)  Cause of a feeling or interest; perception or awareness of stimuli through the senses (noun)

    4)  Something without meaning or substance; words conveying absurd ideas (noun)

    5)  The act of coming to a mutual arrangement; the state of being in accord (noun)

    6)  Feeling or expressing appreciation or thankfulness; obliged (adjective)

    7)  Quality or feeling of being thankful, warmly appreciative of kindness or of benefits received (noun)

    8)  To express one's pleasure and joy to another person at that person's success (verb)

    9)  To put off to a later time; to delay; to defer; to place after or subordinate (verb)

    10)  To consider (something) as a possibility or plan; to assume for the sake of an argument (verb)

    11)  An adversary; a person who is against you in a game or controversy (noun)

    12)  The arrangement of elements or parts; a short essay written as a school exercise (noun)

    Click the SUBMIT BUTTON at the bottom of the page for answers

    2) Word Roots 8: Intermediate-roots SENT, GRAT, PON, all 12 words --

    This lesson plan features the Latin roots SENT-SENS = feel, perceive, think; GRAT-GRAC-GREE = thankful, pleasing; PON-POS = place, put
    To solve the puzzle, use the definition clues given in the word boxes to determine the key words. Put your answers INSIDE the 12 word boxes. Click " SUBMIT" to get all the correct answers, the use of each word in a sentence, a comment and your score.
    Study the vocabulary word story-reading passage below the puzzle to see the words in context. Having trouble with unfamiliar words? Click the submit button for answers. Redo the puzzle as often as needed.
    Vocabulary Word List:
    Latin roots SENT-SENS = feel, be aware, think; GRAT-GRAC-GREE = thankful, pleasing; PON-POS = place, put.
  • Beginner: agreement, composition, congratulate, consent, grateful, gratitude, insensitive, nonsense, opponent, postpone, sensation, suppose
  • Intermediate: compost, congratulatory, disagreeable, disgraceful, exposure, gratify, postal, resentment, sensor, sentimental, sentinel, supposition
  • Advanced: assent, consensus, dissension, exposition, extrasensory, gratification, gratis, gratuitous, impound, ingratiate, proponent, repose
  • Word Roots 8: Intermediate-roots SENT, GRAT, PON, all 12 words --

    1)  A heat or light sensitive mechanical device that transmits a signal (noun)

    2)  A feeling of displeasure, ill-will at someone/something regarded as the cause of injury or insult (noun)

    3)  Expressive of, showing or having tenderness, emotion, delicate feeling, etc. (adjective)

    4)  A person or thing that stands watch to perceive danger and warn others; a sentry (noun)

    5)  Bringing or deserving strong disfavor by others; shameful; losing respect, honor or esteem (adjective)

    6)  To give pleasure to (a person or persons) by satisfying desires or humoring feelings (verb)

    7)  Contrary to one's taste or liking; offensive; unpleasant in manner or nature; grouchy; surly (adjective)

    8)  Expressing pleasure to a person(s) on a happy occasion, praiseworthy accomplishment or good fortune (adjective)

    9)  A mixture of decaying organic matter, such as leaves, used for fertilizing soil (noun)

    10)  Of or pertaining to the mail service or mail offices (adjective)

    11)  State of being laid open to danger, attack or harm; act or instance of revealing or unmasking (noun)

    12)  Something that is assumed as true; assumption; hypothesis (noun)

    Additional Information:

    Vocabulary Word Story-Reading Passage:
    No one questioned the DISGRACEFUL conduct of the terrorists. The Office of Homeland Security wanted to have SENTINELs at every post office and POSTAL drop box. SENSORs to detect potential EXPOSURE to DISAGREEABLE items were also planned. Even a COMPOST pile accumulated by SENTIMENTAL environmentalists might be investigated! Its SUPPOSITION was that their department would receive CONGRATULATORY messages for the safeguards. There would be little RESENTMENT if the agency could GRATIFY the wishes of citizens.

    Click the SUBMIT BUTTON at the bottom of the page for answers

    3) Word Roots 8: Advanced-roots SENT, GRAT, PON, all 12 words --

    This lesson plan features the Latin roots SENT-SENS = feel, perceive, think; GRAT-GRAC-GREE = thankful, pleasing; PON-POS = place, put
    To solve the puzzle, use the definition clues given in the word boxes to determine the key words. Put your answers INSIDE the 12 word boxes. Click " SUBMIT" to get all the correct answers, the use of each word in a sentence, a comment and your score.
    Study the vocabulary word story-reading passage below the puzzle to see the words in context. Having trouble with unfamiliar words? Click the submit button for answers. Redo the puzzle as often as needed.
    Vocabulary Word List:
    Latin roots SENT-SENS = feel, be aware, think; GRAT-GRAC-GREE = thankful, pleasing; PON-POS = place, put.
  • Beginner: agreement, composition, congratulate, consent, grateful, gratitude, insensitive, nonsense, opponent, postpone, sensation, suppose
  • Intermediate: compost, congratulatory, disagreeable, disgraceful, exposure, gratify, postal, resentment, sensor, sentimental, sentinel, supposition
  • Advanced: assent, consensus, dissension, exposition, extrasensory, gratification, gratis, gratuitous, impound, ingratiate, proponent, repose
  • Word Roots 8: Advanced-roots SENT, GRAT, PON, all 12 words --

    1)  Agreement, as to a proposal; concurrence; acquiescence (noun)

    2)  Outside or beyond one's normal sense perception (for hearing, sight, taste, touch or smell) (adjective)

    3)  Strong disagreement; a quarrel, contention or dispute; discord (noun)

    4)  General agreement or concord; collective judgment, opinion or belief; harmony (noun)

    5)  Given, received, obtained or done without charge or obligation; free; voluntary (adjective)

    6)  Without charge or payment; free (adverb)

    7)  To establish (oneself) in the favor or good graces of others, esp. by deliberate effort (verb)

    8)  Something that gives pleasure to a person by satisfying desires; source of pleasure or satisfaction (noun)

    9)  To confine; to seize and retain in the custody of the law (verb)

    10)  To place (confidence, trust, etc.) in a person or thing (verb)

    11)  An advocate for, or adherent to a cause or doctrine; a person who puts forward a proposal (noun)

    12)  A large-scale public exhibition, display or show; act of presenting to view (noun)

    Additional Information:

    Vocabulary Word Story-Reading Passage:
    The director hoped to INGRATIATE herself further with PROPONENTs of her plan. She needed their ASSENT to allow the EXPOSITION. She wanted them to REPOSE confidence with overwhelming CONSENSUS. She worried about DISSENSION from vocal opponents of cultural events. She made a GRATUITOUS attempt to convince them. She was so eager to get approval that she consulted a person with EXTRASENSORY abilities to assure GRATIFICATION of her dream. In fact, their services were offered to her GRATIS, assuring the director that no one could IMPOUND the valuable tapestries for the show.

    Click the SUBMIT BUTTON at the bottom of the page for answers

    4) Word Roots 8: SENT, GRAT, PON Beginner Puzzle 1 -

    In the first vocabulary word puzzle use the Latin word root SENT-SENS = feel, be aware, think
    In the second vocabulary word puzzle use the Latin word root GRAT-GRAC-GREE = thankful, pleasing
    In the third vocabulary word puzzle use the Latin word root PON-POS = place, put.
    Move down to the bottom of the third word puzzle and click "SUBMIT" button to get correct answers, the use of each vocabulary word in a sentence and your score.
    Study the vocabulary root word list to solve the root word puzzle. Having trouble with unfamiliar words? Click the submit button for answers. Then, redo the puzzle.
    Vocabulary Word List:
    Latin roots SENT-SENS = feel, be aware, think; GRAT-GRAC-GREE = thankful, pleasing; PON-POS = place, put.
    Beginner words: agreement, composition, congratulate, consent, grateful, gratitude, insensitive, nonsense, opponent, postpone, sensation, suppose
    Intermediate words: compost, congratulatory, disagreeable, disgraceful, exposure, gratify, postal, resentment, sensor, sentimental, sentinel, supposition
    Advanced words: assent, consensus, dissension, exposition, extrasensory, gratification, gratis, gratuitous, impound, ingratiate, proponent, repose

    Word Roots 8: SENT, GRAT, PON Beginner Puzzle 1 -

    1)  Strong disagreement; a quarrel, contention or dispute; discord (noun)

    2)  Agreement, as to a proposal; concurrence; acquiescence (noun)

    3)  Outside or beyond one's normal sense perception (for hearing, sight, taste, touch or smell) (adjective)

    4)  General agreement or concord; collective judgment, opinion or belief; harmony (noun)

    Additional Information:

    Vocabulary Word Story-Reading Passage:
    In the COMPOSITION of his speech, Andrew expressed GRATITUDE to his OPPONENT because neither candidate wanted to POSTPONE the event. Andrew was GRATEFUL both parties were in AGREEMENT. The INSENSITIVE reporter, without their CONSENT, SUPPOSED neither of them would CONGRATULATE the other in victory. What NONSENSE! Both men caused a SENSATION among voters because the race ended in a tie!

    Click the SUBMIT BUTTON at the bottom of the page for answers